Time for action—Applying a function on every item

We are going to create a function that will take a function and apply it to every item in a list. We are going to use it to simply display every Int in a list.

  1. At first, let's create a function that takes an Int and displays it:
    class Main
    public static function main()
    public static function displayInt(i : Int)
  2. Then in our Main class add a list of Int:
    class Main
    public static var intList : List<Int>; public static function main()
    intList = new List<Int>(); //Initialize the variable
  3. Note that we have to initialize the list in the main function.
  4. Now, let's create the function that will iterate over the list, as follows:
    public static function iterateAndApply(fun : Int->Void) : Void
    for(i in intList)
  5. Now, we can simply call this function, as follows:

What just happened?

We created an iterateAndApply function that takes a method of type Int->Void, that is, a method that takes an Int and returns nothing.

  • The displayInt function: We have simply created a function of type Int->Void to display an Int.
  • The iterateAndApply function: The most important thing in this function here is that it takes a function of type Int->Void as an argument and applies it to every element of the List intList.
  • The list: We have added a list of Int to the Main class. What you should note here is that we had to initialize it in the main function. Also, after the initialization, you should add some elements to test your application.
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