Umbraco HQ has a suite of PRO products that they sell outside of the MIT license. They provide these products at a very reasonable cost and the benefits of the added features far outweigh the costs in terms of the time it would take to develop.

Contour is one of those products that developers and site administrators agree is a terrific and priceless add-on. It allows non-technical editors and administrators to easily create and publish interactive data collection forms with a few simple clicks. Installing and purchasing a license for this product produces a separate section in the Umbraco backoffice called Contour, as shown in Figure 5-13.

image Contour can easily be installed by navigating to the Developer section, expanding the Packages node, expanding the Umbraco Package Repository node, and clicking on the Umbraco PRO node. Contour will be available in the resulting right-hand pane.



To create a Contour form, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Contour section.
  2. Right-click the Forms node and click the Create menu option as shown in Figure 5-14.

    FIGURE 5-14


  3. Start by editing the Form Name and Fieldset Title by clicking the fields as shown in Figure 5-15.

    FIGURE 5-15


  4. Now, simply add fields to your form by clicking the Add Field button.
  5. You can easily edit the field type and other attributes (including select list, check boxes, hidden fields, data pickers, and other cool form field types) by setting them in the Add Field dialog, as shown in Figure 5-16.

    FIGURE 5-16


  6. Keep adding fields as needed and Save your form.

If you expand the form, you'll find additional features for any given form. The Entries node gives you a detailed view of the submissions with various filters and sorting capabilities. This includes the ability to export the submitted data in CSV, XML, and HTML formats, as shown in Figure 5-17.

What's more is that you can also specify a number of predefined workflow actions based on the status of the form lifecycle. The following events are captured:

  • Opened: A user has opened the form to start working with the data.
  • Resumed: A saved but un-submitted form is resumed.
  • Partially Submitted: An incomplete form was submitted.
  • Submitted: The form was completed and submitted.
  • Approved: An action was performed on the form entry within the Entries section of the form by an admin.
  • Deleted: The form entry was deleted.

Each of the previous events come with a predefined list of event hooks that you can tap into. The even cooler part is that you can combine any and all of these actions into a single step, giving you virtually endless combinations of actions (as shown in Table 5-5).



TABLE 5-5: Combinations of Actions

Perform Filtering This is useful to, for example, detect if offensive language is entered in the form. You can then choose whether to Approve or Delete the entry.
Post as XML Allows you to post the results of the entry as an XML object to a given URL. You can alternatively choose to transform the XML before posting it to the URL.
Post form to URL Allows you to post the data in a POST of GET to a provided URL.
Save as File Allows you to save the results as a file to the server by specifying file type, location, and format via XSLT.
Save as Umbraco Document This feature gives you the option to create a node in the content tree. Very useful in the case where people are submitting FAQs, comments, or other dynamic data that may belong to a specific section of the site. Select whether to publish the submissions or not and where the submission should be entered.
Send Email As expected this will send an email notification to a specified user notifying them of a submission. In addition you can use inline tags to add the values of the form submission including in the TO field for email confirmations of signup, purchases, and other applications.
Send XSLT Transformed Email Similar to above except this provides you with the flexibility of formatting the email using an XSLT file for more advanced HTML emails, etc.

As you can see, developing something this complex would be a project all on its own. The opportunity cost for you and/or your client is tremendous with the value this provides in a short timeframe.

image Additional Umbraco PRO products are covered in Chapter 13.

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