
I would like to dedicate this book to my parents, Dave and Ursula. Thank you for all your love and encouragement. Thank you to Eloise and Felicity from Pearson who enthusiastically supported the publication of a second edition. Thanks to Eimee for your continual advice and help on developing my potential. A special mention to my daughter, Meera, whose bright smile and beautiful spirit inspires me every day.

As always, thank you to my clients who gave me the opportunity to work with them in their first 100 days, especially my clients at Accenture. I joined Accenture as a graduate, stayed eight years and fully appreciate that the experience set me up for success for the rest of my career.

Finally, I want to thank my readers for caring enough to read this book and invest time in becoming a better leader. This is all for you. Feel free to share your feedback on this book at [email protected]

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