Appendix H. Prompting a Dialog About Values

Within your organization, values and ethics should be likewise reinforced and “institutionalized.” For example, Johnson & Johnson has Credo workshops for executives; Sun Microsystems has a business conduct office and places all top executives and financial managers though its “Fiduciary Boot Camp”; business schools are expanding their curriculums to include courses on values-based ethics and responsibility; most larger organizations have confidential whistleblower hotlines; and all companies are responding to Sarbanes-Oxley about corporate/personal responsibility.

If workshops and class attendance aren’t viable options, you should, at a minimum, hold staff meetings that focus on and periodically reinforce the organization’s values. Possible questions for your team that might spark dialogue include these.

Is everyone aware of our values?

What is presently working? (Always start with the positive.)

What isn’t working?

What are the barriers preventing us from living these values?

Have you seen any recent changes in people’s behaviors in your department?

What departmental changes can be made?

Are individual development needs around our values being incorporated into employee’s performance goals?

How do we ensure that values become more of our cultural fabric/daily routine?

What other suggestions or ideas do you have?

Always be sure to provide feedback if people are willing to share their thoughts.

(Reference: Ligos, M. (January 5, 2003). Executive life: boot camps on ethics ask the ‘what ifs.’ The New York Times, 3, p. 12.)

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