5.4. The Database Administration Server

Prior to Version 8 there was another type of instance called the Database Administration Server (DAS) instance. There could only be one such instance per database server, and its main purpose was to allow for remote graphical administration of your database. In Version 7, if you installed the DB2 Administration Client (which comes with the graphical tools) on your Windows 2000 laptop and wanted to connect to a database server in Japan using graphical tools, the database server in Japan had to have this instance created and running.

With Version 8, this instance was converted into a background process, thereby hiding some of the required administration from the user. Nonetheless, you will still find commands that only apply to the DAS. On Linux and UNIX, a DAS user still needs to be created. The DB2 profile registry variable DB2ADMINSERVER contains the value of the DAS user. Normally, it is set to DB2DAS00 on Windows and dasusr1 on Linux/UNIX.


DB2 Administration Server and Database Administration Server are used interchangeably to refer to the DAS process.

5.4.1. The DAS Commands

Table 5.3 summarizes the most common commands for the DAS.

Table 5.3. DAS Commands
db2admin startStarts the DAS.
db2admin stopStops the DAS.
dascrtCreates the DAS in Linux and UNIX.
dasdropDrops the DAS in Linux and UNIX.
db2admin createCreates the DAS in Windows.
db2admin dropDrops the DAS in Windows.
get admin cfgDisplays the DAS admin configuration file.
update admin cfgUpdates the DAS admin configuration file.
reset admin cfgResets the DAS admin configuration file to its default values.

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