
2 Brains: Tell It and Sell It technique, 4748

2×2 matrix of value, 8788, 153

3 Cs, 196197

3 Vs

validation, 9495

assessing, 322

marketplace feedback, 97

MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 97104

persevere or pivot decision, 104108

stakeholder feedback, 9596


ability to innovate, 7883

assessing, 321

current value, 6873

defined, 5657

delivering, 5760

delivery metrics, 6065

EBMgt (Evidence-Based Management), 6568

invisible value, 8789

money toward value, tracking, 8586

negative value, 86

neutrality of, 89

owner metrics, 6065

perversion of metrics, 8991

time to market, 7378

value hypothesis, 94

value proposition, 57

visible value, 87


assessing, 321

boilerplate statements, 40

business modeling, 3540

effectiveness of, 34

emotional, 4649

examples of, 34

focused, 4146

pervasive, 49

practical, 4649

Scrum and, 50

technical strategy for, 5153

20/20 Vision, 213


A3 Reports (Toyota), 308

ability to innovate, 78

defects, 8384

innovation rate, 8083

installed version index, 7879

usage index, 7980

ABS (anti-lock braking systems), 101

absorption costs, 79

acceptance criteria

examples of, 205207

SAFE mnemonic, 208

SMART mnemonic, 207208

writing, 207

accidental complexity, 126

accountability, 9596

accounting value, 57

act-sense-respond approach, 123


Build-Measure-Learn principle and, 105

importance of, 141

validation and, 14

Agile Manifesto for Software Development, 186187

Agile product management. See also Product Owners

layers of planning in, 79

Product Management Vacuum

defined, 89

filling, 1015

risks of, 910

product managers, 27

product mindset, 47


defining, 2230

examples of, 25

viability of, 2526

project mindset, 47

Scrum and, 1518

Agile Testing Quadrants, 244, 309

post-product, 312

pre-product, 311

Quadrant 1, 310

Quadrant 2, 310311

Quadrant 3, 312

Quadrant 4, 312

agronomic product case study, 313

alignment (kickoff), 303

discontinued products, 53

product examples, 25

releases, 262

vision statement, 34

analysis paralysis, 124

anti-lock braking systems (ABS), 101

Appelo, Jurgen, 70

Apple products, 53

approval of budgets, 298

Arnuphaptrairog, Tharwon, 128

artifacts, 154155

“Done”, 159161

defined, 15, 89, 159160, 215220

example definitions, 220223

Product Owners and, 160161, 223224

Increments, 158159

Product Backlog, 155157. See also “Done”

acceptance criteria, 205208

epics, 202205

impact mapping, 236239

items in, 193194

lean management, 230231

nonfunctional requirements, 199202

ordering, 209212

“Ready” mindset, 224229

refinement of, 180184

requirements, 192193, 199202

risk, 214

Scrum Guide on, 193

size, 214215

Specification by Example, 241248

spikes, 208209

story mapping, 232236

user stories, 195199

value, 213214

release burn-down charts, 162163

release burn-up charts, 163

Sprint Backlogs, 125, 157158

Sprint burn-down charts, 161162

Auftragstaktik (Gunther), 12

authorization, 320

automated functional tests, 247

autonomy, 70

Ayivor, Israelmore, 55


backbone (story maps), 233

backlogs. See also “Done”

Product Backlog, 155157. See also “Done”

