FileSystemObject.GetBaseName Method (VB6)

Named Arguments





Use: Required

Data Type: FileSystemObject object

Any object variable returning a FileSystemObject object.


Use: Required

Data Type: String

A path specifier.

Return Value

A string containing the last element in Path.


Returns the name of the last path component, less any extension.

Rules at a Glance

The file extension of the last element in Path isn't included in the returned string.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • GetBaseName doesn't verify that a given file or folder exists in Path.

  • In stripping the "file extension" and returning the base name of Path, GetBaseName has no intelligence. That is, it doesn't know whether the last component of Path is a path or a filename. If the last component includes one or more dots, it simply removes the last one, along with any following text. Hence, GetBaseName returns a null string for a Path of "." and it returns "." for a Path of "..". It is, in other words, really a string manipulation function, rather than a file function.

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