
. (dot)

IntelliSense, 26

joins, 55

= (equals sign), Restrictions, 121

> (greater than sign), Restrictions, 121

< (less than sign), Restrictions, 121


AbstractQueryImpl, 54

Add(), 70, 95, 107

Add Reference, 10

AddOrder, 32

ADODB.Connection, 1

ADODB.Recordset, 1


adonet.batch_size, 199

aggregate database functions

GetNamedQuery(), 7680

ICriteria, 126131

LINQ, 164168

AggregateResults, 164165

ALL, 39, 40

AND, 121

And, 121

app.config, 40, 42

batch processes, 199200

log4net, 3738

appender-ref, 39

AppendToFile, 38

Application_BeginRequest(), 207

Application_EndRequest(), 207

Application_Start(), 206

appSetting, 42

app/web.config, 2426

ASP.NET MVC3, 203212

Controller, 208212

installation, 204

session-per-web-request, 207

View, 208212

Assembly, 43

assembly, 15

Assigned, 184

AuditDeleteEvent(), 52

AutoGenerateColumns, 55

AVG, 76, 78, 127, 167


<bag>, 17

BaseUserType, 175176

batch processes

ConfigureNHibernate(), 200

data insertion, 198202

IStatelessSession, 199

QueryImpl, 201


BeginTransaction(), 172


Between, 136

binaries, 205

BinaryFormatter, 4344, 45

/bin/Debug, 40

/bin/release, 40

Build Action, 17

BuildDataTable(), 57, 98, 99, 106

CreateMultiCriteria(), 105

IList, 58

BuildSessionFactory(), 23

Button, 64, 73, 181

DetachedQuery, 81

LINQ, 167

MainWindow.xaml, 49, 51, 89

buttonCount_Click(), 130

buttonMaximum_Click(), 79

buttonMinimum_Click(), 167

buttonNext_Click(), 6465

buttonPrevious_Click(), 6465

buttonSearch_Click(), 84, 160

DetachedSearch(), 109

MainWindow.xaml.cs, 81, 109, 137

buttonSubmit_Click(), 182183, 196

buttonSUM_Click(), 7576

buttonTotalValue_Click, 89


cache, 23

data insertion, 187194

DataAccess, 191

Evict(), 194195

ExecuteUpdate(), 202

first-level, 188189

foreign keys, 189

Get(), 189

IStatelessSession, 202

Load(), 189

second-level, 190194

strategies, 193

cache.provider_class, 190

cache.use_second_level_cache, 192, 193194

calculated fields, 6669

CheckBox, 138

class, 15

<class>, 15

class files, 1113

Class1.cs, 6

ClassMapping, 17c

Click, 49, 79, 127

LINQ, 167

MainWindow.xaml, 5152

collections, 1617

column, 1516

ComboBox, 33, 51

DataGrid, 3435, 101, 151

Id, 56, 101

MainWindow.xaml.cs, 121

Common, 6, 186

Common, 6

concurrency control, 172

concurrency strategy

isolation levels, 171172

optimistic control, 172

pessimistic control, 172

state, 170175

versioning, 173175

<configSections>, 25

configuration, 1029

ASP.NET MVC3, 204212

class files, 1113

FetchMode, 123126

log4net, 3740

mapping by code, 1819

mapping files, 1318

property-ref, 19

serialization, 4245

techniques, 1928

Configuration, 2021, 44, 47

GetNamedQuery(), 73

SessionFactory, 24

<configuration>, 25

ConfigurationManager, 42

ConfigureNHibernate(), 23, 27, 44, 200

Interceptor, 47

ConnectionProvider, 1920

ConnectionString, 1920, 25

connectionString, 204, 205207

console application

creating, 67, 2829

lambda expressions, 160

Contains(), 151152

Controller, 208212


Count, 127, 130

CountDistinct, 127

CreateCriteria, 98105, 132

CreateCriteria(), 95, 98, 107, 120

CreateCriteria<T>(), 98

CreateMultiCriteria(), 105108, 119

CreateMultiQuery(), 6973, 86

CreateQuery, 53, 63

CreateQuery(), 5769

CriteriaImpl, 92, 112, 119

CurrentSessionContext, 206

CustomIdGenerator, 185


DAL. See data access layer

data access layer (DAL), 8

data insertion, 180194

batch processes, 198202

cache, 187194

parent/child, 185187

data transfer object (DTO), 139143

DataAccess, 6, 179, 191

DataAccess, 6

database management systems (DBMSs)

