Table of Contents



What’s Changed in the Second Edition?

Our Teaching Philosophy

How To Use This Book

Using an eBook

How This Book Is Organized

Style Choices

Typographical Conventions

Necessary Hardware and Software

1. A Simple iOS Application

Creating an Xcode Project

Building Interfaces



Declaring instance variables

Declaring methods

Making Connections

Setting pointers

Setting targets and actions

Summary of connections

Implementing Methods

Build and Run on the Simulator

Deploying an Application

Application Icons

Launch Images

2. Objective-C


Using Instances

Creating objects

Sending messages

Destroying objects

Writing the RandomPossessions Tool


NSArray and NSMutableArray

Subclassing an Objective-C Class

Instance variables

Accessor methods

Instance methods


Other initializers and the initializer chain

Class methods

Testing your subclass

Exceptions and the Console Window

Fast Enumeration


3. Memory Management

Memory Management Basics

Managing memory in C

Managing memory with objects

Reference Counting

Using retain counts

Using autorelease

Accessors and memory management

Implementing dealloc

Simplifying accessors with properties

copy and mutableCopy

Retain count rules

For the More Curious: More on Memory Management

4. Delegation and Core Location

Projects, targets, and frameworks

Core Location

Receiving updates from CLLocationManager



Delegation, controllers, and memory management

Using the Debugger

Challenge: Heading

For the More Curious: Build Phases, Compiler Errors, and Linker Errors




5. MapKit and Text Input

Object Diagrams

MapKit Framework

Interface Properties

Being a MapView Delegate

Using the documentation

Your own MKAnnotation

Tagging locations

Putting the pieces together

Challenge: Annotation Extras

Challenge: Reverse Geocoding

6. Subclassing UIView

Creating a Custom View

The drawRect: method

Instantiating a UIView

Drawing Text and Shadows

Using UIScrollView


Hiding the Status Bar

Challenge: Colors

For the More Curious: Retain Cycles

For the More Curious: Redrawing Views

7. View Controllers

View Controllers and XIB Files

Using View Controllers

Creating the UITabBarController

Creating view controllers and tab bar items

Creating views for the view controllers

Appearing and Disappearing Views

The View Controller Lifecycle and Low-Memory Warnings

View Controller Subclasses and Templates

Challenge: Map Tab

8. The Accelerometer

Setting Up the Accelerometer

Getting Accelerometer Data

Orientation and Scale of Acceleration

Using Accelerometer Data

Smoothing Accelerometer Data

Detecting Shakes

Challenge: Changing Colors

For the More Curious: Filtering and Frequency

For the More Curious: Retina Display

9. Notification and Rotation

Notification Center

UIDevice Notifications


Setting autoresizing masks programmatically and bitwise operations

Forcing Landscape Mode

Challenge: Proximity Notifications

For the More Curious: Overriding Autorotation

10. UITableView and UITableViewController

Beginning the Homepwner Application


Subclassing UITableViewController

UITableView’s Data Source

PossessionStore: a singleton

Implementing data source methods


Creating and retrieving UITableViewCells

Reusing UITableViewCells

Code Snippet Library

Challenge: Sections

11. Editing UITableView

Editing Mode

Adding Rows

Deleting Rows

Moving Rows

12. UINavigationController



An Additional UIViewController

Navigating with UINavigationController

Pushing view controllers

Passing data between view controllers

Appearing and disappearing views

Challenge: Number Pad

13. Camera

Displaying Images and UIImageView

Taking pictures and UIImagePickerController


Creating and using keys

Dismissing the keyboard

Challenge: Removing an Image

For the More Curious: Recording Video

14. UIPopoverController and Modal View Controllers

Universalizing Homepwner


Modal View Controllers

Dismissing modal view controllers

Modal view controller styles

Writing a view controller delegate protocol

Modal view controller transitions

15. Saving, Loading, and Multitasking

Application Sandbox