acceptance criteria, 205208

epics, 202205

impact mapping, 236239

items in, 193194

lean management, 230231

nonfunctional requirements, 199202

ordering, 209212

“Ready” mindset, 224229

refinement of, 180184

requirements, 192193, 199202

risk, 214

Scrum Guide on, 193

size, 214215

Specification by Example, 241248

spikes, 208209

story mapping, 232236

user stories, 195199

value, 213214

Sprint Backlogs, 125, 157158

Balancing Agility and Discipline (Boehm and Turner), 320

basic features (Kano model), 99

Beck, Kent, 310

best practices, 119

Bitcoin payment options, 103

Boehm, Barry, 289, 320

boilerplate vision statements, 40

boundaries, 302

Brooks, Frederick, 78, 277

Brooks’s Law, 78

budgets, 4

bugs, 297

Build-Measure-Learn principle, 105

burn-down charts

release burn-down charts, 162163

Sprint burn-down charts, 161162

burn-up charts (release), 163

business analyst group products, 25

Business Model Canvas, 3540

business modeling

Business Model Canvas, 3540

Lean Canvas, 38

purpose of, 35

Value Proposition Canvas, 38

business representatives, 20

business strategy, 8

Business Value Game, 213

Buy-a-Feature, 213


call center products, 25


Business Model Canvas, 3540

Lean Canvas, 38

Value Proposition Canvas, 38

cards, 196

Carnegie, Andrew, 196

Carroll, Lewis, 127128

categorization models, 118119

certainty quiz, 115116

Chambers, John, 95

Channels section (Business Model Canvas), 37

chaos domain (Cynefin), 123

Chaos Standish report, 80


release burn-down charts, 162163

release burn-up charts, 163

Sprint burn-down charts, 161162

cobra effect, 90

Cohn, Mike, 196, 199

collaboration, 320

commitment, 320

committed resources, 302

company vision, 8

complex domain (Cynefin), 121122

complexity, 116118

accidental, 126

Cynefin framework, 116118

categorization versus sense-making models, 118119

chaos domain, 123

complex domain, 121122

complicated domain, 120121

obvious domain, 119

ordered domains, 123

structure of, 118119

unordered domains, 124125

essential, 126

compliance, 302308

complicated domain (Cynefin), 120121

cone of uncertainty, 287289

confirmation, 196


enabling, 121

governing, 121

tight, 121


kickoff, 302

switching, 76

continuous delivery, 263265

conversation, 196

Conway’s Law, 23

core team, 303

Cost Structure section (Business Model Canvas), 38

costs. See also value

absorption costs, 79

in Business Model Canvas, 38

cost-per-Sprint metric, 69

of delay, 59

money toward value, tracking, 8586

producer benefit, 57

product cost ratio, 69

sunk costs, 97

course, correcting, 9596

CRACK, 320321

craftsmanship, 186187

Crosby, Philip B.304

Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 45

crowdfunding, 102103

Cucumber, 207

current value, 68

customer satisfaction, 7173

employee satisfaction, 7071

product cost ratio, 69

revenue per employee, 68

current-reality story maps, 236

Customer Relationships section (Business Model Canvas), 37

customer satisfaction, 7173

Customer Segments section (Business Model Canvas), 37

customers, vision and, 12

cycle time, 75

Cynefin framework, 116118

categorization versus sense-making models, 118119

chaos domain, 123

complex domain, 121122

complicated domain, 120121

obvious domain, 119

ordered domains, 123

structure of, 118119

unordered domains, 124125


DAD (Disciplined Agile Delivery), 283

daily plans, 7

Daily Scrum

Product Owners and, 175

Scrum Guide on, 173174

debt, technical, 8081, 88, 297

DEEP mnemonic, 199


as area of waste, 231

metrics for, 8384


cost of, 59

waterfall approach and, 5860

delivering value, 5760

delivery metrics, 6065

DeMarco, Tom, 296

“Demonstrate that . . .” format (acceptance criteria), 207

Denning, Stephen, 57

detailed stories, 199

detractors, 72


Agile Manifesto for Software Development, 186187

incremental, 184186

iterative, 184186

Development Teams. See also release management; Scrum Teams

core team, 303

multiple teams, managing, 275277

Nexus framework, 283285

one product, one development team, 279

one product, several development teams, 283

scaling, 278

several products, one development team, 280281

several products, several development teams, 281283

Product Owners and, 146148

products and, 148149

Scrum Guide on, 145146

Dieselgate, 86

dimension, software risk frequency by, 129130

Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD), 283

discontinuing products, 53

to-do lists, 193

domain experts, 144145

domains (Cynefin)

chaos, 123

complex, 121122

complicated, 120121

obvious, 119

ordered, 123

structure of, 118119

unordered, 124125

Domino’s Pizza, 63

“Done.” See also “Ready” mindset

defined, 15, 89, 159160, 215220

example definitions, 220223

Product Owners and, 160161, 223224

dot-com company releases, 262

Drive (Pink), 70, 171

Drucker, Peter, 71


EBMgt (Evidence-Based Management), 6568. See also KVMs (Key Value Measures)

