

& (ampersand), 215, 221222, 277, 637

* (asterisk), 177, 274, 539

(backslash), 289

` (backtick), 289290

! (bang), 237

| (bar) operator, 219222, 276

[ ] (brackets), 231

^ (caret), 567

$ (dollar sign)

end of URL, 567

user prompt, 155, 243

variable names, 282

" (double quotation marks), 288

/ (forward slash), 10

< (left angle bracket), 222, 275

( ) (parentheses), 222

# (pound sign), 155, 243

? (question mark), 275

> (right angle bracket), 275

; (semicolon), 222, 306, 403, 583

#! (shebang), 280

’ (single quotation marks), 288

$? special variable, 286

$# special variable, 286

$* special variable, 286

$0 special variable, 286

~ (tilde), 152

10BASE-T, 383

32-bit Ubuntu, 45

64-bit Ubuntu, 45

100BASE-T, 383

802.11b, 407408

1000BASE-T, 383

1000BASE-X, 384


AAAA record (DNS), 662

AbiWord, 79

ac command, 264

accept command, 487

access control

ACLs (access control lists), 171173, 563567


authentication, 498499

Require directive, 498499



creating, 696

uploading GPG key to, 696697

uploading SSH key to, 697

user accounts

command line, 154155

file permissions, 244

GIDs (group IDs), 244

overview, 241242

super users/root users, 242244

UIDs (user IDs), 244

user stereotypes, 245

ACID compliance (databases), 587588

ACLs (access control lists), 171173, 563567

activating DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol), 400401

Ada, 710

Adblock Plus, 64

add-apt-repository command, 730

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 382

address-based virtual hosts, 507508


broadcast addressing, 382

IPv4 addressing, 374376, 567568

IPv6 addressing, 378380

MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, 382

multicasting, 382

unicast addressing, 382

adduser command, 181182

administering LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 621622

Adobe Photoshop, 94

“Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide” (Cooper), 39

Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA), 86

Advanced Package Tool. See APT (Advanced Package Tool)

afio, 359

aliases, 278, 550551

all-in-one print/fax/scan devices, 487

AllowOverrides directives, 497498

Alpine, 68

ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture), 86

Amanda, 358359

ampersand (&), 215, 277, 637


Android Runtime, 724

Android Studio installation, 725

development for

Android architecture, 724725

Android Studio installation, 725

applications, creating, 727

online resources, 728

SDK (software development kit) installation, 725727

android-studio/bin/ directory, 725

anonymous FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

access, 536537

servers, 531532

ANSI Common Lisp, 716717

Ansible, 657

Apache Hadoop, 611

Apache Software Foundation, 7778, 490

Apache Tomcat, 530

Apache web server

access control

authentication, 499501

Require directive, 498499

HTTPS (HTTP Secure), 510512

installation, 490491

logging, 509510

modules. See modules

online resources, 513

optimization, 446447

overview, 489490

runtime server configuration settings

apache2.conf, 493495

.htaccess configuration files, 496498

MPMs (multiprocessing modules), 495496

overview, 492

runtime configuration directives, 492493

starting, 491492

stopping, 491492

virtual hosting

address-based virtual hosts, 507508

name-based virtual hosts, 508509

overview, 507

apache2 package, 490

apache2.conf file, 493495

APIs (application programming interfaces), 606

app development, 698

AppArmor, 435437

apparmor-profiles package, 436

Apple hardware, installing Ubuntu on, 3

Application Framework (Android), 725

application programming interfaces (APIs), 606

apply-patch, 690

apport.log, 330

apropos command, 156157, 203

APT (Advanced Package Tool)

advantages of, 138

apt simplified interface, 142143

apt-cache command, 141142

apt-get dist-upgrade command, 139

apt-get install command, 139141

apt-get remove command, 141

apt-get update command, 138

apt-get upgrade command, 138139

apt-get utility, 16

overview, 637

archives, PPAs (personal package archives)

creating, 688

Ubuntu SDK, 730

ark command, 353354

ARM processors, 724

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 382


The Art of Unix Programming (Raymond), 185

assigning file permissions, 166167

assigning variables, 282

asterisk (*), 177, 274, 539

atime, disabling, 445

atomicity, 587

attacks, 425427


Apache, 498499

authenticated FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 532

auth.log, 330

AuthType directive, 500

AuthUserFile directive, 500

AND (auto nice daemon), 340

auto nice daemon (AND), 340

autoconf command, 673674

autocracking scripts, 426

autoresponders, 556

.avi filename extension, 106

Avidemux, 108

awk command, 230232


Babbage, Charles, 710

Back in Time, 356357


background processing, 277

moving jobs to, 215216

running jobs in, 215

backports, 20

backslash (), 289

backtick (`), 289290

backups. See also version control systems

backup strategy

evaluation, 345346

full incremental backups, 347

full periodic backups, 347

mirroring systems, 348

needs assessment, 343344

RAID arrays, 348

reasons for data loss, 341343

simple strategy, 346

file copying

mc command, 362

overview, 360

rsync command, 362364

tar command, 360361


CD-RW, 349

cloud storage, 350

DVD+RW/-RW, 349

network storage, 349

tape drives, 349350

levels, 346

online resources, 368


afio, 359

Amanda, 358359

Back in Time, 356357

Déjà Dup, 354356

flexbackup, 359

GNOME File Roller, 353

KDE ark archiving tool, 353354

tar, 351353

system rescue, 366368

before Ubuntu installation, 7

badblocks command, 445

Bandwidth Meter and Diagnostics, 64

bang (!), 237

Banshee, 9193

bar operator (|), 219221, 276

Base, 77

BaseX, 610611

bash, comparing expressions in

file operators, 293294

logical operators, 294295

number comparison, 292293

string comparison, 290292

basic input/output system. See BIOS (basic input/output system)

batch command, 265268

Battle for Wesnoth, 126127


configuration, 697

version control, 683684

bch command, 690

BDB (Berkeley DB), 606607, 615

Beekmans, Gerard, 39

beep codes, 313

Berkeley DB (BDB), 606607, 615

Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), 665667

Berners-Lee, Tim, 63

bg command, 215216

BigTable, 611

Bikeshed, 689691

bikeshed package, 689

/bin directory, 158159

BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), 665667

bind9 package, 666

BIOS (basic input/output system)