Constructing a file path


Archiving objects

Unarchiving objects

Application States, Transitions, and Multitasking

Writing to filesystem with NSData

More on Low-Memory Warnings

Model-View-Controller-Store Design Pattern

Challenge: Archiving Whereami

For The More Curious: Application State Transitions

For the More Curious: Reading and Writing to the filesystem

For the More Curious: The Application Bundle

16. Subclassing UITableViewCell

Creating HomepwnerItemCell

Creating subviews

Laying out subviews

Using the custom cell

Image Manipulation

Challenge: Accessory Indicators

Challenge: Shrinking the Main Image

17. Core Data

Object-Relational Mapping

Moving Homepwner to Core Data

The model file

NSManagedObject and subclasses

Updating PossessionStore

Adding AssetTypes to Homepwner

More About SQL

Trade-offs of Persistence Mechanisms

Challenge: New Asset Types

Challenge: Assets on the iPad

18. Localization

Internationalization using NSLocale

Localizing Resources

NSLocalizedString and Strings Tables

Challenge: Another Localization

For the More Curious: NSBundle’s Role in Internationalization

19. Settings

Updating Whereami


For the More Curious: The Settings Application

20. Touch Events and UIResponder

Touch Events

Creating the TouchTracker Application

Turning Touches into Lines

The Responder Chain

Challenge: Saving and Loading

Challenge: Circles

For the More Curious: UIControl

21. Instruments

The Static Analyzer


The Allocations Instrument

Time Profiler Instrument

Xcode Schemes

Creating a new scheme

Build Settings

22. Core Animation Layer

Layers and views

Creating a CALayer

Layer Content

Implicitly Animatable Properties

For the More Curious: Programmatically Generating Content

For the More Curious: Layers, Bitmaps, and Contexts

Challenge: Dynamic Layer Content

23. Controlling Animation with CAAnimation

Animation Objects

Spinning with CABasicAnimation

Timing functions

Animation completion

Bouncing with a CAKeyframeAnimation

Challenge: More Animation

For the More Curious: The Presentation Layer and the Model Layer

24. Blocks and Categories

Colorizing TouchDrawView


Blocks as variables

Capturing variables

Using blocks with other built-in methods

Keeping code compact with blocks


For the More Curious: Memory Management and Blocks

For the More Curious: Pros and Cons of Callback Options

25. Web Services and UIWebView

Web Services

Starting the Nerdfeed application

Fetching data from a URL

Working with NSURLConnection

Parsing XML

A quick tip on logging


For the More Curious: NSXMLParser

For the More Curious: The Request Body

For the More Curious: Credentials

Challenge: More Data

Challenge: More UIWebView

26. UISplitViewController

Splitting Up Nerdfeed

Master-Detail Communication

Displaying the Master View Controller in Portrait Mode

Universalizing Nerdfeed

27. Media Playback and Background Execution

Creating the MediaPlayer Application

System Sounds

Registering system sounds

Playing system sounds

Compressed Audio Files

Playing Movie Files


Preloading video

Background Processes

Guidelines for background execution

Other forms of background execution

Low-level APIs

Challenge: Audio Recording

28. Bonjour and Web Servers


Creating CocoaServer

Publishing a Bonjour service

Browsing for services via Bonjour

HTTP Communication

Writing a web server in Objective-C

Getting address data from the server

Byte ordering

Making service requests

Receiving service requests

For the More Curious: TXTRecords

29. Push Notifications and Networking

Preparing Client for Push Notifications

Registering for notifications

Provisioning for push notifications

Delivering a Push Notification

Getting the token to the provider

Sending Push Notifications

Connecting to Apple’s server with NSStream

Additional Client-side Notification Handling

Sounds and badges

Accessing data in notifications

The Production Server and Moving Forward

For the More Curious: The Feedback Service

30. Afterword

What to do next

Shameless plugs


More From Big Nerd Ranch...

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