Edison, Thomas, 141

efficiency, value and, 62

Eisenhower, Dwight D.94

Elevator Pitch template, 4546

Elop, Stephen, 3

emergency projects, 276

emergent stories, 199

emerging practices, 121

emotional vision statements, 4649


complexity, 116118

accidental complexity, 126

essential complexity, 126

Cynefin framework, 116118

categorization versus sense-making models, 118119

chaos domain, 123

complex domain, 121122

complicated domain, 120121

obvious domain, 119

ordered domains, 123

structure of, 118119

unordered domains, 124125

risk management, 126132

risk matrix, 132

software risk frequency by dimension, 129130

software risk item by frequency, 130132

thermostat metaphor, 111115

uncertainty, measuring, 115116


employee satisfaction, 7071

revenue per employee, 68

enabling constraints, 121

engaging stakeholders, 9596

entrepreneurs, 20

epics, 202205

essential complexity, 126

estimable stories, 198

estimated stories, 199

estimation, velocity and, 269275

European Union, milk subsidies in, 8990

evaluation of budgets, 298

Eveleens, Johan Laurenz, 305

events, 164

Daily Scrum

Product Owners and, 175

Scrum Guide on, 173174

Product Backlog Refinement, 180184

Sprint Planning, 7, 167173

Product Owners and, 170171

Scrum Guide on, 167169

Sprint Backlog, 125

Sprint Goals, 171173

vision in, 50

Sprint Retrospectives

Product Owners and, 180

Scrum Guide on, 179

Sprint Reviews

Product Owners and, 177178

Scrum Guide on, 176

stakeholder feedback in, 9596

validation and, 1415

vision in, 50

Sprints, 164167

Evidence-Based Management (EBMgt), 6568. See also KVMs (Key Value Measures)

excitement features (Kano model), 100

execution, craftsmanship over, 187

exploring story maps, 234

Extreme Programming Explored (Wake), 198


Facebook products, 25

“feature” owners, product managers as, 27

features, 297

feedback. See also MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

feedback loops, 15

marketplace feedback, 97

stakeholder feedback, 9596

story map feedback, 234

FEED-ME mnemonic, 300301

filling Product Management Vacuum, 1015

with validation, 1415

with value, 1314

with vision, 1113

focus, 41

Elevator Pitch template, 4546

loss of, 28

Product Box game, 4145


across multiple products, 291

basics of, 285286

cone of uncertainty, 287289

example of, 289290

Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing phases, 117


release, 7374

software risk item by, 130132

FTE (Full-Time-Equivalent), 78

functional releases, 262269

future story maps, 236


Gamestorming (Gray et al), 4748

Genchi Genbutsu, 317

Gherkin syntax, 207

Given, When, Then format (acceptance criteria), 207

goals (Sprint), 171173

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 33

Golden Circle, 237

good practices, 120

Goodhart’s Law, 90, 275

Google products, 53

governance, 302308

governing constraints, 121

graphs, radar, 8384

“Great CEOs Must be Either Technical or Financial” (Rao), 52

Gunther, Michael J.12


Hackman, Richard, 12

hallucination, 141

handoffs, 28

happiness index, 71

Harford, Tim, 126

high inventory, 28

“how,” identifying, 237

hurricane forecasting example, 287288


market, 9798

technical, 97


impact mapping

example of, 238239

explained, 236239

success criteria, 239241

Improving, 302

incentives, value and, 63

incremental development, 184186

Increments, 158159

independent stories, 198


defects, 8384

innovation rate, 8083

installed version index, 7879

on-product index, 7578

usage index, 7980

influence 232, 153

information scatter, 28

infrastructure, 297

initiating Product Owners, 317


ability to innovate, 78

defects, 8384

innovation rate, 8083

installed version index, 7879

usage index, 7980

rate of, 8083

Innovation Games Product Box, 44


Build-Measure-Learn principle and, 105

importance of, 140141

value and, 13

installed version index, 7879

Internet Explorer, incremental improvements to, 81

intrinsic motivation, 70

invention of work, 28


as area of waste, 231

high, 28

INVEST mnemonic, 198199

invisible value, 8789

ISO 9000, quality defined in, 304

iterative development, 184186


Jacobson, Ivar, 195

JUnit, 310


Kano model, MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 98102

keeping quality over time, 307312

Key Activities section (Business Model Canvas), 37

Key Partners section (Business Model Canvas), 38

Key Resources section (Business Model Canvas), 38

Key Value Areas. See KVAs (Key Value Areas)

Key Value Measures. See KVMs (Key Value Measures)

kickoff, 300304

knowledgeability, 321

known-knowns, 119

known-unknowns, 120

Kotter, John, 306

Kremer, Henry, 107

Kruchten, Philippe, 87

KVAs (Key Value Areas), 66. See also KVMs (Key Value Measures)

Ability to Innovate, 7883

Current Value, 6873

Time to Market, 7378

KVMs (Key Value Measures)

