17.6. The db2support Tool

The db2support tool collects all diagnostic information, including the db2diag.log, dumps, and traps in one single file called db2support.zip. DB2 Technical Support usually requests this zip file. With this handy tool, you do not have to look for the diagnostic files manually.

The syntax of the db2support command is

					db_alias options

This creates the file db2support.zip under output_path for the database db_alias after the command is completed. The following options are usually required when running the db2support command:

  • -g collects all files under the DIAGPATH directory. This includes the db2diag.log, dump files, trap files, and the DB2 administration notification log.

  • -s collects detailed hardware and operating system information.

Type db2support –h to get all the supported options.

In addition to the above information, this command also gathers standard information such as the database directory, application snapshots, and database snapshots.

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