CreateMultiQuery(), 72

DriverClass, 1920

DataGrid, 30, 31, 51, 72

BuildDataTable(), 57, 98, 106

ComboBox, 3435, 101, 151

detached objects, 170

ExecuteDetachedQuery(), 81

GetNamedQuery(), 73

PopulateDataGrid(), 61

WPF, 56

DataTable, 57, 98

DateTime, 1112

DBMSs. See database management systems

DEBUG, 39, 40

DefaultProxyFactory, 20


Deserialize(), 4344

detached objects, 170

DetachedCriteria, 92, 109111, 132

DetachedNamedQuery, 8385

DetachedQuery, 8083, 84

DetachedSearch(), 109

Dialect, 1920, 25

Distinct, 127

DriverClass, 1920

Driver_Class, 25

DriverConnectionProvider, 20

DTO. See data transfer object


Embedded Resource, 17, 141

entity, 11

Eq, 121


Event, 4852

Evict(), 194195

ExecuteCriteria<T>(), 208, 209

ExecuteDetachedQuery(), 81

ExecuteHQL<T>(), 208

ExecuteICriteriaOrderBy(), 32

ExecuteICriteria<T>(), 32

ExecuteNamedQuery(), 7576

ExecuteUpdate(), 201, 202

Expression, 131139



fetch, 36, 95

FetchMode, 123126

FetchMode.Default, 125

FetchMode.Eager, 125

FetchMode.Join, 125

FetchMode.Lazy, 125

FetchMode.Select, 125

FileInfo, 43

FileStream, 41

first-level cache, 188189

Flush(), 170

foreach, 199

Foreign, 184

foreign keys, 3, 9, 19, 189

Future(), 47

CreateCriteria(), 120

CriteriaImpl, 119

HQL, 8589

ICriteria, 119122

QueryOver, 116

Future<T>(), 85

FutureValue<T>(), 85, 86


Get(), 189

{get: set:}, 12

GetCountByTypeHQL, 79

GetCurrentSession(), 206, 209, 210

GetExecutableQuery(), 83, 84

GetInventoryPaging(), 86

GetLogger, 40

GetNamedQuery, 53


aggregate database functions, 7680

HQL, 7380

GetResult(), 70

Global.asax.cs, 204

Group, 127

Gt, 121

GUID, 10, 184

Guid, 184

guid.comb, 10, 183184


.hbm.xml, 4041, 45, 125

Embedded Resource, 141

IUserType, 178179

versioning, 174

*.hbm.xml, 13

HI, 184

Hibernate Query Language (HQL), 3, 23, 29, 5390. See also specific HQL elements

calculated fields, 6669

CreateMultiQuery(), 6973

CreateQuery(), 5769

DetachedNamedQuery, 8385

DetachedQuery, 8083

Future(), 8589

GetNamedQuery(), 7380

paging, 6165

PopulateDataGrid(), 8889

round-trip database counter, 6566

strongly typed configuration, 55, 57

hibernate-mapping, 15

<hibernate-mapping>, 15

Hilo, 184

HLO, 184

HQL. See Hibernate Query Language

HttpContext, 206


ICriteria, 23, 29, 55, 91144

AddOrder, 32

aggregate database functions, 126131

data transfer object (DTO), 139143

Expression, 131139

fetch, 95

FetchMode, 123126

Future(), 85, 119122

Interceptor, 46

joins, 93

lambda expressions, 118119

lazy loading, 36

LINQ, 147

Nhibernate.Criterion, 32

paging, 102105

QueryOver, 112118

Restrictions, 9394, 131139

SetFirstResult(), 102

SetMaxResults(), 102

SQL queries, 93

ID, 3, 9, 19

Id, 56, 101, 209

id, 15

id generators, 184185

<idbag>, 17


Identity, 184

IInterceptor, 46

IList, 58, 152

IList<T>, 208

ILMerge, 146

Image, 50

IMultiCriteria, 23, 107

IMultiQuery, 23, 70

IN, 121

In, 121

Index.aspx, 211

INFO, 39

Initialize(), 23

InnerException.Message, 29

INSERT, 186, 199

Insert(), 199

insert="false", 186

installation, 10


XML schema templates, 1314

int, 86

IntelliSense, 13, 26

Interceptor, 4648

Event, 48

implementing, 4952

OnPrepareStatement(), 47

OpenSession(), 48


IQuery, 3, 23, 29, 53, 54

aggregate database functions, 130

Future(), 85

GetExecutableQuery(), 83

Interceptor, 46

LINQ, 147

SetFirstResult(), 61

SetMaxResults(), 61

IQueryOver, 23

ISerializable, 41

ISession, 97, 98, 208, 209

IsNotNull, 121

IsNull, 121

isolation levels, 171172

IStatelessSession, 9798, 106, 199, 202


BaseUserType, 175176

.hbm.xml, 178179

state, 175180


JBoss, 2

JOIN, 93

join, 36

joins, 55, 93

jpGrid, 212

jQuery, 211