beep codes, 313

boot process, 311313

checking, 235

hard disk optimization, 442443

Bitbucket, 686

Blender, 97, 108

Bluetooth, 407408

.bmp filename extension, 95

Boolean operators, 221222

boot loader

GRUB2 (Grand Unified Boot Loader)

checking, 235

reinstalling, 235236

installation, 5

overview, 312314

restoring, 367

boot process

beginning, 312314

BIOS (basic input/output system), 311313

boot loader

GRUB2 (Grand Unified Boot Loader), 5, 235236

installation, 5

overview, 312314

restoring, 367

dual boot, 6

init systems

init scripts, 316317

overview, 312, 314

systemd, 320321

Upstart, 319320

Linux kernel, loading, 314315

MBR (master boot record)

definition of, 313

installing boot loader to, 5

online resources, 322

overview, 311


changing, 318319

default runlevel, booting into, 316

definitions, 315

overview, 311312

purpose of, 315

troubleshooting, 319

system services

controlling at boot, 317318

running at boot, 311312, 315

starting/stopping manually, 319


Boot Repair, 320321

overview, 235236

starting/stopping services manually, 319

with systemd, 320321

with Upstart, 319320

UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), 313314

Boot Repair, 320321

/boot/initrd.img file, 470

boot.log, 330

bootmail, 691

brackets ([ ]), 231

Brasero, 99100

break statement, 307

Breezy Badger, 33

bridged networking, 634635

bridges, 386

bridge-utils package, 634

broadcast addressing, 382

Brooktree Bt*** chips, 104

browsers. See web browsers

brute-forcing, 419

Bsdftpd-ssl, 533

buffers, kernel ring, 239

Bug Squad, 705


Bug Squad, 705

debugging tools

gdb command, 675

gprof command, 675

splint command, 674675

finding, 701

fixing, 698701

built-in variables, 286287

bunzip2 command, 232

Burian, Michael, 39


CDs, 99101

DVDs, 102104

business environments, Ubuntu in, 3334

Bynari, 558

Byobu, 689

byobu command, 233234

bzip2 command, 232

bzr add command, 683

bzr cdiff command, 684

bzr checkout command, 683

bzr commit command, 684

bzr init command, 683

bzr push command, 684

bzr-builddeb command, 695

bzrp command, 690


C language


gdb command, 675

gprof command, 675

splint command, 674675

GNU C compiler, 675676

makefiles, 671673

overview, 669671

C++ language, 669671

cable, 384385

cache (SQL)

