The Implement Resource Guide


This section outlines some resources for further exploration to get better at implementing ideas and developing a committed mindset.


  • Want to find out just how gritty you are? Take Professor Duckworth’s questionnaire on the university’s website:
  • Three psychological profiling tools I have found very insightful for team building are Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the Spony Profiling Model (SPM) (which measures the impact national culture has on leadership decision making) and the Enneagram, which creates self-awareness and uncovers patterns of behaviour across nine distinct personality types.
  • There is a range of affordable project management software now available online. Here is a good blog that outlines 10 of the best:
  • Mindtools has lots of tips and tricks for developing new skills. Here is a good article on how to manage Stakeholders:
  • Want to manage ideas? Here is a good overview of idea management software that is available online:
  • Want an online platform that mirrors The Six ‘I’s® Model? We have partnered with Softools, a business app developer in the UK, to design a Six ‘I’s® Innovation Management platform. Highly flexible solutions with zero coding:
  • Want to find a great mentor? Here is a good book to help you: Power Mentoring: How Successful Mentors and Protégés Get the Most Out of Their Relationships by Ellen Ensher and Susan Murphy (2005).


There are plenty of books available on all the subjects listed below. Here are a few to help expand your thinking.

Getting to market

Anthony, S. (2014) The First Mile: A Launch Manual for Getting Great Ideas into the Market. Harvard Business Review Press.

Organising and planning

Allen, D. (2015) Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity. Piatkus.

Ferris, T. (2017) The 4-Hour Work Week. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Lencioni, P. (2004) Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable about Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business. John Wiley & Sons.

Service, O. and Gallagher, R. (2017) Think Small: The Surprisingly Simple Ways to Reach Goals. Michael O’Mara.

Tracy, B. (2013) Eat that Frog: Get More of the Important Things Done Today. Hodder Paperbacks.

Zogby, J.P. (2017) The Power of Time Perception: Control the Speed of Time to Make Every Second Count. Time Lighthouse Publishing.

Project management

Newton, R. (2007) Project Management Step by Step: How to Plan and Manage a Highly Successful Project. Pearson Business.

Sutherland, J. (2015) Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. Random House Business.

Innovation management

Tidd, J. and Bessant, J. (2013) Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Marketing and Organizational Change. John Wiley & Sons.

von Stamm, B. (2008) Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity. Wiley.

Marketing and sales

Cakim, I.M. (2010) Implementing Word of Mouth Marketing: Online Strategies to Identify Influencers, Craft Stories, and Draw Customers. John Wiley & Sons.

Heath, C. and Heath, D. (2007) Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. Random House.

Priestly, D. (2015) Oversubscribed: How to Get People Lining Up to Do Business with You. Captsone.

Building teams

Kostner, J. (1996) Virtual Leadership: Secrets From the Round Table for the Multi-site Manager. Time Warner International.

Lencioni, P. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable.


Duckworth, A. (2017) Summary of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Ericsson, A. (2016) Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Pink, D. (2011) Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us. Canongate Books Ltd.

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