© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
A. I. KatzUp Up and Array!https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8966-2_2

2. Array Formula Basics

Abbott Ira Katz1  
Edgware, UK

The Old and the New

Array formulas have a reputation – and it’s not a particularly good one. For many spreadsheet users, they’re Excel’s equivalent of a dark alley at 3 in the morning; one just doesn’t go there.

Why not? Possibly because array formulas ask the user to think of, and work with, ranges in a way that displaces them from their comfort zone. Every spreadsheet formula works with ranges, of course, but array formulas – both the earlier and the newer dynamic-array kind – subject the values to a different kind of collective treatment.

To exemplify that idea, let’s return again to our character-count-summing array formula that featured in the previous chapter:
  • =SUM(LEN(A1:A3))

Now, if you knew nothing about array formulas but still needed to tabulate the number of characters populating our three-cell range, you’d write, as in Figure 2-1.

A table of 2 columns and 4 rows. The data in the last column and rows have the formula for LEN and SUM on the right.

Figure 2-1

Going to great lengths: adding the lengths of words individually

Here we’re viewing what I call the by-the-book means for achieving the character count. We’ve written a LEN function in B1 for the word in A1, copied that formula down the B column on an as-needed basis, and concluded the process by writing a SUM formula that adds all the counts. If our range consisted of 1000 words, then, we’d have to copy the formula in B1 999 times down B and report the count with SUM:
  • =SUM(A1:A1000)

That task, then, would require 1001 formulas.

While of course these results will be correct, the array alternative could engineer the same outcomes with exactly one formula. If you needed to calculate the total lengths of 100,000 words inundating the A column, you’d have to direct 100,001 formulas at them. The array formula count? Again, one.

The general strategy for writing an array formula would be to ask yourself how you would achieve the desired result if you’d never heard of arrays. Your answer would likely look something like the screenshot in Figure 2-1. You then need to ask yourself how all that activity could be crammed into a single formula, because here you want to account for all the character lengths of the words in one expression, for example,
  • =LEN(A1:A3)

And you’d then surround, or wrap, that formula with the SUM function.

This array formula carries out two operations – the cell-by-cell length calculations as well as their overall sum – and again, within the space of one formula. It’s this way of thinking, in which the formula is made to multitask with multiple values, that may be new to you, but a bit of reflection about the array process along with some directed practice will serve you well.

Remember again, however, that this dynamic array formula
  • =LEN(A1:A3)

freed of SUM, will release its results into multiple cells. It’s as if the SUM function locks its data inside the formula, forcing a single aggregated result into a single cell.

An Important Reminder

And that reminds us of an important general rule: if an array formula evaluates to a one-celled result, you should be able to write it in a pre-365 iteration of Excel. But a multi-cell return in the worksheet requires 365 or beyond. Thus, to repeat, this array formula
  • =SUM(LEN(A1:A3))

can be written in any version of Excel, because it yields one result – the sum of the word lengths. But this formula
  • =LEN(A1:A3)

can only be successfully written in Excel 365 or later, because it will lodge its results in multiple cells.

Remembrance of Keystrokes Past

And those reminders recall another reason why so many Excel users crossed the street when they saw an array formula coming. If a user mustered the courage to actually write one of them in the bygone, pre-365 days, the array formula was instated in its cell not via a simple tap of the Enter key, but by banging out a fearsome triad of keystrokes instead: Ctrl-Shift-Enter.

That legendary sequence (which accounts for Mike Girvin’s book title), which as of this writing remains a staple of array formulas in Google Sheets, ordered the formula to do something against its better nature – namely, pump out an internal array of values instead of the minimalist, single-celled output it was programmed to do. LEN was designed, after all, for this
  • =LEN(A1)

And not this
  • =LEN(A1:A3)

But Ctrl-Shift-Enter forced, or as the geeks like to put it, coerced, formulas to suppress their just-one-result instinct and make room for multiple results instead – even if for first-generation array formulas those results were confined to the formulas themselves. That process is called lifting, and is integral to array formulas; but more to the point, lifting now serves as Excel’s default formula capability. In any case, we’ll have more to say about lifting later.

But there was still more back then to make the would-be array formula writer break into a cold sweat. Once the formula was completed and nestled safely in its cell, the result would look like this:
  • {=SUM(LEN(A1:A3))}

The brackets, those squiggly formations we’ve seen attaching to arrays in the inner recesses of formulas, here showed up in actual formulas in their cells, doubtless triggering the same question in the minds of countless Excel users: what in the world are those?

That, too, was a good question, once upon a time. But not to worry, with the advent of dynamic arrays, both Ctrl-Shift-Enter and the brackets flanking array formulas have been abolished, and if you never knew about them to begin with, you’re in luck – there’s nothing for you to unlearn. They’re gone. Nowadays, every Excel formula, array or otherwise, springs into action with Enter and nothing more. As for the brackets, more need be said, but rest assured: you won’t see them clamped around formulas in their cells.


A handful of pre-365 formulas, most notably SUMPRODUCT, were empowered with native array formula status and so only required the user to press the Enter key. But even SUMPRODUCT could still only deliver its result to a single cell.