Ability to Innovate, 78

defects, 8384

innovation rate, 8083

installed version index, 7879

usage index, 7980

Current Value, 68

customer satisfaction, 7173

employee satisfaction, 7071

product cost ratio, 69

revenue per employee, 68

delivery metrics, 6065

EBMgt (Evidence-Based Management), 6568

Time to Market, 73

cycle time, 75

on-product index, 7578

release frequency, 7374

release stabilization, 7475


landing page MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 103

Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), 283

Larson, Diana, 310

Last Responsible Moment (LRM), 230

layers of planning, 79

Lean Canvas, 38

lean management, 230231

Lean Startup (Ries), 105

Lencioni, Patrick, 13

LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum), 283

life cycles, sequential, 27

Liftoff (Larsen and Nies), 310

Lister, Timothy, 296

low-value features, 28

LRM (Last Responsible Moment), 230


MacCready, Paul, 106107

major releases, 258262, 266269

Mamoli, Sandy, 149, 309

Manage Your Project Portfolio (Rothman), 275, 282


approaches to release types, 254258


current-reality story maps, 236

exploration of, 234

future story maps, 236

relationship with Product Backlogs, 235

steps for, 233

structure of, 232

Marco, Tom de, 128

Marick, Brian, 244

market, time to, 73

cycle time, 75

on-product index, 7578

release frequency, 7374

release stabilization, 7475

market hypotheses, 9798

marketing value, 57

marketplace feedback, 97. See also MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Martin, Robert, 241

mastery, 70

McConnell, Steve, 186, 289

measurement. See also metrics (value)

of Product Owner success, 321

of progress, 28

of risk, 214

of uncertainty, 115116

meetings. See events

Melnik, Grigori, 241

metrics (value)

ability to innovate, 78

defects, 8384

innovation rate, 8083

installed version index, 7879

usage index, 7980

current value, 68

customer satisfaction, 7173

employee satisfaction, 7071

product cost ratio, 69

revenue per employee, 68

delivery metrics, 6065

EBMgt (Evidence-Based Management), 6568

owner metrics, 6065

perversion of, 8991

PoC (Percentage of Completion), 291292

time to market, 73

cycle time, 75

on-product index, 7578

release frequency, 7374

release stabilization, 7475


Internet Explorer, incremental improvements to, 81

Nokia acquired by, 4

product examples, 25

Skype acquired by, 4

milk, subsidization of, 8990

“milk sea” (EU), 8990


product, 47

project, 47

Minimum Viable Product. See MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

mining MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 103

minor releases, 262

mise en place, 225

mission, 312

mission tests, 312

modeling, business

Business Model Canvas, 3540

Lean Canvas, 38

purpose of, 35

Value Proposition Canvas, 38

Mole, David, 144, 309

Moltke, Helmuth von, 94

Monte Carlo simulations, 293296

Moore, Geoffrey, 45

motion, 231

motivation, intrinsic, 70

“mountain of butter” (EU), 8990

muda, 231

multiple products, forecasting across, 291

multiple teams, managing, 275277

Nexus framework, 283285

one product, one development team, 279

one product, several development teams, 283

scaling, 278

several products, one development team, 280281

several products, several development teams, 281283

MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 234

Kano model, 98102

landing page, 103

mining, 103

patterns, 102

promotional, 102103

single-feature, 104

validating hypotheses with, 9798

“Wizard of Oz”, 103104


Navigator (Netscape), failed rewrite of, 81

negative value, 86

negotiable stories, 198

Net Promoter Score (NPS), 72

Netscape, 81

neutrality of value, 89

“The New New Product Development Game” (Takeuchi and Nonaka), 179

Nexus framework, scaling and, 283285

Nies, Ainsley, 310

Nokia, 3, 4

Nonaka, Ikujiro, 179

nonfunctional requirements

Agile Testing Quadrants and, 312

capturing, 199202

defined, 199

novel practices, 123

NPS (Net Promoter Score), 72


obvious domain (Cynefin), 119

ordered domains (Cynefin), 123

ordering Product Backlog, 209212

overprocessing, 231

overproduction, 231

owner metrics, 6065

ownership, 136138


passives, 72

patterns, MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 102

Patton, Jeff, 225, 232

Percentage of Completion (PoC), 291292

performance features (Kano model), 99

persevere or pivot decision, 104108

pervasive vision statements, 49

perversion of metrics, 8991

Pichler, Roman, 106, 199

pillars of Scrum, 139

adaptation, 105, 141

importance of, 141

validation and, 14

inspection, 105, 140141

importance of, 140141

value and, 13

transparency, 105, 140

creating, 11, 9596

importance of, 139

Pink, Dan, 70, 171

pivoting, 104108

planning. See also Product Backlog

business strategy, 8

company vision, 8

daily plans, 7

Daily Scrum

Product Owners and, 175

Scrum Guide on, 173174

layers of, 79

planning poker, 275

Sprint Planning, 7, 50, 167173

Product Owners and, 170171

Scrum Guide on, 167169

Sprint Goals, 171173

planning poker, 275

PM-BOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), risk defined in, 128

