Best Dashboard Practices with Scott Morrison, Manager of Recruiting Programs at

Q1:What is on your Ultimate Executive Dashboard?
The bottom line in our organization is our candidate pipeline. We’re a Customer Relationship Management company, so we think about our talent metrics like our sales pipeline. Our executives want to know what talent will we be closing in 30, 60, and 90 days. They want to know about Time-to-Start and about New Hire Quality. We can track all of this well since most of our users are using our own CRM tools. Hiring Manager Satisfaction is also important to us as is exit-interview data with candidates. We should do more with cost management and optimization, which will be coming in the future. We do use competitive data as well to emphasize areas we’re excelling at, and the areas we need to work on.
Q2:How frequently do you meet with the CEO on data?
We meet almost weekly. We have aggressive goals, and the C-level executive wants to see how we’re doing.
Q3:What is on your Ultimate HR-Centric Dashboard?
It’s a granular view of our executive data. We want to show our teams here exactly what executives expect of our teams. For the recruiters, we manage to a talent pipeline from “req to check” and hone in on the weak points across the entire staffing process. Interview pipelines by department, talent pools are critical for us.
Q4:What was the most interesting thing you learned from analyzing data on your talent base?
Our employees are so talented. We’ve done a ton of analysis in understanding skills and interests so we can really maximize the great people we have. There is so much opportunity here for organizations like us.
Q5:What would be your best piece of advice for building a great dashboard?
Don’t overlook the “coolness factor” of the dashboard—displaying the data visually to executives gets them excited, even if the data is really kind of boring.
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