
2WD 2-wheel drive
4WD 4-wheel drive
AC alternating current
AFR air-fuel ratio
Ah amp-hour
AMT automated manual transmission
AT automatic transmission
BAS belted alternator starter
BD block diagram
BDC bottom dead centre
BLDC brushless DC
BMEP brake mean effective pressure
BMS battery management system
BSFC brake specific fuel consumption
CAFE corporate average fuel economy
CI compression ignition
CO2 carbon dioxide
COP conformity of production
CPP constant power performance
CSM charge sustaining mode
CTP constant torque performance
CVT continuously variable transmission
DC direct current
DCT dual clutch transmission
deg. degree
DOF degree of freedom
DOH degree of hybridization
EC eddy current
ECU engine control unit
EFCC Efficient Fuel Consumption Curve
EGR exhaust gas recirculation
EM electric motor
EMS engine management system
EOP engine operating point
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EREV extended range electric vehicle
EUDC extra-urban European driving cycle
EV electric vehicle
FBD free body diagram
FC fuel consumption
FCVs fuel cell vehicles
FEAD front engine accessory drive
FEM finite elements methods
FTP Federal Test Procedure
FTP fixed throttle performance
FWD front wheel drive
GDI gasoline direct injection
HC hydrocarbons
HCCI homogeneous charge compression ignition
HEV hybrid electric vehicle
IC internal combustion
ICE internal combustion engine
IMEP indicated mean effective pressure
I/O input/output
ISG integrated starter-generator
ISO International Standard Organization
IVT infinitely variable transmission
kg/J kilogram per joule
kWh kW-hour
l litre
LCV low carbon vehicle
LS low speed
MAP manifold absolute pressure
MC motor controller
MCU motor control unit
MG motor/generator
MPa mega Pascal
MPD mechanical power distribution
MPI multi-point (port) injection
MT Magic Torque (formula)
MT manual transmission
NEDC New European Driving Cycle
NOx oxides of nitrogen
NRF no-resistive-force
NVH noise, vibration and harshness
OOL optimal operating line
PCP pedal cycle performance
PGS planetary gear set
PHEV plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
PID proportional integral derivative
PSD power split device
RMS root mean square
rpm revs per minute
RWD rear wheel drive
SCU supervisory control unit
SFG single flow graph
SI spark-ignition
SOC state of charge
SPH series-parallel hybrid
TA type approval
TAD torque amplification device
TBI throttle body injection
TC torque converter
TDC top dead centre
THS Toyota Hybrid System
TPS throttle position sensor
VVT variable valve timing
Wh Watt-hour
WOT wide-open throttle
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