query cache, 449451

table cache, 451

CAG (Carrier Advisory Group), 730

Calc, 76

cameras, digital, 98

cancel command, 487

Canonical Ltd., 33, 657

capturing screen images, 97

caret (^), 567

Carrier Advisory Group (CAG), 730

Cassandra, 607

cat command, 160, 177, 185189, 330

categories of UTP (unshielded twisted-pair), 384385

CCSM (CompizConfig Settings Manager), 59, 60

cd command, 164165, 189191

cdrecord command, 101102



overview, 99101

shell scripts, 305307

CD-RW, 349

Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs), 511, 524

CFEngine, 656657

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 718

Chalup, Strata R., 40

change command, 264


directories, 164165, 189191

file permissions

chgrp command, 170

chmod command, 168169

overview, 191

umask command, 169170

runlevels, 318319

channels (IRC), 42

charms (Juju), 650652

chattr command, 445


BIOS (basic input/output system), 235

dependency checking, 671

GRUB2 (Grand Unified Boot Loader), 235

log files, 329330

loopback interface availability, 370

network connections, 371373

for updates

APT (Advanced Package Tool), 138

Software Updater, 1518, 137

Chef, 656

Cherokee, 528529

cherokee-admin-launcher command, 528529

chfn command, 264

chgrp command, 170, 244

children’s games, 129

Chinese-language Ubuntu Kylin, 118

chmod command, 168169, 191, 244, 264

choosing passwords, 12

chown command, 170, 244, 264

chpasswd command, 264

Chrome, 6566

Chromium, 6566

chroot jail, 238239

chsh command, 250, 264

CIDR (classless interdomain routing) notation, 550, 567

Cinelerra, 108

CinePaint, 97, 108

classless interdomain routing (CIDR) notation, 550, 567

Claws, 68

CLF (Combined Log Format), 509

CLI (command-line interface). See command line


dhclient, 401402

email clients

Alpine, 68

choosing, 66

Claws, 68

Evolution, 6768

Kmail, 68

Mozilla Thunderbird, 6667

Mutt, 68

web-based email applications, 68

evince, 3536

Glade, 677678

gv, 36

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) clients, 7071

KDevelop, 676677

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

Evolution, 620

Thunderbird, 621

NFS (Network File System), 475476

Pan, 7374

Squid, 562563

thin clients, 623

VPNs (virtual private networks), 571573

clisp package, 716717

Clojure, 710711

clojure package, 711

Clonezilla, 7

cloud computing

advantages of, 642

backups, 350

deployment, 644

IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 643


charms, 650652

GUI (graphical user interface), 652

installation, 648650

on Mac OS X and Windows, 653

Mojo, 653

overview, 647

Quickstart, 653

Landscape, 654

MaaS (metal as a service), 643, 653654

online resources, 654


Glance, 647

Horizon, 647

Keystone, 646

Neutron, 646

Nova, 645646

online resources, 647

overview, 645

Swift, 646

overview, 641642

PaaS (platform as a service), 643

SaaS (software as a service), 643

Snappy Ubuntu Core, 653

cloud-sandbox command, 690

Cloudsmith, 656

CNAME record (DNS), 663

COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language), 711712

code names, 33

CodeWeavers CrossOver Office, 83

col1 command, 692, 690

Combined Log Format (CLF), 509

combining commands

Boolean operators, 221222

pipes, 219221

process substitution, 222

in sequence, 222

comm command, 212213

comma separated values (CSV), 231

at command, 265268

command line. See also commands

accessing, 151152

advantages of, 185187

burning DVDs from, 102104

CDs, burning, 99101

definition of, 16, 150151


apropos command, 156157

man pages, 156

whereis command, 157

DVDs, burning

packet writing, 103104

session writing, 103

logging in

from remote computer, 153154

text-based console login, 152

logging out

from remote computer, 153154

text-based console login, 153

multiple terminals, 233234

online resources, 184, 208, 240

overview, 273274

super users/root users

creating users, 181182

deleting users, 182

overview, 178

sudo command, 178181

user accounts, 154155

commands. See also command line

ac, 264

accept, 487

add-apt-repository, 730

adduser, 181182

afio, 359

aliases, 278

apply-patch, 690

apropos, 156157, 203

apt-cache, 141142

apt-file, 695

apt-get dist-upgrade, 139

apt-get install, 139141, 730

apt-get remove, 141

apt-get update, 138, 730

apt-get upgrade, 138139

ark, 353354

at, 265268

autoconf, 673674

awk, 230232

badblocks, 445

batch, 265268

bch, 690

bg, 215216

bootmail, 691

bunzip2, 232

byobu, 233234

bzip2, 232

bzr add, 683

bzr cdiff, 684

bzr checkout, 683

bzr commit, 684

bzr init, 683

bzr push, 684

bzr-builddeb, 695

bzrp, 690

cancel, 487

cat, 160, 177, 185189, 330

cd, 164165, 189191

cdrecord, 101102

change, 264

chattr, 445

cherokee-admin-launcher, 528529

chfn, 264

chgrp, 170, 244

chmod, 168169, 191, 244, 264

chown, 170, 244, 264

chpasswd, 264

chsh, 250, 264

cloud-sandbox, 690

col1, 692, 690


Boolean operators, 221222

pipes, 219221

process substitution, 222

in sequence, 222

comm, 212213

command history, viewing, 237

command substitution, 289290

convert, 96

cp, 26, 176, 191192

createuser, 593

cron, 268270

date, 24

deluser, 182

depmod, 459

df, 328329

diff, 212

disable, 487

dman, 690

dmesg, 26, 239

dropuser, 594

du, 192

e2fsck, 445

echo, 193

edquota, 263

emacs, 229230

enable, 487

environment variables, 222226

etckeeper, 365

exit, 153

faillog, 330

fg, 215216

find, 193195

flexbackup, 359

free, 160, 327328

gdb, 675

git add, 683

git commit, 683

git init, 682

git pull, 683

git push, 683

git remote add, 682

git rm, 683

gnome-screenshot, 97

gnome-terminal, 151

GNU Coreutils, 239

gnupg, 695

gpasswd, 247

gprof, 675

grep, 196, 330

groovyConsole, 715

groovysh, 715

groupadd, 247

groupdel, 247

groupmod, 247

groups, 264

growisofs, 103104

gunzip, 232

gzip, 232

hdparm, 443

hg add, 686

hg commit, 686

hg init, 686

hg push, 686

hg update, 686

htop, 327

htpasswd, 499

hwclock, 24

if config, 370

ifconfig, 389391

info, 156

initrd, 458

insmod, 458

ip, 392

iptables, 435

iwconfig, 405406

iwlist, 405

iwpriv, 405

iwspy, 405

jobs, 214

keep-one-running, 691

keyboard shortcuts, 238

kill, 325326

lastlog, 330

ldapadd, 622

ldapdelete, 622

ldapmodify, 621

ldapsearch, 621

less, 36, 156, 177, 197198

ln, 199200

locate, 200

logname, 264

logout, 153

logrotate, 331333

lp, 487

lpc, 487

lpq, 487

lprm, 487

lpstat, 487

ls, 162164, 200202

lsblk, 202203

lshw, 202203

lsmod, 202203, 458

lspci, 202203

lua, 717

make, 671673

make config, 466

make menuconfig, 466467

make oldconfig, 467

make xconfig, 467

man, 35, 156, 203

mc, 362

mkdir, 173174, 204

mkinitrd, 470

mkisofs, 101

modinfo, 459

modprobe, 388389, 458459

mtr, 373

mv, 175176, 204

mysql, 598600

mysql_install_db, 589

nano, 227

netstat, 394

newusers, 264

nice, 218219, 326327

nm-connection-editor, 389

overview, 187188

passwd, 249

patch, 464

pbget, 690

pbput, 690

pbputs, 690

pbuilder, 695

ping, 371373, 667

pppconfig, 412

printing location of, 207

ps, 213214

psql, 600

purge-old-kernels, 691

pwd, 152153, 165

quickstart, 653

quotacheck, 263

quotaoff, 263

quotaon, 263

regular expressions, 177

release, 690

release-build, 690

rename, 204

renice, 326327

repquota, 263

rm, 175, 205

rmdir, 173174

rmmod, 458