Back to the Basics

Now in the interests of battening down your array skills, consider these additional array examples. Figure 2-1 sports four instances of the FORMULATEXT function, written in cells C1:C4. These capture the formulas entered in B1:B4, and again – the by-the-book means for implementing them would ask us to write the first instance of FORMULATEXT in C1, and then copy it down the following three cells. By now, you may be able to predict what the dynamic array alternative looks like. In C1 simply enter

Press Enter, and the deed is done. One formula, multiple instances of FORMULATEXT (again, “spilling”), and no brackets. Just remember that you can’t write this one in earlier versions of Excel.

And that spilled range bears a closer look. We’ve written the formula in C1, and of course a click on that cell will disclose what we’ve written there. But click on C2 and the same formula will appear, but dimly – in a kind of shadow emanation of the original. You won’t be able to delete C2, or any cell that’s been spilled by the source formula. Delete C1 – the cell featuring the actual formula, on the other hand – and the entire spill range will vanish.

Now here’s an even simpler example, but again, one you can’t emulate in past versions. If you key in a set of names down a column, for example, Figure 2-2,

A table with 4 rows. The values read John, Paul, George, and Ringo.

Figure 2-2

A quartet of values

and call this diminutive range say, Beatles, I can enter
  • =Beatles

anywhere in the worksheet (or any other sheet in the workbook, by default), and immediately spill those names down its column.

That’s pure dynamic arraying at work, and that kind of range can offer to the thoughtful user more than gimmickry. A teacher could list all her student names in a range and call it Class, and by typing =Class anywhere else in the workbook could immediately summon all the names for grading, attendance, or any other administrative purpose. A work supervisor could do the same with a staff roster; type the range name, and the roster appears.

And by way of review of our discussion in Chapter 1, be reminded that writing =Beatles in pre-365 Excel and tapping Enter would result in “John” – and only John.

Now for the record, a multi-cell workaround of sorts did avail itself to the pre-365 generation. If I were to select four cells first, proceed to click in the formula bar and enter =Beatles, and then enter Ctrl-Shift-Enter, the names of each of the Fab Four would indeed make a place for themselves, one to a cell. But that’s a tricky – and inefficient – ask.

The One-Formula Grader

Now for something slightly different, let’s look at a hypothetical multiple-test answer key, and compare it to the responses managed by a student in the file Single Student Grades, for example, as illustrated by Figure 2-3.

A table of 3 columns and 10 rows. The column headers are quest dot, answer key, and student. The values are given for all 10 rows.

Figure 2-3

Multi-cell multiple choice exam

The answer key occupies B4:B13, alongside the student’s replies in C4:C13. The obvious objective: to determine the student’s overall grade.

Again, for a first pass at the task we could roll out the conventional, by-the-book, recipe, this time built on an IF statement. We could enter in D4
  • =IF(C4=B4,1,0)

What’s new here is the recourse to the IF function, its formula comparing the answer to question one to the student’s response: if the two match, the student receives one point; if they don’t, the formula issues a zero. Next of course, we could copy the formula down the D column and cap the process by jotting a SUM function somewhere in the worksheet (Figure 2-4).

A table of 4 columns and 11 rows. The column headers are quest dot, answer key, student, and blank. The values are given for all 10 rows. The blank column has the formula IF and SUM on the right side of the values in the final row.

Figure 2-4

Assessing the assessment: calculating the student’s grade

(We could go further and divide the correct-answer total by the number of exam questions, returning a score of 60%; but that step isn’t necessary for our demo purposes.)

Again of course all of the above is correct, but the far shorter array route would take us here:
  • =SUM(IF(B4:B13=C4:C13,1,0))

And that’s indeed a bit different from previous exercises. As with the character-count exercise featuring LEN, SUM wraps itself around an inner function, in this case IF; but here, and unlike LEN, the IF statement repeatedly appraises each pair of values making their way down their respective columns, for example, B4 with C4, B5 with C5, etc. In true array fashion, the 1’s and 0’s ordered up by the IF statement look like this inside the formula pictured in Figure 2-5.

A screenshot of the function arguments window. It has input boxes for the options, logical test, value if true, and value if false. An arrow points to the equal to value at the bottom.

Figure 2-5

Rights and wrongs: the test answers gathered in an array

We’ve just encountered another instance of lifting – this time a special case called pairwise lifting, in which each pair of values sprawled across their rows are compared, as the formula spills its results down the D column. Our single IF formula has been made to tear up its job description and evaluate data in a range of cells; and those 1’s and 0’s – all housed in the inner sanctum of the formula – total 6, the student score.

And again, because this array formula culminates in only one result – the 6 – it’s the kind that can be properly written in any version of Excel. But if we recast the formula in D4 without the embrace of SUM to
  • =IF(B4:B13=C4:C13,1,0)

We’ll see in Figure 2-6 the following.

A table of 4 columns and 10 rows. The column headers are quest dot, answer key, student, and blank. The blank column has the formula IF on the right side of the first cell.

Figure 2-6

Going solo; a single IF statement calculates each grade.

