Helping the community

When you have some experience with haXe, you will certainly feel the need to participate in the community and help, as you have been helped. There are several ways to do this.

The mailing list and the forum

At first, and that is certainly the most obvious part, you can answer people's questions on the mailing list and on the forum.

If you do so, do not hesitate to give some advice. Share you experience—people who are migrating from the same language as you (if you are migrating) may want to hear about your experience.

Another way of participating on the mailing list is by making some proposals. If you think that you have a great idea that can make haXe even better, or can help newcomers, or everyday development with haXe, then you should propose it. People will tell you what they think about your idea and will eventually help you to make them come true.

The wiki

You can register on the wiki and write on it. There are several things that are needed on the wiki:

  • Tutorials
  • Updating the documentation according to changes
  • Updating the documentation to reflect important things said on the mailing list
  • Translating into your own language

Write on your blog or website

If you have a blog or a website, then you can write about haXe and your haXe experience on it. People always want to know how others have made the switch and how well it went. Having several sites talking about haXe helps spread the word too. Moreover, you can explain how you achieved a task and write a tutorial.

Writing libraries or tools

You can also write some libraries or tools and share them. As a developer, you will certainly use someone else's library at some point just because it is useless to rewrite things if they are already written well. So, think that someone else may also be interested in your work and distributing your libraries or tools is a great way to give back to the community.

You can also correct bugs in the haXe library and help maintaining libraries, so that they stay compatible with new versions of haXe.

You can find some libraries on

Talking about haXe

Maybe, you are part of an association of programmers, or you are a student in an IT oriented school, or even a teacher. If this is the case, then maybe you can organize some conferences to talk about haXe. It is difficult to get people to know about a new and young language, such as haXe, because schools do not teach it and not many sites are talking about those languages.

Some people are already organizing such events (sometimes, even with workshops) and the more there are, the better it will be, because people will at least know about haXe and they can then decide if they want to use it or not (I do believe they will want to use it!).

If haXe is well-known, then you will certainly have more opportunities to use it.

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