
I am so thankful for the following people who played a crucial role in creating the Peace Index. Without them, there wouldn't be an Index that helps so many people worldwide. I want to show appreciation to:

  • Frog Orr‐Ewing. I first heard the concept of Peace through Purpose, People, and Place at Latimer Minster when living in London. His sermon inspired conversations and the creation of a tool designed to help people understand their levels of Peace. Frog (yes, that is his name) is a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow of Mission in the Department of Theology at the University of Winchester. He is full of energy and life, and I am thankful for his influence.
  • Steve Cockram. Steve and I began building visual tools together in the summer of 2013 as our families decided to move into a manor house on the outskirts of London. We launched GiANT Worldwide that year with the vision of training liberators to unlock people around the world. That vision is happening. Our work is in over 114 countries at current count, and I am grateful for our work together.
  • Dr. Joe Hill. Steve Cockram and I had been expanding the original Peace Index (Purpose, People, Place) to include Physical Health. Still, Joe pushed us to codify the tool to be more rounded by focusing on Personal Health and adding Provision. Thank you, Joe, for your input and challenge.
  • GiANT Worldwide. We currently have over 800 guides (coaches and consultants) who use the Peace Index regularly to unlock people and help them be more fruitful and free. Special thanks to all the guides for fighting for the highest possible good of the clients you serve. (If you want to learn how to be certified to do that, head on to

There is a plethora (my ode to Three Amigos there) of people who have contributed to this book by supporting me. I want to thank specifically:

  • My wife, Kelly. She allowed me to focus intensely for 30 days while she was building our event center/wedding venue at our family Farmstead.
  • My People. Special thanks to my kids (Addison, Will, and Kate) for being fabulous 20‐somethings. You make my world so peaceful because you are living in Peace. The same goes for my parents, Mike and Kianna. Thank you for working with Kelly doing manual labor while I was typing away!
  • Bronson Taylor. Thank you for running GiANT flawlessly, which allows me to create and be a passionate Connector for the movement.
  • Kevin DeShazo. Thanks for running so hard with me on our college athletics work ( So excited for OU athletics and the many other schools.
  • Tracy Rader. Thank you for working with me on several fronts, from speaking management to an excellent Summit Pack partner to a qualified GiANT HQ member. And friend!
  • Kary Oberbrunner. Thank you for being my pace car and pushing me to step into my identity quickly. Kary is amazing.
  • Andrea Ediger. Thanks for managing my schedule and fighting hard to help me carve out my writing time and order my world.
  • Andrew Robinson and Landon Lynch. Thanks for being amazing friends and for pushing me with your edits and inputs in record time. I am so proud of you both and your influence in this world.
  • GiANT Partners. Thanks for partnering with me and for giving feedback and for allowing me to call all of you up to higher levels.
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