About the Authors


Behrooz Mashadi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran. He received his BSc and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, and his PhD degree in Vehicle Dynamics Engineering from the University of Leeds, in 1996 under the supervision of Professor D. A. Crolla. He was then engaged in several R&D projects in the automotive engineering industry and joined the academic staff at IUST in 2002.

He has developed and taught a wide range of courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of Automotive Engineering. He served as Deputy for Education in the Department of Automotive Engineering and is currently Deputy of the Automotive Research Centre at IUST, which is the leading centre for automotive R&D in Iran.

His current research interests include vehicle powertrain systems, hybrid propulsion systems, vehicle dynamics, vehicle modelling, simulation and control. He has presented and published over 100 papers in journals and conferences. He also serves on the editorial board of several international journals.


David Crolla, FREng, was a Visiting Professor of Automotive Engineering at the Universities of Leeds, Sunderland and Cranfield. After graduating from Loughborough University, he first worked as a research engineer in off-road vehicle design, and then joined the University of Leeds (1979–2001) becoming head of the Mechanical Engineering Department. His research interests included vehicle dynamics, chassis control systems, powertrain systems, suspensions and terramechanics, and he had published and presented over 250 papers in journals and conferences.

His activities included research in low carbon vehicles, industrial short courses in vehicle dynamics and chassis control, and engineering consultancy, for example, the BLOODHOUND SSC 1000mph land speed record attempt.

He was Editor-in-Chief of the world's first Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering to be published in 2013.

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