A.17. Program Structure and Flow

CallByName Function

Calls the procedure specified as a string variable[3]

[3] VB6 only

Declare Statement

Defines a prototype for a call to an external DLL library function

Do...Loop Statement

Repeats a section of code while or until a condition is met

Exit Statement

Branches to the next line of code outside of the currently executing structure

For Each...Next Statement

Iterates through a collection or array of objects or values, returning a reference to each to the members

For...Next Statement

Iterates through a section of code a given number of times

Friend Statement

Declares the procedure or variable to have scope only within the project in which it is defined

Function Statement

Defines a prototype for a procedure that returns a value

If...Then...Else Statement

Defines a conditional block or blocks of code

Private Statement

Declares the procedure or variable to have scope only within the module in which it is defined

Property Get Statement

Defines a prototype for a property procedure that returns a value

Property Let Statement

Defines a prototype for a property procedure that accepts a value

Property Set Statement

Defines a prototype for a property procedure that sets a reference to an object

Public Statement

Declares the procedure or variable to have scope within the module and project in which it is defined and, if declared within an object module, to have scope outside the current project

Select Case...End Select Statement

A series of code blocks, only one of which will execute based on a given value

Sub Statement

Declares a prototype for a procedure that does not return a value or an event-handling procedure

While...Wend Statement

Repeats a section of code while or until a condition is met

With...End With Statement

Allows the implicit use of an object reference

WithEvents Keyword

Denotes that the current module will handle events fired by the specified object

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