route, 392394

rsync, 362364

rtcwake, 270272


multiple commands, 237238

previous command, 236237

in sequence, 222

run-one, 691

run-this-one, 691

scp, 418

sed, 230232

sftp, 417, 418419

shutdown, 13, 182183

smbclient, 482

smbstatus, 481482

snap, 146147

socks-prox, 690

software updater, 15

sort, 205207

sox, 89

splint, 674675

ssh-import-id, 691

ssh-keygen, 419420

stderr, 211212

stdin, 211212

stdout, 211212

su, 257259

sudo, 18, 178181, 259262

svn add, 685

svn checkout, 685

svn commit, 685

svn delete, 685

svn import, 684

svn update, 685

svnadmin create, 684

sync, 444

sysctl, 445446

systemctl, 321

systemd, 318

system-search, 690

tail, 207, 329

tar, 232, 351353, 360361

telinit, 318

telnet, 416

terminal, 16

testdrive, 706

top, 216218, 327

touch, 165166, 173

traceroute, 373

tripwire, 430

tune2fs, 444

ufw, 432433

umask, 165, 169170

uname, 30

uptime, 328

uquick, 691

useradd, 247248, 250251

usermod, 249

vi, 227228

virt-clone, 636637

virt-install, 636

vmbuilder, 635

vmstat, 328

wget, 207208

whatis, 203

what-provides, 691

whereis, 157, 225

which, 207

wifi-status, 692, 691

wildcards, 177

wish, 281

zless, 36

commercial games, 129

commercial support, 3839

Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL), 711712

Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 718

Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS), 483486

CommuniGate Pro, 557

community teams, 703705

comparison of expressions

file operators

in pdksh and bash, 293298

in tcsh, 297298

logical operators

in pdksh and bash, 294295

in tcsh, 298299

number comparison

in pdksh and bash, 292293

in tcsh, 296297

string comparison

in pdksh and bash, 290292

in tcsh, 290292

comparison of files

comm command, 212213

diff command, 212

compiled languages, 670



errors, 471

initial RAM disk image, creating, 470

step-by-step process, 464467


JIT (just-in-time) compilation, 724

from tarballs, 143144

from Ubuntu repository source, 144145

Compiz, 112

CompizConfig Settings Manager (CCSM), 59, 60

compressed files, 232

compute infrastructure (OpenStack), 645646

computer attacks, 425427

CONCAT() function, 585



apache2.conf, 493495

.htaccess configuration files, 496498

modules, 502

MPMs (multiprocessing modules), 495496

overview, 492

runtime configuration directives, 492493

Bash, 697698

Bazaar, 697

configuration-management tools, 656

desktop environments, 52

development system

environment setup, 696698

Launchpad account, creating, 696

packages, 695696

DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)

activation, 400401

dhclient, 401402

DHCP server, 402

network hosts, 403404

DNS (Domain Name System) servers, 665667


global options, 552

mail server options, 552553

overview, 551552

user accounts, 553554

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

ftphosts file, 539

quick-and-dirty installation, 535

software installation, 533534

Very Secure FTP server, 536538

Internet connections

dial-up Internet access, 412413

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet), 411412

kernel, 467470

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

clients, 620621

schema, 616617

servers, 616

loopback interface, 370371


database creation, 590591

passwords, 589590


/etc/hosts file, 395

/etc/resolv.conf file, 396397

/etc/services file, 395396

graphical configuration tools, 397399

ifconfig command, 389391

ip command, 392

netstat command, 394

network configuration tools, 389

route command, 392394

NFS (Network File System)

clients, 475476

servers, 474475


HTTPS (HTTP Secure), 524526

module configuration, 523524

PHP configuration, 522523

server configuration, 518520

online resources, 27

permissions, 171173

Postfix, 546548

post-installation configuration

power management, 22

printers, 22

software repositories, 1921

system settings, 21

time/date, 2324

troubleshooting, 2627

wireless networks, 2425

Samba, 476481

software management

dotdee (.d), 145

Snappy Ubuntu Core, 146147


client configuration, 562563

client IP addresses, 567568

sample configurations, 568569

Telnet, 415416

UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall), 432435


CCSM (CompizConfig Settings Manager), 59

Smart Scopes, 59

system settings, 5860

Unity Tweak Tool, 5960

version control systems, 364366

VPNs (virtual private networks)

clients, 571573

servers, 573575

window managers, 52 file, 674

confining scripts to directories, 238239

Conky, 334339

connections, checking, 371373

consistency, 587

console-based monitoring

df command, 328329

disk quotas, 329

free command, 327328

kill command, 325326

log files

checking, 329330

rotating, 331333

overview, 323325

priority scheduling, 326327

vmstat command, 328

contents of files

displaying, 177

sorting, 205207

control structures. See loops

convergence, 5253

convert command, 96

Cooper, Mendel, 39

copying files

cp command, 176, 191192

between machines, 418419

mc command, 362

overview, 360

rsync command, 362364

tar command, 360361

core dumps, 675

Coreutils, 239

CouchDB, 609

cp command, 26, 176, 191192

crackers, 426

CREATE DATABASE statement, 590, 593

CREATE statement, 582583

CREATE USER statement, 593

createuser command, 593

cron command, 268270

CrossOver Office, 83

CSRs (Certificate Signing Requests), 511, 524

CSV (comma separated values), 231

CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System), 483486

cupsd.conf file, 483


.d (dotdee), 145

D language, 712713


AND (auto nice daemon), 340

pppd, 549

slapd, 616, 622

Dapper Drake, 33

darktable, 97

Dart, 712713

Dash, 14, 5457

dashboard (OpenStack), 647


data directory initialization (PostgreSQL), 592

data locking, 586587

inserting into SQL databases, 583584

piping, 276

retrieving from SQL databases, 583584

Data Display Debugger (ddd), 675

database administrators (DBAs), 577578, 605


DBAs (database administrators), 577578

flat file databases, 578

NoSQL databases. See NoSQL databases

related Ubuntu commands, 601

relational databases. See relational databases

date command, 24

date/time configuration

date command, 24

hwclock command, 24

overview, 23

Time & Date tool, 23

DBAs (database administrators), 577578, 605

ddd (Data Display Debugger), 675

Debian, 18, 30

debugging tools

gdb command, 675

gprof command, 675

splint command, 674675

default runlevel, booting into, 316

default-jdk package, 716

Déjà Dup, 354356



rm command, 175, 205

rmdir command, 173174


from Git repositories, 683

rm command, 205

from Subversion, 685

PostgreSQL users, 594

users, 182

Dell, 38

deluser command, 182

Dent, Kyle, 548

dependencies, 673

dependency checking, 671

deployment of cloud computing, 644

depmod command, 459

Desktop DVD, 2

desktop environments

configuration, 52

GNOME3 and Ubuntu GNOME, 116117

KDE and Kubuntu, 113114

LXDE and Lubuntu, 115116

MATE and Ubuntu MATE, 117118

overview, 112113, 661

Ubuntu Kylin, 118


Dash, 5457

default look, 53

Launcher, 5354

Panel, 5758


KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), 633637

online resources, 639

overview, 631633

VirtualBox, 637638

VMware, 639

Xen, 639

Xfce and Xubuntu, 114115

detecting printers, 22

developers, 641642

development (Ubuntu)

