© Felicity Brand, Heather McNamee, and Jeffrey A. McGuire 2021
F. Brand et al.The TYPO3 Guidebookhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6525-3_14

14. Guide 10: Debugging and Troubleshooting TYPO3

Felicity Brand1  , Heather McNamee2 and Jeffrey A. McGuire3
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Northern Ireland, UK
Olpe, Germany

As usual with software in general—and especially software where you yourself play a role in building and configuring it—you’ll experience that something isn’t working as it should, how you expected, or that it’s not working at all.

It is best to optimize your workflow to reduce the risk of introducing bugs, but mistakes are a part of life, so debugging is inevitable. Often, figuring out where to look takes longer than the fix itself. In this guide, our aim is to show you the best places to look first to debug and troubleshoot problems with TYPO3.

There is a whole world of software testing and quality assurance tooling available for you to use and explore. There are many excellent resources available about debugging technologies like CSS, HTML, and PHP that are under the hood of TYPO3 that we’re not covering here.

In this guide, we’ll look at debugging TYPO3 quickly and efficiently, using some useful functionality built into TYPO3 itself.

Administrators can see the most important information about a TYPO3 instance’s environment, health, and application context in the Application Information panel accessible from the System Information button at the top right of the screen (Figure 14-1).
Figure 14-1

The Application Information panel

At the end of this tutorial...

You will have an overview of where to go looking when something isn’t working as expected in
  • Fluid templates

  • TypoScript

  • TYPO3-specific PHP code

You will also know how to make TYPO3 tell you more about what’s going on by outputting debugging information and how to reset an admin password using the Install tool.


  • You will need a modern computer, web browser, and an Internet connection.

  • A TYPO3 site to test the methods suggested.

  • A DDEV-Local development environment from the previous guides.

Considerations before you start

We recommend using unexpected behavior resulting from your work with the previous guides as a good reason to read this guide. As such, this guide can be used in parallel with the other guides.

Security considerations
  • Do not use development mode or debug configurations for a live or publicly accessible TYPO3 instance It will make TYPO3 slower, log files can eat up your storage quota, and the extensive error messages might disclose sensitive information.

  • Never leave debug statements in production code.

  • Disable the Install tool on live sites. If at all possible, do not reset your password as described below in step 6 on live production sites. You should perform the reset on a local copy of the site. In any case, be certain to follow all the steps, including deleting the temporary user and disabling the Install tool again at the end.

Step 1: Setting the application context to “Development”

The application context is the setting for whether your TYPO3 instance is in production (running live sites on a public server) or undergoing development. The environment variable “TYPO3_CONTEXT” is used to set TYPO3’s application context.

The default context value is “Production,” but we would like to set it to “Development” to do our troubleshooting. You can read more about how to set and use the application context in the TYPO3 documentation,1 but here’s how to set it for our example site in DDEV:
  1. 1.

    From the installation’s root folder (where the composer.json file is located), create a new file in .ddev/docker-compose.typo3.yaml.

  2. 2.
    Paste in the following content (this is a YAML file, so the indentations are important):
    version: '3.6'
          - TYPO3_CONTEXT=Development
  3. 3.

    In the command line, run ddev restart.


Expected outcome: Your test site should now be running in development context, and “Development” should be displayed in the Application Information drop-down menu (see Figure 14-1). You’ll be able to define different settings using conditions in the public/typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php file and using conditions in TypoScript and Fluid.

Step 2: Enabling the debug configuration preset

By default, TYPO3’s configuration is optimized for production settings. Production disables a number of useful debugging features and also hides PHP errors. In this step, we’ll make sure your TYPO3 instance is running with the debug configuration preset enabled:
  1. 1.

    Log in to the TYPO3 backend as an admin user.

  2. 2.

    Go to the Admin toolsSettings module.

  3. 3.

    In the Configuration Presets box, click the Choose Preset button. The Configuration Presets window displays.

