
The authors would like to jointly acknowledge…

Danny Cope, Stefan Gordon, and most importantly Ben Burrows for taking the time to check our writing, help us edit, and bring this book to fruition. Thanks, chaps. Thanks must go to Helen Golding for the cover artwork—thanks, Helen. We’d also like to mention the persistence of Catharine Steers and her team at Focal Press for their support and patience through the writing process. Additional thanks to Sam Molineaux-Graham for copyediting our text and helping us with the US relevance.

However, more importantly, we simply could not have written this book without the help, assistance, professionalism, and passionately driven inspiration of the producers and music professionals we’ve had the pleasure to discuss this topic with recently and over many years. Thank you.

In addition we’d wholeheartedly like to thank the following music professionals for their time, support, and contribution to this book. You are all an inspiration: Dave Aston; Tom Bailey; Andy Barlow; Haydn Bendall; Leonard Bendell; Danny Cope; Tommy D; Joe D’Ambrosio; DJ Jon DaSilva; Will Francis; Mick Glossop; Stefan Gordon; Phil Harding (for providing a fantastic foreword— thanks, Phil); Joel Harrison; Rupert Hine; Andrew Hunt; Paul K. Joyce; Bob Katz; Richard Lightman; Barkley McKay; Richard Mollet; Brian Morrell; Robert Orton; Tony Platt; Tim “Spag” Speight; Ray Staff; Malcolm Toft; and the many names we’ve erroneously forgotten from this list.

This book was written using Google Docs.

Russ would like to thank…

Thanks must first go to my wife Jackie and son Tom for allowing me to embark on yet another book—thank you for your love and encouragement! Thank you, Mum too for getting me that first guitar all those years ago and thanks to my brothers, especially Ray and Peter, for coming to all those gigs when you must have hated the music! Thanks too must go to my parents-in-law Ann and John for all their help and support. Utmost respect is due to Craig Golding, who I am sure at times wished he’d never entered the book-writing game but without whom this book would never have happened. Thanks to Max Wilson for his friendship, honesty, and sincere support over all these years… thanks, boss! Continual thanks owed to: Iain Hodge and Peter Cook at London College of Music; Danny Cope, Barkley McKay, and Brian Morrell and former colleagues at Leeds College of Music; and Ben Burrows and Rob Wilsmore and colleagues at York St John University. Thanks also to my friends in the industry: Dave Aston, Tom Bailey, Paul Baily, Len Bendall, Mark Cousins, Will Francis, Rob Orton, and Ray Staff for their help and encouragement in moving the project along over many years. Also a quick shout-out to Ruth D’Silva; Olivia Flenley; Sue, Toto, and Billy Sawyer; Catherine “Parsonage” Tackley; and Tony Whyton. Thanks are also due to my colleagues at the Music Producers Guild for their individual support during the writing of this book. I’d also like to thank all the students I have taught over the many years—you have taught me more!

Craig would like to thank…

My first thank you has to go to my wife Joanne, my son Ben, and my daughter Lucy. “The book” has had a bigger impact on you than it ever will on anyone else—and you’ll probably never read it! Thank you for your love and support and for giving me the time and space to write. Thanks to my parents, Mum, Dad, without you I couldn’t have even read a book, never mind write one! My sister Helen, thanks for your talents and the use of your home as my second office! My sincere thanks to Russ Hepworth-Sawyer for persuading me that it would be great to write a book; thanks for trusting me. It’s great to finally cross the finishing line together! My sincere thanks and appreciation to all the professionals who allowed me to interview them. Continual thanks and gratitude to all the music production team and colleagues at Leeds College of Music; to Paul Baily; Bhupinder Chaggar; Danny Cope; Alex Halliday; Ally Jowett; Barkley McKay; Brian Morrell; Neil Myers; Charlotte Orba; Dale Perkins; Jez Pritchatt; and Randall Whittaker. It is my privilege to work with such talented individuals. And finally, thanks to the students I have taught and worked with over the years—I hope I made a difference!

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