My husband, Tom: My original editor and thought partner. Relentlessly willing to give me feedback and help me be my best. Also happens to be my best friend. Thank you for encouraging and believing in me.

My family: My mom and dad, my brother and sister-in-law.

Patricia: I am so incredibly honored and will be forever grateful to have worked with you on this book. You gave your everything to will this book into reality.

Shannon: You believed in me and this book from day one, and you made this book possible. Thank you for always having my back and making me better every single day.

Devon: For being a “clutch” performer, as usual and always. I would literally be lost without you, and I trust you with my life.

Every teacher I’ve ever had (particularly Mr. Kilarski for my first lesson in growth mindset) and every student of mine—child and adult (who were also my teachers).

My Learning Team: For joining me and creating this culture of learning together. It is a privilege to work with each of you.

All Udemates everywhere: The most earnestly authentic, smartest people working at a place where I am challenged to do my very best work.

Jenn Farris: For teaching me that my voice has power and encouraging me to use it for its highest and best use.

Darren: For changing the trajectory of my career, from the original opportunity to work at Udemy and every opportunity since.

For everyone who contributed to this book: I am inspired by all of you and learned so much from each of you.


Canada: Yep, the whole darn country.

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