  4. 4.

    In the Debug Settings section, select the Debug option.

  5. 5.

    Click the Activate Preset button.


You can also find information on how to fine-tune PHP error and exception logging in the TYPO3 documentation.2

Expected outcome: TYPO3 is now configured for development. You will see more detailed exception messages and log output (Figure 14-2).
Figure 14-2

TYPO3 can display information-rich exception information

Step 3: Debugging and troubleshooting PHP in TYPO3

Enabling the debug configuration preset in step 2 will have enabled extensive and clean-formatted debugging output for any PHP exception thrown. You will also find that errors are logged to file and database:
  1. 1.

    Go to the SystemLog module (this module is part of the “belog” system extension).

  2. 2.

    In the Action drop-down list, select “Errors.” The list of errors shows the backend user and workspace whose action generated the error.

  3. 3.

    Now go to your file system. From the installation’s root folder (where the composer.json file is located), go to the var/log/ directory.

    This directory contains two types of files:
    1. i.

      typo3_*.log (e.g., “typo3_f80b4d6693.log”) contains exception traces, log messages, and error messages from Fluid template rendering.

    2. ii.

      typo3_deprecations_*.log (e.g., “typo3_deprecations_f80b4d6693.log”) contains deprecation warnings.


You can implement logging in your own PHP code. Check out the section on logger in the TYPO3 documentation.3 By default, log entries will end up in the typo3_*.log file.

Expected outcome: You now know where to find error and deprecation logs in the file system and TYPO3 backend.

Step 4: Debugging and troubleshooting Fluid

Fluid is TYPO3’s HTML-based templating system. Each template file is parsed and cached as PHP files. Errors and exceptions can occur both during the parsing of the HTML and the execution of the resulting PHP code.

The most common way of debugging a Fluid template is to use the built-in f:debug tag. It can be inserted anywhere in the template file and will output data you supply as formatted HTML in the frontend (Figure 14-3).
Figure 14-3

Part of the output from the <f:debug> tag for a text content element’s data

The following is an example of how to insert the f:debug tag into the template for a text content element. You can find the original template in public/typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates/Text.html in your TYPO3 installation:
<html xmlns:f="http://typo3.org/ns/TYPO3/CMS/Fluid/ViewHelpers" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
<f:layout name="Default" />
<f:section name="Main">
Security tip

Never leave debug statements in production code.

The Fluid template parser will throw an exception if it doesn’t understand what you’re trying to do (Figure 14-4). In this case it can’t find a way to parse the f:typo3book viewHelper.
Figure 14-4

We tried to use the f:typo3book viewHelper in a Fluid template, but it doesn’t exist

In the preceding screenshot , you can see how a Fluid parser exception will look when you have enabled the debug configuration preset in step 2.

There are a few things to note:
  • The exception message tells you that it is trying to find a class called TYPO3FluidFluidViewHelpersTypo3bookViewHelper. This is because the tag has the “f” XML namespace, which is assigned to the TYPO3FluidFluidViewHelpers class namespace. If you have created a custom Typo3bookViewHelper class, it is somewhere else than within the Fluid extension.

  • The parser doesn’t display the original file name and calls it “Standard_action_text_850331378b6ae011f4f4a3b2f835adbca42e5a43”. You’ll find somewhat more information about the template-include-paths by scrolling down in the exception message. The best approach is to test your templates often to avoid spending time looking for your mistake.

  • Fluid templates are cached. This means you should disable caching or clear the cache (through the TYPO3 backend) to see your changes. Otherwise, you might not see your own mistake until it’s too late. Another way is to append “?no_cache=1” to the URL. This will disable caching and will often be all you need to do (as in “example.ddev.site/contact?no_cache=1”). This trick can be a nonintrusive help during debugging, but it should be disabled on production sites by setting $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['disableNoCacheParameter'] = true in LocalConfiguration.php or AdditionalConfiguration.php.