for Android

Android architecture, 724725

Android Studio installation, 725

applications, creating, 727

online resources, 728

overview, 723

SDK (software development kit) installation, 725727

code names, 33

environment setup

Bash configuration, 697698

Bazaar configuration, 697

GPG key, 695696

SSH key, 697

helping with

app development, 698

environment setup, 696698

Launchpad account, creating, 696

MOTUs (Masters of the Universe), 701

online resources, 702

overview, 3637, 693694

package installation/configuration, 695696

patches, creating, 698701

release cycles, 694695

scope development, 698

testing and QA, 703708

history of, 33

Launchpad account, creating, 696

opportunistic development

Bikeshed, 689691

definition of, 681

Launchpad, 687688

online resources, 692

overview, 686687

repository tools, 691692

snap packaging, 689

Ubuntu Make, 688689

package installation/configuration, 695696

for Ubuntu Mobile

applications, creating, 730

online resources, 731

overview, 729730

SDK (software development kit) installation, 730

device drivers, 457

Device section (xorg.conf), 4950

device security, 431

devices.txt file, 455

DevOps, 641642

df command, 328329

dhclient, 401402

DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)

activating, 400401

dhclient, 401402

DHCP server, 402

how it works, 399400

network host configuration, 403404

overview, 399, 567

uses for, 405

The DHCP Handbook, 405

Dia, 77

dial-up Internet access, 412413

diff command, 212

differences between files, finding, 212

digiKam, 98

digital cameras, 98

digital subscriber line (DSL), 408412

Dijkstra, Edsger, 712


AuthType, 500

AuthUserFile, 500

DirectoryIndex, 495

DocumentRoot, 495

Group, 494

Listen, 493

NameVirtualHost, 508

Require, 498499

satisfy, 501

ServerAdmin, 494

ServerName, 494495, 508

ServerRoot, 493

User, 494

directories. See also file system

AllowOverrides, 497498

android-studio/bin/, 725

/bin, 158159

changing, 164165, 189191

confining scripts to, 238239

creating, 173174


rm command, 175, 205

rmdir command, 174


/etc/aliases, 550551

/etc/bind/named.conf.local, 666

/etc/bind/named.conf.options, 666

/etc/cups/cupsd.conf, 483

/etc/events.d/, 5152

/etc/exports, 474475

/etc/fstab, 475

/etc/hosts, 395

/etc/init.d, 315

/etc/inittab, 5152, 315

/etc/modprobe.conf, 387388, 459

/etc/modules.conf, 105

/etc/nginx, 518

/etc/nginx/nginx.conf, 518520

/etc/passwd, 253254

/etc/postfix, 546

/etc/ppp/peers, 549

/etc/resolv.conf, 396397, 667

/etc/samba/smb.conf, 476481

/etc/services, 395396

/etc/squid3/squid.conf, 563

/etc/ssh/sshd_config, 377

/etc/sudoers, 260261

finding current, 165

/home, 159

LDAP directories

DIT (Directory Information Tree), 616

populating, 617619

listing contents of, 162164

listing files in, 200202

making, 204

Options, 497

permissions, 167168

/proc, 160161, 324

require, 500


overview, 158159

/sbin/ifconfig, 389391

/sbin/ip, 392

/sbin/netstat, 394

/sbin/route, 392394

table of, 157158

/tmp, 162


overview, 161

/usr/bin, 45

/usr/include, 45

/usr/lib, 45

/usr/lib/modules, 45

/usr/lib/X11, 45

/usr/local/programs, 478

/usr/share/doc, 35

/usr/share/doc/xchat, 70

/usr/share/man, 35

/var, 162

Directory Information Tree (DIT), 616

DirectoryIndex directive, 495

disable command, 487


Apache modules, 502

file access time, 445

disaster recovery plans, 437438

disk space

disk quotas, 262263, 329

disk usage, printing, 192

monitoring, 328329

display managers

LDM (LTSP Display Manager), 628

LightDM, 51

overview, 45, 5152


command history, 237

file contents, 177, 185189

file permissions, 165166

output, 197198

distribution systems, 407

DIT (Directory Information Tree), 616

dman command, 690

dmesg command, 26, 239

DNS (Domain Name System)

online resources, 667

overview, 659660


A, 662

AAAA, 662

CNAME, 663

MX, 663

NS, 663664

SOA, 664665

TXT, 665


configuring with BIND, 665667

request handling, 661662

DocBook, 81

The Document Foundation, 7778

document stores

BaseX, 610611

CouchDB, 609

MongoDB, 610

overview, 608609


apropos command, 156157

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 42

Linux Documentation Project, 413

Linux guides, 3940

mailing lists, 4042

man pages, 156, 203

reading, 3536

Ubuntu-related websites, 4042

whereis command, 157

DocumentRoot directive, 495

dollar sign ($)

end of URL, 567

user prompt, 155, 243

variable names, 282

Domain Name System. See DNS (Domain Name System)

domain names, 661. See also DNS (Domain Name System)

dotdee (.d), 145

double quotation marks ("), 288

downloading files, 207208

Draw, 77


device drivers, 457

proprietary video drivers, installing, 122123


partition strategies

GParted, 11

/home partition, 10

planning, 5

root partitions, 10

swap partitions, 10

USB drives, installing Ubuntu from, 34

Drizzle, 577

DROP USER statement, 594

dropuser command, 594

DSL (digital subscriber line), 408412

du command, 192

dual boot, 6

dummy interface, 371

durability, 588


burning, 102104

DVD+RW/-RW, 349

installing Ubuntu from, 2, 6

Ubuntu rescue disk, 367

Dynamic Host Control Protocol. See DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)

