Platform-specific packages

You've already understood that there are some platform-specific packages, let's have an overview of them.


The platform-specific package for JavaScript is the js package. It basically contains only typedefs representing the DOM and has a layout that's not comparable to any one of the other platform-specific package.


As we've already mentioned, Flash has two platform-specific packages: the first one is flash and it is used when targeting Flash up to Flash 8, or else, you use the flash9 package (but access it by writing flash). Those packages contain definitions for the external classes that are natives in Flash. Their layouts are not comparable to any other platform-specific packages.


Neko has its own package named neko. It contains a lot of useful classes allowing for example, sockets communication, file-system access, console input and output, and threads management.

Its layout is comparable to the layouts of the C++ and PHP packages.


The php package is a PHP-specific package. It allows us to manipulate files, write, and read from the console and open sockets.

Its layout is comparable to the layouts of the C++ and Neko packages.


C++ has its specific package named cpp. It allows one to access the filesystem, read, and write from the console and open sockets.

Its layout is comparable to the layouts of the neko and php packages.

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