Shades of LEN(A1:A3). Here too, the IF statement – minus SUM – assigns its 1’s and 0’s alongside each student answer. Again: one formula that disgorges multiple, spilled results in their cells – an outcome only possible in Excel 365 and beyond.

The Return of the Brackets

And here’s one final, introductory need-to-know. Suppose we want to write a VLOOKUP formula that would enable us to enter the name of any student in cell I9 (file: Multiple Student Grades) and calculate his/her average for the sociology as well the art exam, the data furnished here in cells A1:G11 (the range has been named All), and captured by Figure 2-7.

A table of 7 columns and 10 rows. The column headers are name, s o c, Philosophy, Political Science, Art, Physics, and Chemistry. The values are given in each row.

Figure 2-7

Six subjects in search of a formula

Once again, we’re asking a formula to step out of character – the venerable VLOOKUP had been genetically tweaked to look up the values in a single column, and now we want it to track down the values in two columns at the same time – and compute their average, besides. What would that VLOOKUP look like?

Remembering that the soc and art scores hold down columns 2 and 5 in the above lookup range, if we enter Jane in I9 and commit the VLOOKUP to cell I11, the formula reads
  • =AVERAGE(VLOOKUP(I9,All,{2,5}))

And we learn that Jane averaged 69 for the soc and art exams.

But there are those brackets again – the ones you thought had been permanently banished from array formulas, and tucked irretrievably into the archives. But those brackets were of the automatic variety, the ones that leaped into a cell whenever you put the finishing touches on an old-school array formula via the now-obsolete Ctrl-Shift-Enter. These brackets are user-selected and user-typed, and they throw an actual, on-the-fly array smack-dab into a formula. The values between the brackets are called array constants, so named because they’re hard-coded, or simply typed. But don’t get the wrong idea – the constants aren’t inert text: here they serve to quantify the column numbers you select, and so in our case they tell VLOOKUP to search for data in columns 2 and 5. If we had entered {2,5,7}, the VLOOKUP would go ahead and compute Jane’s average for soc, art, and chem: 64.67. The bottom line is this: the array constants force VLOOKUP to undertake a multi-column search for values. And once again, because all this derring-do yields a one-celled answer – the test average – our formula can be written in previous versions of Excel, but remember that if that’s where you find yourself, you’ll need to ratify the formula with Ctrl-Shift-Enter.

And now consider this formula variation, one that should seem rather familiar to you by now. If we pry the AVERAGE function away from the VLOOKUP, we’re left with
  • =VLOOKUP(I9,All,{2,5,7})

This time Jane’s scores for soc, art, and chem will appear in actual, adjoining cells (Figure 2-8).

A table of 7 columns and 10 rows with values. The column headers are name, s o c, Philosophy, Political Science, Art, Physics, and Chemistry. The formula V LOOKUP is given on the bottom right for the entry Jane and its values.

Figure 2-8

It’s all academic: Jane’s scores in soc, art, and chem

And again, that output confirms the multi-cell capability of dynamic array formulas. You’re doubtless getting the idea.

Getting Re-oriented

But that last formula raises a new question. You’ll note the horizontal alignment of Jane’s three scores; but why do they proceed across a row, and not down a column instead?

In fact, we actually addressed this question in Chapter 1. Recall we observed there that if values in an array are delimited by a comma, as they in our formula here,
  • {2,5,7}

Then the values display themselves row-wise. If, however, we write
  • =VLOOKUP(I9,All,{2;5;7})

where the array values are parted by semicolons, Jane’s scores would spill down a column, as in Figure 2-9.

A table of 7 columns and 10 rows with values. The column headers are name, s o c, Philosophy, Political Science, Art, Physics, and Chemistry. The formula V LOOKUP is given on the bottom right beside the value 66 of the entry Jane.

Figure 2-9

Downward trend: Jane’s scores in vertical orientation

More of the Same

And for another, simpler example: the LARGE function identifies the nth-largest entry in a range. Thus, this expression
  • =LARGE(A1:A100,3)

would return the third-largest value in A1:A100. But if you wanted to elicit the top three values in that range, you could write
  • =LARGE(A1:A100,{1,2,3})

Again, the formula would roll out three results, one per cell; and because the array is comma-separated, they’d spill across a row.

But a Workaround Is Available

But if you just don’t like those pesky brackets, here’s a surprisingly obscure but easy workaround that can make your array formulas bracket-free:

Simply enter the values 2, 5, and 7 in cells I10:K10, for example, the column numbers you want to look up, the same ones that populated the brackets. Then rewrite the formula in I11:
  • =VLOOKUP(I9,All,I10:K10)

That new take achieves the same results, sans brackets; and if you want to change the column numbers to be looked up without editing the formula directly, just enter a different number somewhere in I10:K10.

Summing Up

We’ve devoted this chapter to a review of some of the essential features of first-generation array formulas, the new complement of dynamic array formulas, and what distinguishes one from the other. Note that – and again this is important – our review has run through its paces without having called upon any of the new dynamic array functions. That purposeful omission is a reminder that Microsoft’s grease monkeys have installed the dynamic array engine into most of Excel’s functions, and not merely the new ones. In the next chapter we get a bit further under the hood and explore some of the additional mechanics of the engine. No overalls required, though.

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