Dynamo, 608, 400


e2fsck command, 445

echo command, 193

Eclipse, 679

Edgy Eft, 33


PDF (Portable Document Format) files, 81

video, 107109

editors. See productivity; text editors

edquota command, 263

#edubuntu channel, 42

Elixir, 713

elixir package, 713

emacs command, 229230



Alpine, 68

choosing, 66

Claws, 68

Evolution, 6768, 79

Kmail, 68

Mozilla Thunderbird, 6667

Mutt, 68

web-based email applications, 68


configuration, 551552

installation, 551

online resources, 558559


aliases, 550551

configuration, 546548

mail relaying, 550

masquerading, 548

message delivery intervals, 549

smart hosts, 549


MDAs (mail delivery agents), 544545, 555556

MTAs (mail transfer agents), 541544

MUAs (mail user agents), 545

overview, 541542

servers, 556558

EMCAScript, 716

emulation, 632

emulators (gaming), 121

enable command, 487

enabling. See configuration

encrypting/home partition, 10

endless loops, 301

Enlightenment, 112

enterprise server monitoring, 340

environment variables, 222226, 281

epic client, 70

Erlang, 609, 713

erlang package, 713

errors, kernel, 471

escape character, 287

/etc directory. See directories, /etc

etckeeper command, 365


gigabit Ethernet, 383384

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet), 410412

etiquette for IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 71


backup strategy, 345346

lazy evaluation, 715

Evince, 8081

evince client, 3536

Evolution, 6768, 79, 620

Exchange Server, 557

exclamation point (!), 237

executing. See running

Exim, 543544

exit statement, 153, 307

exports file, 474475


comparison of expressions

in pdksh and bash, 290295

in tcsh, 295299

regular expressions, 177

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 81

external attacks, 425426


faillog command, 330

FDDI (fiber distributed data interface), 383384

Feisty Fawn, 33



global options, 552

mail server options, 552553

overview, 551552

user accounts, 553554

installation, 551

.fetchmailrc file

global options, 552

mail server options, 552553

overview, 551552

user accounts, 553554

fg command, 215216

fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), 383384

fiber optic, 383384, 385

file access time, disabling, 445

file operators

in pdksh and bash, 293294

in tcsh, 297298

File Roller, 353

File section (xorg.conf), 4748

file system. See also directories

chroot jail, 238239


changing, 189191

confining scripts to, 238239

creating, 173174

deleting, 173175

table of, 157158


cd command, 164165

ls command, 162164

overview, 162

pwd command, 165

permissions. See permissions

tuning, 444445

File Transfer Protocol. See FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