Json, 209


Label, 181

lambda expressions

console application, 160

ICriteria, 118119

LINQ, 157164

LastWriteTime, 43

lazy loading, 11, 3536

private field value, 12

Session, 23

Le, 121

LIKE, 111, 121

Like, 121

LINQ, 29, 145168

aggregate database functions, 164168

AggregateResults, 164165

buttonMinimum_Click(), 167

Contains(), 151152

ICriteria, 147

IList, 152

IQuery, 147

Json, 209

lambda expressions, 157164

operators, 145146

paging, 153157

QueryOver, 147

Query<T>(), 148

Skip(), 153157

SUM, 165

Take(), 153157

ToFuture(), 155156, 162163

List(), 53, 56, 84

<list>, 17

List<T>, 170

List<T>(), 53, 56, 84

Load(), 121, 189

LoadConfigurationFromFile(), 44

log4net, 3740

log4net.dll, 40

LogManager, 40

long, 86

lost update problem, 172

LOW, 184

Lt, 121


Main(), 25, 117, 134

MainWindow, 30, 181

MainWindow.xaml, 3031

Between, 136

Button, 49, 51, 89

CheckBox, 138

Click, 5152

ComboBox, 33

Image, 50

MainWindow.xaml.cs, 6465

buttonMaximum_Click(), 79

buttonSearch_Click(), 81, 84, 109, 137, 160

buttonSubmit_Click(), 196

buttonSUM_Click(), 7576

ComboBox, 121

PopulateDataGrid(), 104, 113, 149, 163

SetDataBaseRoundTripImage(), 50

MainWindow.xml.cs, 99

ManagedWebSessionContext, 206

many-to-one, 185186

Mapping, 6, 192

Mapping, 6

mapping by code, 1819

mapping files

configuration, 1318

deploying, 1718

FetchMode, 123124

SessionFactory, 73

SQL queries, 14

mapping/class.hbm.xml, 1417

MappingException, 174

MAX, 76, 127, 166167

maxResult, 117

maxSizeRollBackups, 38

MemCache, 190

Merge(), 170, 195197

metadata, 16

MIN, 76, 127, 165166, 168

Model, 56

MouseDoubleClick, 195196

MoveFirst(), 1

MoveLast(), 1

MoveNext(), 1

MovePrevious(), 1

MultiCriteria, 47

MultiQuery, 47


name, 1516

name="hibernate-configuration", 25

namespace.class, 185

Native, 184

NHErrorLog, 39

NHibernate.AdoNet.Util.BasicFormatter.Format(), 47

NHibernateBase, 10

NHibernateBase.ConfigureNHibernate(), 41

NHibernateBase.cs, 2124, 27

NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration, 19, 23

NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.cs, 19

NHibernate.Criterion, 92

DetachedCriteria, 109

ICriteria, 32

Projection, 126

NHibernate.Driver, 9

SupportMultipleQueries(), 108

NHibernate.EmptyInterceptor.cs, 46

NHibernate.Event, 48

NHibernate.FetchMode, 125

NHibernate.Impl, 54, 81, 119

NHibernate.ISession.cs, 23

NHibernate.ISessionFactory, 19

NHibernate.ITransaction, 23

NHibernate.Mapping.ByCode.Conformist, 17

NHibernate.NonUniqueObjectException, 197

NHibernate.Proxy, 20

NHLog, 40

NHLog.txt, 38

NhQueryProvider, 148

nonstrict-read-write, 193

NOT, 121

Not, 121

NullSafeGet(), 176177

NullSafeSet(), 176177


object-relational mapping (ORM), 34


OID, 19

OnDelete(), 46

OnLoad(), 46

OnPrepareStatement(), 46, 47

OnSave(), 46


OpenSession(), 23, 48

OpenStatelessSession(), 98

optimistic control, 172

OR, 121

Or, 121, 136


CreateMultiQuery(), 73


rownum, 19

OracleDataClientDriver, 20

OrderBy(), 161162

orderBy, 30

ORM. See object-relational mapping



HQL, 6165

ICriteria, 102105

LINQ, 153157

PopulateDataGrid(), 6364

parent/child, 185187

Persist(), 170, 198

persistent objects, 170, 195197

pessimistic control, 172

PopulateComboBox(), 33

PopulateDataGrid(), 99

CreateMultiCriteria(), 107108

CreateMultiQuery(), 71

DataGrid, 61

HQL, 8889

Load(), 121

MainWindow.xaml.cs, 104, 113, 149, 163

paging, 6364

QueryOver, 113114, 117

SetDataBaseRoundTripImage(), 66

strongly typed configuration, 69

Prevalence, 190

Price, 56

primary keys, 9, 10

private field value, 12

Program, 25, 134

Program.cs, 117

Projection, 126

property, 15

