
The function of a user group has never been as vital as it is today, to all parties it unbiasedly serves. This includes the individual technologist, the technology provider, and the organizations consuming and benefitting from the technology.

What users want from a user group coexists well with what a technology provider wants from the user community, especially if it’s a healthy and thriving user-led community. User group members want access to education, product knowledge, training, a network of experts and professionals, and answers to their questions. Technology providers want the ability to continually learn about customer needs, keep tabs on markets, influence buyers, accelerate buying decisions, and receive quality and timely feedback. All of this is only possible within a user group.

In today’s “” world, where technology comparisons and opinion sharing are highly valued, user groups are more important than ever as they provide a difficult to replicate platform of timely, unique, trusted, and unfettered content and context. In this way, a user group functions as a nonthreatening, critical hub that connects buyers and sellers, users and developers, and customers and vendors.

Michelle Malcher has written an excellent book as a resource for anyone wanting to get involved and make a difference. It’s a must-read for anyone aspiring to a leadership role in a group. It’s good reading for just the typical member, too, because someday you’ll aspire to greater things.

—Josh Berman
Director, SmithBucklin Technology Industry Practice

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