A Leader Is Fair

Fairness is giving all people the treatment they earn and deserve. It doesn’t mean treating everyone alike. That’s unfair, because everyone doesn’t earn the same treatment.

That’s why I didn’t treat all players alike. I didn’t treat Walter Hazzard like I treated Gail Goodrich. I didn’t treat Bill Walton like I treated Keith Wilkes. Contrary to what you might think, it enhanced teamwork, because almost every player I coached knew that he would be treated fairly, that he would be given exactly what he had earned and deserved. They worked harder as a result. It’s true in sports and elsewhere in life.

In all circumstances, whether as a coach, teacher, or business leader, you must begin by determining exactly what is fair. That means you must eliminate prejudice of all types. Can you do it 100 percent? Probably not, but you can try.

Those under you will recognize that you at least are making a sincere effort. They will realize that you will be wrong on occasion. They must understand, as must you, that you are imperfect. But as long as those under your supervision know that you are trying hard to be fair, you’ll do fine—whether it’s with your children, employees, or athletes.

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