Chapter 17. Stories Are Actually Like Asteroids

If you’re of a certain age, you may fondly recall playing an early video game called Asteroids. Stick with me here for a moment. I promise this is relevant.

In the game Asteroids, you’re represented by a little ship floating deep in outer space. But you’re stranded in a field of huge asteroids, and you need to shoot your way out to survive! If you shoot a big asteroid, it explodes into a few smaller asteroids. And, to make things more complicated, these smaller asteroids move faster, and in different directions—which makes it harder for you to keep from getting hit. If you shoot one of those smaller asteroids, it’ll break into even smaller asteroids that move even faster in different directions. Pretty soon, the screen is full of asteroids of all different sizes flying in every possible direction. Happily, when you shoot the tiniest asteroids, they blow up completely and help clear away this mess.

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A really bad asteroid strategy is to shoot all the big rocks and break them down into small rocks. The screen fills with lots of small rocks flying every which way, and you’ll die a quick and painful death.

A really bad product backlog management strategy is to break down all the big stories so they’re small enough to fit into the next development cycle. Your backlog will fill with lots of small stories flying every which way, and you’ll die. Well, you won’t actually die, but you’ll be buried alive in a lot of needless complexity. You and everyone else will complain about losing the big picture amid all these tiny details.

Break stories down progressively, and just in time.

At each story discussion and splitting stage, you’ll do so with a purpose in mind:

  1. For opportunities you’ll discuss who they’re for, what problems they solve, and if they’re well aligned with your business strategy. It may make sense to split bloated opportunities at this point.
  2. During discovery, you’ll discuss the specifics of who uses the product, why, and how. Your team’s goal is to envision a product that’s valuable, usable, and feasible to build. You’ll do lots of rock breaking here. Hopefully you’ll move only the smallest number of stories you need forward into a release backlog that describes a minimum viable product release.
  3. When planning a development strategy, you’ll discuss where the risks are—risks that spring from concerns about what users will like and adopt, and risks that spring from real technical feasibility concerns. You’ll break rocks with learning in mind, building what you need to first, to learn the most.
  4. When planning for the next development cycle, you’ll have your last best discussions to decide exactly what to build and make agreements on how you’ll check the software to confirm it’s complete. Each one of those agreements provides an opportunity to break down a story even further where each story satisfies as little as one agreement.

You can see that if you tried to have all four of these conversations in the same sitting, it’d be a long, grueling conversation. It’d take a wide variety of people to weigh in on different aspects. And you’ve probably gathered from my warnings and your own past experience that big groups of people don’t work effectively together—at least not all in the same room at the same time. That’s why we break stories down progressively over time with lots of conversations.

Reassembling Broken Rocks

In the Asteroids game, you have to be very careful about which asteroids you shoot because you can’t put split asteroids back together once they’re broken. But you can put split stories back together.

To avoid a backlog filled with lots of tiny stories, take a bundle of stories that go together, and write all their titles on a single card as a bulleted list. Summarize those titles with a single title on your new card. Voilà, you’ve got one big story.

This is pretty fantastic stuff when you think about it. The card, and the title written on it, is a tangible handle to lots of intangible ideas. Ideas are a lot more malleable than rocks or heavy documents. We sometimes forget that another name for software development is knowledge work. When we forget that and instead fixate on documents and process, it turns into something dry and secretarial. And when I work with people managing huge backlogs filled with tiny stories, it feels horribly secretarial.

Don’t Overdo the Mapping

I often hear from people trying to figure out this story mapping stuff that it’s just “too much.” When I ask them “What went wrong?” they’ll tell me about creating a very large map of their whole system in order to discuss a simple feature. They’re right: that’s too much. So don’t do that.

Map only what you need to tell a story about your feature.

For example, I was working with a company making some changes to the commenting feature in its collaborative document editing software. The team mapped document editing at a high level, and they only used a few cards for that. When they got to the area for commenting, they added more cards that summarized what their product did today using lots of bullets on a single card. Then they began to discuss changes they’d like to make, adding lots more cards for all the details and options they were considering.

When adding a feature into an existing product, map a little ahead of where the feature begins in your users’ story, and a little beyond where it ends. Don’t map your whole product.

Remember that story maps support conversations about your users and your product ideas. A good rule of thumb is this: if you don’t need to discuss it, you don’t need to map it.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

I’ve described this whole rock-breaking journey, and even cautioned you to treat those rocks like asteroids in the old Atari game so you’re not tempted to break them down too fast. Hidden within all these strategies is the assumption that a lot of the stories we come up with are big. But, actually, a lot of them aren’t. After you deliver a product or feature to users, you’ll immediately find lots of little things that are dead obvious—things you wished you’d have thought of before shipping, but you didn’t. At least that’s what happens to me. For those things I don’t have an opportunity discussion, or pull together a group to do product discovery, because it’d be obvious to everyone they should be done. For those things, I’ll get them into a current release backlog and then as early as possible workshop them with team members so we can get them built. The same goes for bugs, and lots of little improvements.

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