Expected outcome: You now know how to debug data within the Fluid templates and know a little bit about the exceptions that the Fluid parser will throw and how to read them.

Step 5: Debugging and troubleshooting TypoScript

TypoScript is unique to TYPO3, so it can only be debugged within the CMS. TypoScript has not always been easy to debug, but new core features, such as code highlighting and autocompletion, have made it easier to edit TypoScript in the backend. TypoScript is designed to “fail gracefully,” without displaying an error message on your public website.

When working with TypoScript in files, check if your IDE has support for TypoScript. In the IDEs PhpStorm, WebStorm, and IntelliJ from JetBrains, purchasing sgalinski’s TypoScript plugin4 will give you code highlighting, autocompletion, type hinting, and a long list of other helpful, powerful features.

Here are three ways to debug your TypoScript code within TYPO3.

Method 1: Template module

The Template module will give you access to all the TypoScript code on your site :
  1. 1.

    In the TYPO3 backend, navigate to the WebTemplate module.

  2. 2.

    Select your site’s root page in the page tree. The template module will load.

  3. 3.

    Click the root page in the list of pages on the Template tools screen.

  4. 4.

    From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, choose “TypoScript Object Browser” (Figure 14-5). This view allows you to navigate and search the TypoScript object hierarchy and see the parsed TypoScript properties. Using the Browse list, you can see both “Constants” and “Setup” (see Guide 2: Creating your first TYPO3 site to learn more). You can even simulate TypoScript conditions using check boxes at the bottom of the listing. Errors are highlighted and include a Show details link bringing you to the “Template Analyzer.”

Figure 14-5

The TypoScript Object Browser

  1. 5.

    You can also reach the Template Analyzer from the drop-down list at the top of the screen, by choosing “Template Analyzer.” Scroll down to see the template hierarchy in their actual load order, a button to display the complete TypoScript, and check boxes for display options.

  2. 6.

    Click a TypoScript template in the Template hierarchy, or click the View the complete TS listing to see the full TypoScript code with any parser errors highlighted (Figure 14-6). A single TYPO3 website might include tens of thousands of lines of TypoScript code, so the web browser’s text search (“Find”) feature will come in handy.

Figure 14-6

The Template Analyzer showing a parser error highlighted in the Introduction Package

Method 2: Isolate the TypoScript

If you have written TypoScript, and it doesn’t work as expected, you might want to isolate it from the influence of other TypoScript code. As long as the code doesn’t depend on any previous code, you can insert it on its own page type.

You can test any TypoScript code you like using this method, without it appearing on your live site—although the output is still public for those who guess the URL:
  1. 1.

    In the TYPO3 backend, navigate to the WebTemplate module.

  2. 2.

    Select your site’s root page in the page tree. The template module will load.

  3. 3.

    Click the root page in the list of pages on the Template tools screen.

  4. 4.

    From the drop-down list at the top of the screen, choose “Info/Modify.”

  5. 5.

    Click the edit (pen) button on the “Setup” row .

  6. 6.
    On a blank line below any other code, paste the following code and adapt it to your needs. See Table 14-1 for more information:
    testPage = PAGE
    testPage {
      typeNum = 999
      10 = TEXT
      10 {
        data = date : d-m-y
        wrap = <p>|</p>
      20 < lib.typo3Book
Table 14-1. Code analysis



testPage = PAGE

Creates a new page object.

typeNum = 999

Sets the page’s type number to “999”, meaning you can access it at example.ddev.site/?type=999.

10 = TEXT and the following four lines

Outputs the current date based on hardcoded TypoScript.

20 < lib.typo3Book

Inserts TypoScript from lib.typo3Book onto the page. Maybe we have created TypoScript here to insert somewhere else.

