
To Beth Harte, who got me into this mess.

To Emily Breder and Helena Bouchez, who answered desperate calls for help when I could not organize my thoughts.

To Katherine Bull, acquisitions editor, who thought I had something to say and kept encouraging me to say it throughout the entire process. If ever I find myself on a ledge, I hope you are there to talk me down.

To Romny French and Seth Kerney, who somehow managed to keep everything on track and put order to the madness.

To Leslie O’Neill, who made sure all those thoughts in my head made sense on paper—you had your work cut out for you.

To Megan Wade, who corrected more than 7,000 mistakes (let’s see if she catches the missing 0).

To Emilie Barta, for being by my side and supporting me through the entire journey.

And finally . . . to my husband Dean. Without your constant nagging, this never would have been finished—you know me so well—I love you.

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