PropertyNotFoundException, 15

property-ref, 19

PropertyValueException, 12

proxy, 11

ProxyFactory, 1920

pseudo-foreign keys, 19


QOH, 56

QueryableBase<T>(), 146

QueryCounter, 47, 105

query.hbm.xml, 7374

QueryImpl, 54, 201


CriteriaImpl, 112

Future(), 116

ICriteria, 112118

LINQ, 147

PopulateDataGrid(), 113114, 117

Take(), 117

Query<T>(), 148


read-only, 193

ReadUncommitted, 171

read-write, 193

Received, 1112

RedCommitted, 171

Reference, 205

References, 10

reflection, 16

regsrv32.exe, 1

Relationships, 8

Remotion.Data.Linq.dll, 146

RepeatableRead, 171

Restrictions, 35

DetachedCriteria, 132

ICriteria, 9394, 131139

Rollback(), 23


round-trip database counter, 4951, 6566

RowCount, 127

rownum, 19


Save(), 183, 184, 186187

IStatelessSession, 199

SaveOrUpdate(), 170, 197

second-level cache, 190194

SELECT, 97, 189

select count(*), 72

SelectionChanged(), 3435, 150151

lazy loading, 36

Seqhillo, 184


Sequence, 184

Serializable, 171

serialization, 41

configuration, 4245

ConfigureNHibernate(), 44

Serialize(), 45

SerializedConfiguration, 4142

Server.CreateObject, 1


batch processes, 198201

cache, 188

detached objects, 170

DetachedQuery, 80

GetCurrentSession(), 210

Interceptor, 47

lazy loading, 23

Session.CreateQuery(), 54

SessionFactory, 10, 2021

batch processes, 200

Configuration, 24

GetCurrentSession(), 206, 209

Global.asax.cs, 205206

mapping files, 73

OpenSession(), 23, 48

OpenStatelessSession(), 98

session-factory, 200

SessionImpl, 201

session-per-web-request, 207

Sessions, 19

<set>, 17

SetDataBaseRoundTripImage(), 50, 66

SetFirstResult(), 61, 102

SetInterceptor(), 47

SetMaxResults(), 61, 102

SetParameter(), 148

SharedCache, 190

showDetails, 212

show_sql, 29, 117

Skip(), 153157

Snapshot, 171

SQL queries

DAL, 8

Future(), 119

GetNamedQuery(), 7380

ICriteria, 93

mapping files, 14

ORM, 34

View SQL, 108

SQL Server, 7

CreateMultiQuery(), 72

SqlClientDriver, 20

SqlClientDriver, 20

sql-query, 74

SqlQueryImpl, 74, 201

StaleObjectException, 23

batch processes, 201

versioning, 175

state, 169180

concurrency strategy, 170175

detached objects, 170

IUserType, 175180

persistent objects, 170, 195197

StatelessSession, 199

Stopwatch, 45

strongly typed configuration, 19, 2628

DetachedQuery, 84

FutureValue<T>(), 86

HQL, 55, 57

PopulateDataGrid(), 69

second-level cache, 191192

SubGridRowExpanded, 212

SUM, 76, 127, 165

SupportMultipleQueries(), 108

SysCache, 190

SysCache2, 190

System.Configuration, 41

System.DateTime, 11

System.Diagnostics, 45

System.IO, 43

System.Linq.Expression, 119

System.Linq.IQueryProvider, 148

System.Reflection, 43


TabControl, 181182, 196

table, 15

Table Designer, 8


LINQ, 153157

QueryOver, 117

TextBox, 181, 196

ThenByDescending(), 161162

ThreadStaticSessionContext, 207

ToFuture(), 155156, 162163

transactional, 193

Transformers, 139140

transient objects, 197

Persist(), 198

state, 170

try…catch, 23, 29


type, 15

TYPEID, 3, 186


uniqueidentifier, 9

UPDATE, 186, 199

Update(), 170

Utils, 4647, 105



.hbm.xml, 45

serialized configuration, 4243

value comparison logic, 131

value types, 1112

varchar(), 9

Velocity, 190


<version …>, 174

versioning, 173175


ASP.NET MVC3, 208212

Index.aspx, 211

View SQL, 72, 108, 183

Visual Studio, 5

XML schema templates, 13


WARN, 39

WcfOperationSessionContext, 206

Web.config, 204, 205207

WebSessionContext, 207

WHERE, 55, 121, 174

Where, 121

Window_Loaded(), 30, 51

CreateQuery, 63

PopulateComboBox(), 33

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 3, 56


XML schema templates, 1314

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