PMO (Project Management Office), 29

PMOs (Project Management Organizations), velocity metric and, 91

PoC (Percentage of Completion), 291292

Poppendieck, Mary, 131

post-product quadrants (Agile Testing), 312

“pot committed”, 97

practical vision statements, 4649


best, 119

emerging, 121

good, 120

novel, 123

pre-product quadrants (Agile Testing), 311

PRINCE2, risk defined in, 128

principles, defining, 303


Product Backlog, 209212

stories, 199

probability distribution, Monte Carlo simulations for, 293296

probe-sense-respond approach, 121


ownership and, 136138

rented, 137

validation of, 15

producer benefit, 57

Product Backlog, 155157. See also “Done”

acceptance criteria

examples of, 205207

SAFE mnemonic, 208

SMART mnemonic, 207208

writing, 207


defined, 15, 89, 159160, 215220

example definitions, 220223

importance for Product Owners, 223224

Product Owners and, 160161

epics, 202205

impact mapping

example of, 238239

explained, 236239

success criteria, 239241

items in, 193194

lean management, 230231

ordering, 209212

“Ready” mindset

developing, 227229

explained, 224227

refinement of, 180184


defined, 192193

nonfunctional requirements, 199202

risk, 214

Scrum Guide on, 193

size, 214215

Specification by Example, 241248

spikes, 208209

story mapping

current-reality story maps, 236

exploration of, 234

future story maps, 236

relationship with Product Backlogs, 235

steps for, 233

structure of, 232

user stories

DEEP mnemonic, 199

example of, 198

INVEST mnemonic, 198199

templates for, 196197

Three Cs of, 196197

use cases, 195

value, 213214

Product Backlog Refinement, 180184

Product Box game, 4145

product cost ratio, 69

on-product index, 7578

product management. See also Product Owners

layers of planning in, 79

Product Management Vacuum

defined, 89

filling, 1015

risks of, 910

product managers, 27

product mindset, 47


defining, 2230

examples of, 25

viability of, 2526

project mindset, 47

Product Management Vacuum

defined, 89

filling, 1015

with validation, 1415

with value, 1314

with vision, 1113

risks of, 910

product managers, 27

product mindset, 47

Product Owners

Daily Scrum and, 175

defined, 142144

Development Teams and, 146148

as domain experts, 144145

“Done” and, 160161, 223224

Increments and, 159

initiating, 317

measuring success of, 321

personality and outcome, 315, 317

Product Backlog and, 156157

receiving, 316317

relationship to stakeholders, 144145

role types, 1821

Scrum Guide on, 142

Scrum Masters and, 151

skills and traits, 318321

Sprint Backlog and, 158

Sprint Planning and, 170171

Sprint Retrospectives and, 180

Sprint Reviews and, 177178

product quality, 306

product validation, 15

products. See also metrics (value); release management

defining, 2230

Development Teams and, 148149

discontinuing, 53

examples of, 25

MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Kano model, 98102

landing page, 103

mining, 103

patterns, 102

promotional, 102103

single-feature, 104

validating hypotheses with, 9798

“Wizard of Oz”, 103104

product vision

boilerplate statements, 40

business modeling, 3540

effectiveness of, 34

emotional, 4649

focused, 4146

pervasive, 49

practical, 4649

Scrum and, 50

scaling, 278

Nexus framework, 283285

one product, one development team, 279

one product, several development teams, 283

several products, one development team, 280281

several products, several development teams, 281283

viability of, 2526

progress, measurement of, 28

project community interaction, 302

Project Management Body of Knowledge (PM-BOK), risk defined in, 128

Project Management Office (PMO), 29

Project Management Organizations, 91

project managers, 4

project mindset, 47

promoters, 72

promotional MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 102103

prospective analysis, 302

proxies, 19

purpose, 70, 311313


QA department products, 25

Quadrants, Agile Testing

post-product, 312

pre-product, 311

Quadrant 1, 310

Quadrant 2, 310311

Quadrant 3, 312

Quadrant 4, 312


defined, 304306

keeping over time, 307312

problems with, 29

product, 306

technical, 306307


radar graphs, 8384

“Ready” mindset. See also “Done”

