Foreword by Martin Fowler

Martin Fowler

June 18, 2014

One of the beneficial consequences of the rise of Agile software development is the notion of splitting up large sets of requirements into smaller chunks. These chunks—stories—enable much more visibility into the progress of a development project. When a product is built story-by-story, with each story’s implementation fully integrated into the software product, everyone can see the product grow. By using stories that make sense to users, developers can steer the project by determining which stories to build next. This greater visibility helps encourage greater participation from users—no longer do they have to wait a year or more to see what the development team’s been up to.

But this chunking has some negative consequences. One of these is that it’s easy to lose the big picture of what a software system should do. You can end up with a jumble of pieces that don’t fit into a coherent whole. Or you can end up building a system that isn’t really helpful to the users, because you’ve missed the essence of what’s needed by getting lost in the details.

Story mapping is a technique that provides the big picture that a pile of stories so often misses.

That’s it, really—the description of this book in a single sentence. And that sentence carries with it the promise of a lot of value. A big picture helps communicate effectively with users, it helps everyone involved avoid building unnecessary features, and it provides an orientation for a coherent user experience. When I talk to my colleagues at ThoughtWorks about what they do to develop their stories, story mapping regularly comes up as a core technique. Often they’ve learned that technique from workshops run by Jeff, because he’s the one who developed the technique and can best communicate it. This book allows more people to understand this technique directly from its source.

But this isn’t just a book for people who have something like “business analyst” on their business card or online profile. Perhaps the biggest disappointment for me in the decade of the adoption of Agile methods is the way that many programmers see stories as a one-way communication from analysts to them. Right from the beginning, stories were supposed to spark conversations. If you really want to come up with effective software to support an activity, then you need to look to those who build software as a vital source of ideas for its capabilities, because it’s programmers who know best what software can do. Programmers need to understand what their users are trying to achieve and should collaborate in building the stories that capture those users’ needs. A programmer who understands story mapping can better see the broader user context and can participate in framing the software—leading to a better job.

When Kent Beck (who originated the notion of a “story”) developed his ideas on software development, he called out communication as a key value of effective teams. Stories are the building blocks of communication between developers and those who use their work. Story maps organize and structure these building blocks, and thus enhance this communication process—which is the most critical part of software development itself.

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