filename extensions

.avi, 106

.bmp, 95

.flac, 88

.flv, 106

.gif, 95

.gz, 36

.jpg, 96

.ldif, 619

.mov, 106

.mp3, 88

.mpeg, 106

.ogg, 88, 106

.ogv, 106

.pcx, 96

.pdf, 36

.png, 96

.ps, 36

.qt, 106

.raw, 88

.svg, 96

.tif, 96

.wav, 88

.webm, 106

files. See also filename extensions

aliases, 550551

apache2.conf, 493495


comm command, 212213

diff command, 212

compressed files, 232, 674


cp command, 176, 191192

between machines, 418419

mc command, 362

overview, 360

rsync command, 362364

tar command, 360361

creating, 173

cupsd.conf, 483

deleting, 205

devices.txt, 455

displaying contents of, 177

downloading, 207208

exports, 474475


global options, 552

mail server options, 552553

overview, 551552

user accounts, 553554

finding, 14, 193195, 200

fstab, 159, 475

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 540

ftphosts, 539

graphics formats, 9597

hosts, 395

.htaccess, 496498

ide.txt, 455

include files, 670

init.d., 315

initrd.img, 470

initrd.txt, 456

inittab, 315

kernel-parameters.txt, 456

LaTeX files, 82

linking, 199200

listing, 200202

log files

Apache, 509510

checking, 329330

rotating, 331333

logrotate.conf, 331332

makefiles, 671673

man pages, 35, 156, 203

modprobe.conf, 387388

modprobe.conf file, 459

modprobe.d, 159

modules.conf, 105

moving, 175176, 204

named.conf.local, 666

named.conf.options, 666

nginx.conf, 518520

object files, 670

OpenDocument, 78

passwd, 159, 253254

PDF (Portable Document Format) files

editing, 81

reading, 36, 8081

peers, 549

permissions. See permissions

PostScript files, reading, 36

printing, 185189

remote file serving via FTP

FTP users, 534536

ftphosts file, 539

overview, 531

servers, 531533

software installation, 533534

renaming, 175176, 204

resolv.conf, 396397, 667

saving from nonbooting hard drive, 368

services, 395396


NFS (Network File System), 474476

online resources, 488

Samba, 476483

smb.conf, 476481

sorting contents of, 205207

sound formats, 8889

squid.conf, 563

sshd_config, 377

sudoers, 159

sudoers file, 260261

sysrq.txt, 456

tar files, 143144

testdriverc file, 706

text files, reading, 36

version control systems

Bazaar, 683684

for configuration files, 364366

Git, 682683

Mercurial, 685686

overview, 681682

Subversion, 684685

video files

editing, 107109

formats, 105106

vsftpd.banned_emails, 537

vsftpd.chroot_list, 537

vsftpd.conf, 536537

vsftpd.log, 537

vsftpd.user_list, 537


Device section, 4950

Files section, 4748

InputDevice section, 4849

Module section, 48

Monitor section, 49

overview, 4647

Screen section, 5051

ServerLayout section, 47

find command, 193195


bugs, 701

current directory, 165

differences between files, 212

files, 14, 193195, 200

programs, 14

similarities between files, 212

software, 141142

strings, 196


RSS feeds, 69

web browsing, 6365


iptables, 435

UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall), 432435

first-person shooter (FPS) games, 124

FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Format), 88

.flac filename extension, 88

flashplugin-installer package, 65

flat file databases, 578

flavors (Ubuntu), 3

flexbackup, 359

FlightGear, 128

FlockDB, 613

.flv filename extension, 106

ForecastFox, 64

foreground, moving jobs to, 215216

Forth, 713714

Fortran, 714715

forward slash (/), 10

forwarding email, 550551

FPS (first-person shooter) games, 124

FQDN (fully qualified domain name), 616

Frampton, Steve, 39

free command, 160, 327328

Free Lossless Audio Format (FLAC), 88

free memory, displaying, 327328

Free Software Foundation, 2930

Freshmeat, 359

Frets on Fire, 127128

Frozen Bubble, 124125

fstab file, 159, 475

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

ftphosts file, 539

online resources, 540

overview, 531

servers. See servers, FTP

software installation, 533534

users, 534536

ftphosts file, 539

full incremental backups, 347

full periodic backups, 347

fully qualified domain name (FQDN), 616

functions. See also commands; methods

CONCAT(), 585

definition of, 670

shell scripts, 307308



Battle for Wesnoth, 126127

children’s games, 129

commercial games, 129

emulators, 121

FlightGear, 128

Frets on Fire, 127128

Frozen Bubble, 125126

online resources, 130131

overview, 121

proprietary video drivers, installing, 122123

Scorched 3D, 124125

Speed Dreams, 129

Steam platform, 123

SuperTux, 126

Warsow, 124

Windows games, playing, 130

gcc (GNU Compiler Collection), 669, 675676

gdb command, 675

Gedit, 81


GPG keys, 695696

SSH keys, 696

gforth package, 714

GHC (Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation system), 715

ghc package, 715

GIDs (group IDs), 244

.gif filename extension, 95

gigabit Ethernet, 383384

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 79, 9394

GIMP Took Kit (GTK) widget set, 79

Git, 682683

git add command, 683

git commit command, 683

git init command, 682

git pull command, 683

git push command, 683

git remote add command, 682

git rm command, 683

Glade client, 677678

Glance, 647

[global] section (smb.conf), 479

Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation system (GHC), 715

gnat package, 710

gnat-gps package, 710


File Roller, 353

Glade client, 677678

GNOME Office, 7879

GNOME3, 116117

mailing lists, 41

website, 61

gnome-nettool, 339

gnome-screenshot commnd, 97

gnome-shell package, 116

gnome-terminal command, 151

GNU Ada Compiler, 710

GNU Compiler Collection (gcc), 669, 675676

GNU Coreutils, 239

GNU General Public License (GPL), 29

GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), 79, 9394

GNU Project, 149

Gnumeric, 79

gnupg command, 695

Go, 714

gofortran package, 714715

golang package, 714

golang-docs package, 714

Goobuntu, 38


BigTable, 611

Chrome, 6566

Chromium, 6566

Dart, 712713

MapReduce, 611

search tips, 3738

GParted, 11

gpasswd command, 247

GPG keys

generating, 695696

uploading to Launchpad, 696697

GPL (GNU General Public License), 29

gprof command, 675

GPT (GUID Partition Table), 314

Grand Unified Boot Loader. See GRUB2 (Grand Unified Boot Loader)

GRANT statement, 591, 594


PostgreSQL privileges, 594595

system administrator privileges

overview, 257

with su command, 257259

with sudocommand, 259262

graph stores

FlockDB, 613

HyperGraphDB, 612613

Neo4j, 612

OrientDB, 612

overview, 612

graphical database clients, 600

graphical development tools

IDEs (integrated development environments), 678680

KDevelop client, 676678

overview, 676

SDKs (software development kits), 678680

graphical network configuration tools, 397399

graphical system-management tools

Conky, 334339

gnome-nettool, 339

overview, 333334

System Monitor, 334

vncviewer, 339

wireshark, 339

graphical user interfaces. See GUIs (graphical user interfaces)

graphics formats, 9597

Green, Andy, 417

grep command, 196, 330

greplog, 284286

Groovy, 715

groovy package, 715

groovyConsole command, 715

groovysh command, 715

Group directive, 494

group IDs (GIDs), 244

groupadd command, 247

groupdel command, 247

groupmod command, 247


group listings, 245246

LUGs (Linux User Groups), 39

management tools, 246248

overview, 245

groups command, 264

growisofs command, 103104

GRUB2 (Grand Unified Boot Loader)

checking, 235

installation, 5

reinstalling, 235236

restoring, 367

Grün, Christian, 610

GStreamer, 88

gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly package, 88

GTK (GIMP Tool Kit) widget set, 79

GUID Partition Table (GPT), 314

guides (Linux), 3940

GUIs (graphical user interfaces)

database access, 597

desktop environments

GNOME3 and Ubuntu GNOME, 116117

KDE and Kubuntu, 113114

LXDE and Lubuntu, 115116

MATE and Ubuntu MATE, 117118

overview, 108, 112113

Ubuntu Kylin, 118

Xfce and Xubuntu, 114115

Juju, 652

Mir, 44

online resources, 118119

power shortcuts, 60


configuration, 5860

desktop, 5358

overview, 5253

X. See X

gunzip command, 232

gv client, 36

.gz filename extension, 36

gzip command, 232


hackers, 426

Hadoop, 611

Hamano, Junio, 682

hard disk optimization

BIOS settings, 442443

disk usage, printing, 192

hdparm command, 443

overview, 441442

hard links, 199200

hardware clock, setting, 24

hardware emulation, 632

hardware specifications, researching, 2

harvest, 701

Haskell, 715

haskell-platform package, 715

HBase, 611

HDLC (high-level data link control), 412

hdparm command, 443

header files, 670

headerless format, 88

Hein, Trent R., 40

help. See online resources

helping with Ubuntu development

app development, 698

environment setup, 696698

Launchpad account, creating, 696

MOTUs (Masters of the Universe), 701

online resources, 702

overview, 3637, 693694

package installation/configuration, 695696

patches, creating, 698701

release cycles, 694695

scope development, 698

testing and QA

community teams, 703705

online resources, 708

Test Drive, 705708

hg add commands, 686

hg commit command, 686

hg init command, 686

hg push command, 686

hg update command, 686

hibernating system, 11

High Performance Computing (HPC), 670

high-level data link control (HDLC), 412

Hipp, Richard, 605


command history, viewing, 237

of Internet, 63

of LibreOffice, 7778

of Ubuntu, 33

of X.Org, 4344

history.log, 330

Hoary Hedgehog, 33

Hogan, Christina J., 40

/home directory, 159

/home partition encryption, 10

home use of Ubuntu, 35

[homes] section (smb.conf), 479480

Horde, 558

Horizon, 647

Horowitz, Eliot, 610

host configuration, 403404

hosts file, 395

HOWTO documentation, 3536

HP, 38

HPC (High Performance Computing), 670

.htaccess configuration files, 496498

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 63

htop command, 327

htpasswd command, 499

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

HTTPS (HTTP Secure), 510512, 524526

overview, 63

servers. See servers

hubs, 385386

Hugin, 98

Humble Indie Bundle, 129

hwclock command, 24

HyperGraphDB, 612613

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 63

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 63


IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 643

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), 661

de Icaza, Miguel, 717

IDE (integrated development environment), 710

identity service (OpenStack), 646

IDEs (integrated development environments), 678680

ide.txt file, 455

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 407

if config command, 370

if statement, 304305

ifconfig command, 389391

IIS (Internet Information Services), 489490

ImageMagick convert utility, 96


graphics formats, 9597

image manipulation

Adobe Photoshop, 94

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 9394

graphics-manipulation tools, 9798

scanners, 9495

screen images, capturing, 97

Shotwell Photo Manager, 9798

imaging service (OpenStack), 647

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 545

Impress, 76

include files, 670

indexes, finding files in, 200

info command, 156

information service/information technology (IS/IT), 31

infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 643

init systems

init scripts, 316317

overview, 312, 314

systemd, 320321

Upstart, 319320

init.d file, 315

initial RAM disk image, creating, 470

initializing network hardware, 387389

initrd command, 458

initrd.img file, 470

initrd.txt file, 456

inittab file, 315

Inkscape, 98

inline drivers, 457


BIOS (basic input/output system)

