2.7 Sections of a Customer Survey

Researchers have discovered that the most effective customer surveys are organized in this manner:

  1. Introduction. Usually a survey begins by stating its purpose and sponsor, affirming the value of the respondent's opinions, and promising brevity and confidentiality.
  2. Screener. The first screening question confirms that the respondent is a customer, while subsequent screening questions make sure the respondents fulfill quotas that proportionally represent the important traits of the population of all customers.
  3. Questions about buying behavior. The first set of survey questions motivates respondents by soliciting suggestions, opinions, and descriptions of their buying behavior.
  4. Psychographic questions. The next set of questions maintains the respondents' interest in the survey by eliciting self-perceptions.
  5. Demographic questions. The last set of questions propels respondents to quickly answer the demographic questions and finish the survey.

Eliminate unnecessary questions by only asking decision-oriented questions.

This chapter is based on Churchill and Brown (2007).

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