images Benjamin Delcamp Perkins is currently employed at ISOware, GmbH in Munich, Germany and has been working professionally in the IT industry for more than 16 years. He started computer programming with QBasic at the age of 11 on an Atari 1200XL desktop computer. He takes pleasure in the challenges trouble shooting technical issues offer and values the merit of a well written program. After successfully completing his military service and serving in the Gulf War of 1990, he received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems from Texas A&M University.

His roles in the IT industry have spanned the entire spectrum from programmer, to system architect, technical support engineer, to team leader and management. While employed at Hewlett-Packard, he received numerous awards, degrees, and certifi cations. He has a passion for technology and customer service. Benjamin enjoys sharing his C# and other programming experiences and has created many free training videos which are available on YouTube. He also has an active blog found at: www.thebestcsharpprogrammerintheworld.com.

“My approach is to write code with support in mind, and to write it once correctly and completely so we do not have to come back to it again, except to enhance it.”

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