Esther Hicks defines true success as the amount of joy you feel as you live your life. She writes that the universal law, like the physical law of gravity, is that the more joy you feel, the higher your vibrational frequency. The higher your vibrational frequency, the faster you will manifest what you desire. When we feel good, we are enabling the universe to deliver our desires. When we feel bad, we are closing ourselves off to our connection with the universe. Anyone can walk the path that leads to this higher vibrational frequency. We have all heard of the power of positive thinking. Hicks says it is rather the power of positive feeling and the power of positive doing that serve as far more potent methods to raise one's vibrational frequency. In her books, The Law of Attraction (Hay House, 2006) and Ask and It Is Given (Hay House, 2004), she gives many mental exercises readers can practice to raise their vibrational frequency. In more challenging circumstances, such as the death of a loved one, or the loss of a job, feeling positive in the face of such loss or disaster can be nearly impossible, but the power of positive doing often will change people's mind-set so they can begin the healing process and eventually come to terms with the situation. But before one is even willing to take action and do, one must accept and embrace the loss or the tragedy as prescribed by Tolle, and this means accepting and embracing the sadness, the depression, and the loss; otherwise, one may remain in a prolonged state of deep depression where one does nothing and only thinks and feels negative thoughts. Remember, it is how you react to what happens that matters.

Using a real-life analogy where tragedy can strike at any moment, Mario Andretti said he rarely crashes because while most drivers panic and focus on the wall when going into an out-of-control skid, he focuses on the road, on where he wants to go. This is a great metaphor for achieving one's goals, even in the face of great hardship and potential disaster.

Putting together the teachings of Tolle and Hicks, we have the following strategy when bad news hits, whenever we suffer a loss, or when major disaster strikes:

Phase 1: Accept and embrace loss/surrender to tragedy, which leads to ...

Phase 2: The power of positive doing, which leads to ...

Phase 3: The power of positive feeling, which leads to ...

Phase 4: The power of positive thinking.

All four phases immediately produce a higher vibrational state within people, so they can immediately begin to attract what they want into their life, but the key is in raising ones vibrational state. Phases 1, 2, and 4 all can lead to Phase 3 which directly raises one's vibrational frequency, and in turn positively impacts one's trading.

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