developing, 227229

explained, 224227

receiving Product Owners, 316317

refinement of Product Backlog, 180184

release burn-down charts, 162163

release burn-up charts, 163

release management, 252253

budgeting, 297302

estimation and velocity, 269275

governance and compliance, 302308

kickoff, 300304


cycle time, 75

release frequency, 7374

release stabilization, 7475

multiple teams, managing, 275277

Nexus framework, 283285

one product, one development team, 279

one product, several development teams, 283

scaling, 278

several products, one development team, 280281

several products, several development teams, 281283


defined, 304306

keeping over time, 307312

product, 306

technical, 306307

reasons to release, 253254

release strategy

comparison of, 266269

functional releases, 262269

major releases, 258262, 266269

mapping approaches to, 254258

minor releases, 262, 266269


forecasting, 285291

Monte Carlo simulations, 293296

PoC (Percentage of Completion), 291292

velocity, 296297

story maps by release, 234

value delivery through releases, 5760

rented processes, 137

reporting, 285

Chaos Standish, 80


across multiple products, 291

basics of, 285286

cone of uncertainty, 287289

example of, 289290

Monte Carlo simulations, 293296

PoC (Percentage of Completion), 291292

velocity, 296297

representation, 320


defined, 192193

nonfunctional, 199202

retrospectives. See Sprint Retrospectives

return on investment (ROI), 20


in Business Model Canvas, 37

producer benefit, 57

revenue per employee, 68

Revenue Streams section (Business Model Canvas), 37

Ries, Eric, 94, 97, 105

risk management, 126132

risk matrix, 132

risk measurement, 214

software risk frequency by dimension, 129130

software risk item by frequency, 130132

risk matrix. See risk management

ROI (return on investment), 20


Development Teams

Product Owners and, 146148

products and, 148149

Scrum Guide on, 145146

Product Owners

Daily Scrum and, 175

defined, 142144

Development Teams and, 146148

as domain experts, 144145

“Done” and, 160161, 223224

Increments and, 159

initiating, 317

measuring success of, 321

personality and outcome, 315, 317

Product Backlog and, 156157

receiving, 316317

relationship to stakeholders, 144145

role types, 1821

Scrum Guide on, 142

Scrum Masters and, 151

skills and traits, 318321

Sprint Backlog and, 158

Sprint Planning and, 170171

Sprint Retrospectives and, 180

Sprint Reviews and, 177178

Scrum Masters

Product Owners and, 151

Scrum Guide on, 149150

Scrum Teams

Scrum Guide on, 152

value delivery through, 5860

SMEs (Subject Matter Experts), 145

stakeholders, 152154

Rothman, Johanna, 275, 282


SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), 283

SAFE mnemonic, 208

Santa Claus rule, 29


customer, 7173

employee, 7071

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), 283

scaling products, 278

Nexus framework, 283285

one product, one development team, 279

one product, several development teams, 283

several products, one development team, 280281

several products, several development teams, 281283

Schwaber, Ken, 117, 181, 284

scope, 4

scoreboard-style spreadsheets, 84

scribes, 19

Scrum artifacts. See artifacts

Scrum events. See events

Scrum framework. See also strategy

Agile Manifesto for Software Development, 186187

Agile product management and, 1518

daily plans, 7


accidental complexity, 126

complexity, visualizing, 116118

Cynefin framework, 118125

essential complexity, 126

risk management, 126132

thermostat metaphor, 111115

uncertainty, measuring, 115116

incremental development, 184186

iterative development, 184186

ownership and, 136138

pillars of, 139

adaptation, 14, 105, 141

inspection, 13, 105, 140141

transparency, 11, 9596, 105, 139, 140

visioning with, 50

Scrum Guide

complex projects, 126, 136

Daily Scrum, 173174

Development Teams, 145146

“Done”, 159160

Increments, 158

pillars of Scrum, 139

adaptation, 141

inspection, 140

transparency, 140

Product Backlog, 193

release burn-down charts, 162

roles, 142

