
Writing a design and implementation book on a new and dynamic product, such as Active Directory, requires the efforts of many people. Foremost in this effort are the reviewers. Mary McLaughlin, Desmond Banks, and Ross Yeatman kept us honest, offered us the benefit of their experience, and challenged our opinions when appropriate. They added tremendous value to this book.

Next, the Team Coordinator, Jen Garrett, and Development Editor, Katie Pendergast, showed great patience with our struggling deadlines and held our feet to the fire when we would begin to stray. This book would not have been ready until December of 2001 without them.

Charles Bartley provided valuable insight into group policies and workstation interaction with Active Directory. We also want to thank Brett "Infrastructure" Dean, whose knowledge of networking and networking infrastructure filled a void in the pages of this book. Brett has always been the go-to guy for the authors on issues relating to infrastructure and enterprise computing. He provided significant value investigating how Active Directory affects network infrastructures and how those infrastructures benefit from Active Directory. Brett can be reached at [email protected].

Finally, we would like to thank Microsoft. Despite being constantly attacked by friend and foe alike, Microsoft continues to produce best-of-breed products that have offered us careers doing something we love and writing books as well.

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