

active voice, 30–31

Adobe InDesign, 128

alignment, 95–102

align the text in the bullet points, 123

centered is an alignment, 104

combine the strong edges, 106

vertical text alignment in text box, 119

animation, 55–64

animated clip art, 52

boat action, 62

calls attention to itself, creates a focal point, 56–57, 64

headlines change, add animation, 87

charts can benefit, 63

examples of, 58–59, 133

two important points, 64

what “never use animation” means, 133

Arial font

alternatives to Arial, 48, 89, 92

if you really want to use it, 140

tends to be boring, 36

aspect ratio, how to maintain it, 124

Autofit feature in PowerPoint, 118



can be difficult to read, 49, 80

how to fix, 81

can use more than one, 134

complex info, simple background, 51

relevant backgrounds, or not, 27, 48–51, 86

work with the background, 27, 101

Berkowitz, Boris, 104

blackboards, electronic, 5


as an alternative to a presentation, 5

comparison with slideshow, 66


your handouts, 139

your slides, 47

bullet points

align text with text, not the bullet, 123

how many bullet points to use? 136

how many words per bullet point? 137

spread the bullet points out onto more slides, 38–40, 78


consider eliminating the bullet dots, 28, 39, 78, 108

if only one bullet, delete the dot, 101


capital letters, more difficult to read, 70

Carter, Ross, 22, 51, 97

chalkboard, 4

charts, maps, graphs

pie charts, 139

use a handout, 127

clarity, 25–45

active vs. passive voice, 30–31

avoid ’ings, 32

avoid lengthy, complete sentences, 28

edit the text, 26–27, 33

sometimes you need more words, 35

how many slides to use? 36–44

clip art

examples of overuse, 52–53

get rid of it, 43

collaborating online

Google Presently, 15

Webspiration, 21

concept maps, 21

consistency. See repetition

contrast, 77–84

as a repetitive element, 87

organize with contrast, 82

with color, 80–81

with typefaces, 78–79

credibility of a speaker, 1


data/words vs. images/emotion, 67

Dorfer, John, 56–57


electronic whiteboards, blackboards, 5

Eliot, T .S., 35

emotional impact vs. words/data, 67

ending a presentation, 72–73

eye movement, listen to it, 46, 107


film, comparison with slideshow, 65, 66, 70

flip chart, 4


alternatives to Arial/Helvetica/Times, 48, 89, 92, 108

contrast with fonts, 78

serif fonts, to use or not? 132

sources for, 154, 48, 89, 48, 154


gerunds, 32

gestalt, 109

Gettysburg Address, 4

gewgaws, get rid of them, 46, 135

Google Presently, 12, 15

graphics, every slide must have one? 135

Ground Water, 2


handouts, 125–128

alternative to a digital presentation, 5

example of branding on, 139

key points are on paper, 88

permanent record of your talk, 127

too many slides for a handout? 44, 127

value added is huge, 126–127

Helvetica font

alternatives to Helvetica, 48, 89, 92

if you really want to use it, 140

tends to be boring, 36


idea clouds, idea webs, 21


emotional impact vs. words/data, 67

every slide must have one? 135

images with no words, 31

make sure they’re relevant, 54

power of images, 70

resize in correct proportion, 124

sources for, 154

’ings , 32, 6, 21

Isakson, Paul, 109–113, 134–135, 137, 48, 54

examples of images from, 48, 88–90, 91


Kawasaki, Guy, 69


brief overview of, 12–13

how to

adjust the space between lines, 120

adjust the space between paragraphs, 121

adjust the space from bullet to text, 122

align the text in a bullet point, 123

change the vertical alignment, 119

hang the bullet, 123

resize an image, 124

tilt an image, 124

Light Table view

for checking consistency, 94

for organizing, 22

Magic Move transition, 62

outline feature, 20

template examples, 40, 56–57, 58–59, 61, 71, 93, 58


a lecture is not a presentation, 4

Lehr, J.H., 2

“Let there be stoning,” 2

lights on, lights off? 138

line spacing

how to adjust it, 120

never hit the Enter or Return key twice, 121

Linux, presentation software for, 12, 16

listen to your eyes, 80, 107

an exercise in seeing, 110, Chapter 15

logos on every slide—don’t, 47, 94

lowercase letters, easier to read, 70


maps or charts, use a handout, 127

McDonald, Nikki Echler, ii

mind maps, 21

Miniature Book Society, 71, 154, 89, 154


OmniOutliner, for outlining, 20, 20

online collaboration

Google Presently, for presentations, 15

Webspiration for outlining, 21

online slide sharing, 128

OpenOffice Impress, 12, 16


organize the info on your slides, 82, 101

proximity helps clean and organize, 107

organize the white space, 105–106

organize your presentation, 17–22

outline software, outline features, 20


pacing of a presentation, 70–71

paragraph spacing, adjust it, 121

never hit Enter or Return key twice, 121

passive voice, 30–31

gerunds (’ings), 32, 110


emotional impact vs. words/data, 67

make sure they’re relevant, 54

photos with no words, 31

power of images, 70

resize in correct proportion, 124

sources for, 154

pie charts, 139

plot, 65–73

humans in the tale, 68