Scrum Masters, 149150

Scrum Teams, 152

Sprint Planning, 167169

Sprint Retrospectives, 179

Sprint Reviews, 176

Sprints, 167

Scrum Masters

Product Owners and, 151

Scrum Guide on, 149150

Scrum roles. See roles

Scrum Teams. See also Development Teams

Scrum Guide on, 152

value delivery through, 5860

Scrum@Scale, 283

sense-analyze-respond approach, 120

sense-categorize-respond approach, 119

sense-making models, 118119

sequential life cycles, 27

simulations, Monte Carlo, 293296

Sinek, Simon, 237

single-feature MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 104

size of Product Backlog, 214215

skills of Product Owners, 318321

Skype, acquisition by Microsoft, 4

small stories, 199

Smalley, Art, 308

SMART mnemonic, 207208

SMEs (Subject Matter Experts), 145

Snowden, Dave, 118

Sobek, Durward, 308

software risk. See risk management

Specification by Example, 241248

spikes, 208209

sponsors, 20

spreadsheets, scoreboard-style, 84

Sprint Backlogs, 125, 157158

Sprint burn-down charts, 161162

Sprint Goals, 171173

Sprint Planning, 7, 167173. See also Product Backlog

Product Owners and, 170171

Scrum Guide on, 167169

Sprint Backlog, 125

Sprint Goals, 171173

vision in, 50

Sprint Retrospectives

Product Owners and, 180

Scrum Guide on, 179

vision in, 50

Sprint Reviews

Product Owners and, 177178

Scrum Guide on, 176

stakeholder feedback in, 9596

validation and, 1415

vision in, 50

Sprint roles. See roles

Sprints, 164167. See also roles

Sprint Backlogs, 125, 157158

Sprint burn-down charts, 161162

Sprint Goals, 171173

Sprint Planning, 7, 167173. See also Product Backlog

Product Owners and, 170171

Scrum Guide on, 167169

Sprint Backlog, 125

Sprint Goals, 171173

vision in, 50

Sprint Retrospectives

Product Owners and, 180

Scrum Guide on, 179

vision in, 50

Sprint Reviews

Product Owners and, 177178

Scrum Guide on, 176

stakeholder feedback in, 9596

validation and, 1415

vision in, 50

stabilization, 7475

Stacey, Ralph Douglas, 116

Stacey graph, 116118

stakeholders, 152154

engaging, 9596

feedback from, 9596

relationship to Product Owners, 144145

Start with Why (Sinek), 237

statements (vision)

boilerplate statements, 40

emotional, 4649

examples of, 34

focused, 41

Elevator Pitch template, 4546

Product Box game, 4145

pervasive, 49

practical, 4649

stories, user. See also story mapping

DEEP mnemonic, 199

epics, 202205

example of, 198

INVEST mnemonic, 198199

templates for, 196197

Three Cs of, 196197

use cases, 195

story mapping

current-reality story maps, 236

exploration of, 234

future story maps, 236

relationship with Product Backlogs, 235

steps for, 233

structure of, 232


Agile product management

layers of planning in, 79

Product Management Vacuum, 815

product managers, 27

product mindset, 47

Product Owner role types, 1821

products, defining, 2230

project mindset, 47

Scrum and, 1518

validation, 9495

assessing, 322

marketplace feedback, 97

MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 97104

persevere or pivot decision, 104108

stakeholder feedback, 9596


ability to innovate, 7883

assessing, 321

current value, 6873

defined, 5657

delivering, 5760

delivery metrics, 6065

EBMgt (Evidence-Based Management), 6568

invisible value, 8789

money toward value, tracking, 8586

negative value, 86

neutrality of, 89

owner metrics, 6065

perversion of metrics, 8991

time to market, 7378

value hypothesis, 94

value proposition, 57

visible value, 87


assessing, 321

boilerplate statements, 40

business modeling, 3540

effectiveness of, 34

emotional, 4649

examples of, 34

focused, 4146

pervasive, 49

practical, 4649

Scrum and, 50

technical strategy for, 5153

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), 145

Subway, 96


of Product Owners, 305306

initiating Product Owners, 317

measurement of, 4, 321

receiving Product Owners, 316317

of projects, 239241

sunk costs, 97

Sutherland, Jeff, 181

Swiss Postal Services, 144, 304


tactics. See also Product Owners; reporting

Product Backlog management, 155157. See also “Done”

