
While our names appear on the cover, many people helped make this book a reality. We would like to take this chance to thank them.

  • The other instructors who teach the iOS Bootcamp fed us with a never-ending stream of suggestions and corrections. They are Scott Ritchie, Brian Hardy, Mikey Ward, Christian Keur, Alex Silverman, and Alex von Below.
  • Our tireless editor, Susan Loper, took our distracted mumblings and made them into readable prose.
  • Several technical reviewers helped us find and fix flaws. They are Bill Monk, Mark Miller, and Jonathan Saggau.
  • Ellie Volckhausen designed the cover. (The photo is of the bottom bracket of a bicycle frame.)
  • Chris Loper at designed and produced the EPUB and Kindle versions.
  • The amazing team at Pearson Technology Group patiently guided us through the business end of book publishing.

The final and most important thanks goes to our students whose questions inspired us to write this book and whose frustrations inspired us to make it clear and comprehensible.

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