beep codes, 313

boot process, 311313

checking, 235

hard disk optimization, 442443

finding strings in, 196

I/O (input/output redirection), 209212, 275276

InputDevice section (xorg.conf), 4849

input/output (I/O) redirection. See I/O (input/output redirection)

INSERT statement, 583584

inserting data into SQL databases, 583584

insmod command, 458

installation. See also configuration

Android Studio, 725

Apache, 490491

boot loader, 5

DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)

dhclient, 401402

DHCP server, 402

dual boot, 2, 6

from DVD or USB drive, 2, 6

Fetchmail, 551

first updates, 13

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software, 533534

GRUB2 (Grand Unified Boot Loader), 235236

installed packages, listing, 38

Juju, 648650

LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project), 627628

on Mac hardware, 3

MySQL, 588589

NFS (Network File System), 474

Nginx, 517518

online resources, 27

PostgreSQL, 592

post-installation configuration

power management, 22

printers, 22

software repositories, 1921

system settings, 21

time/date, 2324

troubleshooting, 2627

wireless networks, 2425


32-bit versus 64-bit Ubuntu, 45

backups, 7

hardware specifications, researching, 2

installation options, 24

overview, 12

partition strategies, planning, 5

proprietary video drivers, 122123

SDKs (software development kits)

Android SDK, 725727

Ubuntu SDK, 730


with APT (Advanced Package Tool), 139141

with Synaptic, 134135

Squid, 562

step-by-step installation, 612

troubleshooting, 2627

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 407

integers. See numbers

integrated development environments (IDEs), 678680, 710

internal attacks, 425426



common configuration information, 408

dial-up Internet access, 412413

overview, 408

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet), 410412

troubleshooting, 413

email clients

Alpine, 68

choosing, 66

Claws, 68

Evolution, 6768, 79

Kmail, 68

Mozilla Thunderbird, 6667

Mutt, 68

web-based email applications, 68

history of, 63

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 7072

ISPs (Internet service providers), 374375, 507

online resources, 74

overview, 63

RSS readers

Firefox, 69

Liferea, 6970

overview, 69

search tips, 3738

web browsers

Firefox, 6365

Google Chrome, 6566

Google Chromium, 6566

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 661

Internet Information Services (IIS), 489490

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), 545

Internet newgroups, 7274

Internet Protocol. See IP (Internet Protocol)

Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 42, 7072

Internet service providers (ISPs), 374375, 507

interpreting shell scripts, 280281

I/O (input/output redirection), 209212, 275276

IP (Internet Protocol)

IP masquerading, 376377

IPv4 addressing, 374376

IPv6 addressing, 378380

overview, 374

Squid clients, 567568

ip command, 392

iptables, 435

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 42, 7072

IRCd, 72

irssi client, 70

IS/IT (information service/information technology), 31

ISO Recorder, 34

isolation, 588

ISPs (Internet service providers), 374375, 507

iwconfig command, 405406

iwlist command, 405

iwpriv command, 405

iwspy command, 405


Java, 715716

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 710711, 715

JavaScript, 716

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 605, 716

JDeveloper, 679

Jetty, 529

JIT (just-in-time) compilation, 724


listing, 214

moving to background/foreground, 215216

priority scheduling, 218219

running in background, 215

running repeatedly, 268270

scheduling for later, 265268

jobs command, 214

.jpg filename extension, 96

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 605, 716


charms, 650652

GUI (graphical user interface), 652

installation, 648650

on Mac OS X and Windows, 653

Mojo, 653

overview, 647

Quickstart, 653

juju, 655

just-in-time (JIT) compilation, 724

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 710711, 715


Katz, Damien, 605, 609


ark archiving tool, 353354

mailing lists, 41

monitoring tools, 339

Kdenlive, 108

KDevelop client, 676677

kdf, 339

keep-one-running command, 691


for Android, 724


errors, 471

initial RAM disk image, creating, 470

step-by-step process, 464467

configuration, 467470

kernel hackers, 456

kernel numbering system, 30

kernel ring buffer, 239

loading, 314315

module management, 458460

online resources, 472

optimization, 445446

overview, 453454

patching, 463464

recompiling, 460461


obtaining, 462

source tree, 453454

troubleshooting, 470472

types of, 457458

versions, 461462

kernel hackers, 456

kernel ring buffer, 239

Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), 633637

kernel-parameters.txt file, 456

kern.log, 330

key buffer usage (PKI), 573

key-based logins, 419420

keyboard shortcuts, 60, 238

KeyPassX, 12


GPG keys

generating, 695696

uploading to Launchpad, 696697

key buffer usage, measuring, 448449

key/value stores

Berkeley DB, 606607

Cassandra, 607

Memcached, 607608

MemcachedDB, 607608

overview, 606

Redis, 608

Riak, 608

SSH keys

generating, 696

key-based logins, enabling, 419420

uploading to Launchpad, 697

Keystone, 646

Kile, 82

kill command, 325326

Kirkland, Dustin, 635, 705

Kmail, 68

Kmov filename extension, 106

KOffice, 80

Komarinski, Mark F., 39

Kontact, 80

Kqt filename extension, 106

ksysguard, 339

Kubuntu, KDE and, 113114

#kubuntu channel, 42

kubuntu-desktop package, 113114

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), 633637

kvm-ok package, 633634

Kwebm filename extension, 106

KWord, 80

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