acceptance criteria, 205208

epics, 202205

impact mapping, 236239

items in, 193194

lean management, 230231

nonfunctional requirements, 199202

ordering, 209212

“Ready” mindset, 224229

refinement of, 180184

requirements, 192193, 199202

risk, 214

Scrum Guide on, 193

size, 214215

Specification by Example, 241248

specification by example, 241248

spikes, 208209

story mapping, 232236

user stories, 195199

value, 213214

release management, 252253

budgeting, 297302

estimation and velocity, 269275

governance and compliance, 302308

kickoff, 300304

multiple teams, managing, 275283

quality, 304312

reasons to release, 253254

release strategy, 254269

Takeuchi, Hirotaka, 179

TDD (Test-Driven Development), 247

teams. See also release management

Development Teams

core team, 303

multiple teams, managing, 275283

Product Owners and, 146148

products and, 148149

Scrum Guide on, 145146

Product Owners and, 146148

products and, 148149

Scrum Teams

Scrum Guide on, 152

value delivery through, 5860

technical debt, 8081, 88, 297

technical hypotheses, 97

technical quality, 306307

technical strategy, 5153

technology department products, 25


Elevator Pitch, 4546

for user stories, 196197

“Test that . . .” format (acceptance criteria), 207

testable stories, 199

Test-Driven Development (TDD), 247


Agile Testing Quadrants, 309

post-product, 312

pre-product, 311

Quadrant 1, 310

Quadrant 2, 310311

Quadrant 3, 312

Quadrant 4, 312

automated functional tests, 247

Specification by Example, 241248

TDD (Test-Driven Development), 247

testable stories, 199

thermostat metaphor, 111115

Thirty-Five activity, 213

Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), 127128

tight constraints, 121


formula for, 295

measurement of success and, 4

time to market, 73

cycle time, 75

on-product index, 7578

release frequency, 7374

release stabilization, 7475

TIMWOOD mnemonic, 231


A3 Reports, 308

Genchi Genbutsu, 317

traits of Product Owners, 318321


Build-Measure-Learn principle and, 105

creating, 11, 9596

importance of, 140

transport, 231

trap of sunk costs, 97

Triad, 243

“Trial, Error and the God Complex” (Harford), 126

tropical system forecasting example, 287288

Turner, Richard, 320

Tyson, Mike, 94


UATs (User Acceptance Tests), 312


Business Model Canvas, 40

vision statement, 34

UML (Unified Modelling Language), 195


cone of, 287289

measurement of, 115116

Unified Modelling Language (UML), 195

Unified Process (UP), 195

unknowable-unknowables, 123

unknown-unknowns, 121

unordered domains (Cynefin), 124125

UP (Unified Process), 195

usage index, 7980

use cases, 195

User Acceptance Tests (UATs), 312

user stories. See also story mapping

DEEP mnemonic, 199

epics, 202205

example of, 198

INVEST mnemonic, 198199

templates for, 196197

Three Cs of, 196197

use cases, 195

User Stories Applied (Cohn), 196

users, Agile Testing Quadrants and, 312

validation, 9495, 301

assessing, 322

defined, 306

importance of, 1415

marketplace feedback, 97

MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Kano model, 98102

landing page, 103

mining, 103

patterns, 102

promotional, 102103

single-feature, 104

validating hypotheses with, 9798

“Wizard of Oz”, 103104

persevere or pivot decision, 104108

process, 15

product, 15

stakeholder feedback, 9596

valuable stories, 198


ability to innovate, 78

defects, 8384

innovation rate, 8083

installed version index, 7879

usage index, 7980

assessing, 321

continuous delivery of, 263265

current value, 68

customer satisfaction, 7173

employee satisfaction, 7071

product cost ratio, 69

revenue per employee, 68

defined, 5657

delivering, 5760

delivery metrics, 6065

EBMgt (Evidence-Based Management), 6568

importance of, 1314

invisible value, 8789

money toward value, tracking, 8586

negative value, 86

neutrality of, 89

owner metrics, 6065

perversion of metrics, 8991

Product Backlog, 213214

time to market, 73

cycle time, 75

on-product index, 7578

release frequency, 7374

release stabilization, 7475

value hypothesis, 94

value proposition, 57

visible value, 87

Value Proposition Canvas, 38

Value Propositions section (Business Model Canvas), 37

values, defining, 303


estimation and, 269275

reporting, 296297

Verhoef, Chris, 305

viability of products, 2526

visible value, 87

vision, 312

assessing, 321

business modeling

Business Model Canvas, 3540

Lean Canvas, 38

purpose of, 35

Value Proposition Canvas, 38

company vision, 8

effectiveness of, 34

examples of, 34

importance of, 1113

product vision

boilerplate statements, 40

emotional, 4649

focused, 4146

pervasive, 49

practical, 4649

Scrum and, 50

technical strategy for, 5153

value and, 6263

visualizing complexity

Cynefin framework, 118125

Stacey graph, 116118

Volkswagen, 86


waiting, 231

Wake, Bill, 198

walking skeleton (story maps), 233

Warren, Frank, 299

waterfall approach

major releases with, 259

value and, 5860

Water-Scrum-Fall, 259

Weinberg, Gerald, 76

“what,” identifying, 237

“why,” identifying, 237

Wikipedia products, 25

“Wizard of Oz” MVP (Minimum Viable Product), 103104


invention of, 28

work remaining, 162163

working agreements, 303

writing acceptance criteria, 207

Zappos, 104

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