Method 3: Use the stdWrap function

Many TypoScript objects implement the stdWrap function, such as the “TEXT” object used earlier. It includes useful properties to enable debug output, especially “debug,” “debugFunc,” and “debugData ,” explained in detail in the official TYPO3 documentation’s TypoScript reference.5

The following snippet will output the value of the field “title” as well as debug information listing all the possible field names you can specify in the “field” property. The “field” property accesses a PHP array that can be populated with record data. It’s often the current page or content element record’s field data, but setting debugData = 1 will give you a definite answer to what data you are accessing:
10 = TEXT
10 {
  field = title
  wrap = <p>|</p>
  debugData = 1

If you expect to work a lot with TypoScript, we recommend a deep dive into the TypoScript Template Reference6 (also dubbed “TSRef”). (Tip: If you are using continuous integration or deployment (CI/CD), you could find the TypoScript linter by Martin Helmich7 helpful.)

Expected outcome : You will now know three ways to debug TypoScript code from within TYPO3. You’ll be better equipped to find out where and what is wrong in a site when your TypoScript code isn’t working as you expect.

Step 6: Resetting your backend admin password

It has happened to everyone. You set up a new local development environment, but forget your “easy-to-remember” admin password. How do you get back into your TYPO3 installation? TYPO3 doesn’t store your password in plain text; it hashes it using a complex salt plus algorithm combination, so you can’t just change the database field. Instead, we are going to show you how to use the Installer tool and a temporary user to reset your admin password.

Security tip

Avoid doing this on a live production site. These steps are much safer to carry out on a local development environment. Do not reset your password as described below in step 6 on live production sites, if you can avoid it. Perform the reset on a local copy of the site, if possible, and be certain to follow all the steps, including deleting the temporary user and disabling the Install tool again at the end.

  1. 1.

    In a web browser, visit your website’s Install tool. The URL will be similar to example.ddev.site/typo3/install.php, though the domain will probably be different; “/typo3/install.php” is always a part of it.

  2. 2.

    In your terminal, move into the typo3conf folder by running `cd public/typo3conf`.

  3. 3.

    Create the file that enables the Install tool by running `touch ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL`.

  4. 4.

    Reload example.ddev.site/typo3/install.php in the browser.

  5. 5.

    Enter a password of your choice, and click Login. The Install tool will tell you the password doesn’t work, but will also output a hash.

  6. 6.

    Copy the hash.

  7. 7.

    Open public/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php in a plain text editor or IDE.

  8. 8.

    On line six (where it says “”), paste in the new hash to replace the old hash:

'installToolPassword' => 'PASTE HASH HERE',
  1. 9.

    Save and close the LocalConfiguration.php file.

  2. 10.

    Return to your browser, and click the login button again. (Your password should still be in the field; otherwise, retype it.) You should be able to log in successfully.

  3. 11.

    Click the Create administrative user button, and follow the instructions to set a new username and password.

  4. 12.

    Remove the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file you created in step 3 to disable the Install tool. This file should never be present on a live system.

  5. 13.

    Reset your original admin user’s password in the backend.

  6. 14.

    Delete the temporary user you created.


Expected outcome: You should have access to TYPO3’s backend again with your original admin user.


In this guide, you have learned how to enable debugging output, how to debug different aspects of your TYPO3 installation, and how to reset your admin user password.

What’s next?

Debugging is a skill that develops with experience. Everyone was a beginning once, and the TYPO3 community will be happy to help if you have problems. We recommend visiting Stack Overflow8 or using the TYPO3 Slack.9 You should also not be afraid to ask your questions at meetups, camps, or conferences, too.

If you know an answer, give back by helping and answering others. Even those times when you might be wrong, you’ll probably learn useful ways to improve your own code, too!

Resources: Learn more

  • Dive into the TYPO3 documentation.10

  • TYPO3 has many helpful core APIs that can help you avoid bugs. Check out the official API.11

  • Watch videos on the official TYPO3 YouTube channel.12 Some conference videos include presentations on improving security, performance, and code quality—and avoiding bugs.

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