Appendix B

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AFFARS Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
AFMCFARS Air Force Materiel Command Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
BAFO Best and final offer
B&P Bid and proposal
CAD Computer-aided design
CDRL Contract data requirements list
CER Cost-estimating relationship
CKER Customer key evaluation requirements
CLIN Contract line item numbers
CMMI® Capability Maturity Model Integration
COTS Commercial off-the-shelf
CPAR Contractor performance assessment report
CPI Cost performance index
CPR Cost performance report
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DoD Department of Defense
ECAC Estimated cost at completion
EN Evaluation notice
EVM Earned value management
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FBO Federal business opportunities
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
G&A General and administrative
ICD Interface control document
ID/IQ Indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity
IFB Invitation for bid
IFC Information for clarification
IFN Information for negotiation
IPT Integrated product teams
IR&D Independent research and development
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITO Instructions to offerors
LOB Line of business
MIL HDBK Military Handbook
NDI Non-developmental item
NSP Not separately priced
NTE Not to exceed
PCO Procuring contracting officer
PIO Proposal instructions to offerors
PMR Program management review
PPIRS Past performance information retrieval system
PPT Performance-price trade-off
PRAG Performance risk assessment group
PTW Price to win
QA Quality assurance
RFP Request for proposal
RFQ Request for quote
ROM Rough order of magnitude
SCA Service Contract Act
SEI Systems Engineering Institute
SME Subject matter expert
SOW Statement of work
SPI Schedule performance index
SSD System design and development
SSA Source selection authority
SSAC Source selection advisory council
SSEB Source selection evaluation board
WBS Work breakdown structure
USD United States dollar
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