impact of emotional images, 67

make a beginning, 66

make an end, 72

pacing, how to vary it, 70

relevant stories, 69

where are we going? 67

Post-It Notes

as repetitive design elements, 91

for organizing your presentation, 19

post presentations online, 128


default slide theme, 77, 79

how to

adjust space between lines, 120

adjust space between paragraphs, 121

adjust space from bullet to text, 122

align text in the bullet point, 123

change the vertical alignment, 119

hang the bullet, 123

resize an image proportionately, 124

tilt an image, 124

turn off Autofit, 118

Microsoft software, 12, 14

never use it? 138

outline feature in, 18, 20

Slide Sorter view

for checking repetitive elements, 94

for organizing, 22

template examples, 50, 79, post slides online, 128


alternatives to digital presentations, 4–7

bad ones, list of features, 10

beginning of your talk, 66–67, 88

examples of

humours , 94

Paul Isakson, 110–113

print impacted technology, 8–9

good presentations, list of features, 11

how many slides to use? 36–41, 42, 88–89, 137

is it all about you? 69

lights on, lights off? 138

contrast fades with lights on, 80

pacing, 70–71

post presentations online, 128

questions at the end, 73

software options, 12–16

speaking, your manner is important, 68

when is it over? 72–73

worst (one of the worst), 74

presenter notes. See speaker notes

principles of conceptual design

overview, 24

summary and review, 129–140

principles of visual design

overview, 76

summary, 109

Prodigy, 69

proximity, 103–108

cleans and organizes, 107

creates relationships, 104

empty space needs to be organized, 105

white space is cleaned up with, 105–106

Pumpkin, 57

put it in words, 11, 110, 142


questions at the end of your presentation, 73

quotations, 35


reading your slides

how to avoid it, 29

I always read my slides aloud, 130

sometimes it’s necessary, 35

what the real problem is, 130–131

relevance, 45–54

backgrounds, relevant or not? 48–51

eliminate unnecessary graphics, 46

logo on every slide, 47

photos and images, 54

relevant stories, 69

repetition, 85–94

break out of it, 93

consistent look throughout the slides, 86–87

design elements specifically for repetition, 92–93

repeat the image, but differently, 90

unity with variety, 91, 94

Robson, Lynn, 48, 86–87

Rohr, David, 127, 132–133

Rosetta, 57

Rules of Life, 80, 93



design is all about seeing, 80, 101, 141–153

put it into words, 11, 110, 142

serif fonts, 132


death quotes from, 91

humours , 60, 94

Macbeth example, 58–59

my presentations about, 6–7

soliloquies in, 68

“Why Read” example, 40, 61

Sidney, Mary, 42


are a reflection of you, 100

first slides are to introduce, 66

how many in a presentation? 36–43

how many words on a slide? 137

lots on one slide? 43–44, 51

use alignment to organize, 96–97

text on slides, how to

adjust space between lines, 120

adjust space between paragraphs, 121

adjust space from bullet to text, 122

change the vertical alignment, 119

hang the bullets, 123

stop changing size automatically, 118

use more slides! 36, 137, post slides online, 128

Smith, Tim, 114

spacing in text

adjust space between lines, 120

adjust space between paragraphs, 121

adjust space from bullet to text, 122

speaker notes

Google Presently, write or read, 15

in software, window for entering, 18, 20

post online with presentation, 128

speech is not a presentation, 4

sticky notes

as repetitive images, 91

for organizing your presentation, 19

“Stop Fitting Text to This Placeholder,” 118

story, 65–73


target audience

customize the presentation to the audience, 25, 45

Taylor, Laura Egley, 124

text on a slide

adjust space between lines, 120

adjust space between paragraphs, 121

adjust space from bullet to text, 122

adjust the vertical alignment, 119

hang the bullets, 123

problems with

text changes size automatically, 118

won’t align properly, 119

Thomas, Jim, 41, 56–57

Thornton, Elizabeth, 104

Times, Times New Roman See also Arial font, Helvetica font

alternatives for, 140

Tollett, John, ii 116

transitions, 55–64

overview of, 55

act as visual cues to the audience, 60

dissolve transition for repetitive images, 90

ending the presentation with, 72–73

examples of, 58–59

guide your audience through the topic, 61

Magic Move transition, 62

two important points, 64

trapped white space, 106, 107


vertical alignment of text, 119

video clips, 54

visual outlining, 21


web addresses on slides, 28

can’t read them in the audience; put on handout, 125

Webspiration, 21

when in doubt, don’t, 80

whiteboard, 4–5

white space, free or trapped, 105–106

trapped inside a box, 107

WikiMedia Commons

source of free images, 154

examples of images from, 42, 100


Dorfer, John, 56–57

Ryan, 56–57

Scarlett, 56–57

Shannon, 26

Thomas, Jim, 41, 56–57

words, a great way to learn, 11, 110, 142


YouTube, 54

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