
Book Description

Learn how to design 3D-printed objects that work in the real world

About This Book

  • This book shows you how to design from a reference to physical objects that can be easily represented by simple basic objects in Blender (cube, cylinder, sphere, and so on) by measuring them
  • This is the only book on the market that shows you how to take your first steps to create 3D printed objects that are able to interact with existing objects
  • Learn how to utilize Blender's functionality to make your designs more precise and accurate

Who This Book Is For

Reader will have basic knowledge of Blender and 3D Printing, and will have probably already made something simple. They will be interested in printing their first object.

What You Will Learn

  • Gain techniques to accurately measure the objects with rules, manual calipers, and digital calipers
  • Break down complex geometries into multiple simple shapes and model them in layers using Blender
  • Scale and re-scale a model to fit based on volume or size constraints
  • See how to multishell geometries and auto-intersections using the Boolean Modifier

In Detail

Want to model a 3D printed prototype of an object that needs to be replaced or broken? This book will teach you how to accurately measure objects in the real world with a few basic measuring techniques and how to create an object for 3D printing around the objects measured.

In this book, you'll learn to identify basic shapes from a given object, use Vernier and Digital calipers and grid paper tracing techniques to derive measurements for the objects. With the help of measurements, you'll see to model these objects using Blender, organize the parts into layers, and later combine them to create the desired object, which in this book is a 3D printable SD card holder ring that fits your finger.

Style and approach

This book will be an easy-to-follow guide to learn the methods of scaling, precise measurements, and accurate designing. Using a step-by-step approach, this book will guide you on your journey to model different parts of a complex object and later combine them to create 3D printed objects that work in the real world.

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Table of Contents

  1. 3D Printing Designs: Design an SD Card Holder
    1. Table of Contents
    2. 3D Printing Designs: Design an SD Card Holder
    3. Credits
    4. About the Author
    5. About the Reviewer
    6. www.PacktPub.com
      1. eBooks, discount offers, and more
        1. Why subscribe?
    7. Preface
      1. What this book covers
      2. What you need for this book
      3. Who this book is for
      4. Conventions
      5. Reader feedback
      6. Customer support
        1. Downloading the color images of this book
        2. Errata
        3. Piracy
        4. Questions
    8. 1. 3D Printing Basics
      1. What is 3D printing?
        1. What defines 3D printing?
      2. What to design for?
      3. How do FFF printers work?
      4. The anatomy of a print
      5. FFF design considerations
        1. Overhangs and supports
        2. Supportless 3D printing
        3. Y – gentle overhangs
        4. H – bridging
        5. T – orientation
        6. Wall thickness
        7. Holes in models
      6. Summary
    9. 2. Beginning Blender
      1. Why Blender?
        1. The price is right
        2. Blender is comprehensive
        3. It's getting better all the time
        4. But Blender isn't perfect
      2. Downloading and installing Blender
      3. The default view
        1. The 3D View
        2. The 3D cursor
      4. The best settings
        1. A scroll-wheel mouse and number pad
        2. A laptop with a touch pad and no number pad
      5. Object creation
      6. Navigating the view
        1. Jumping to rotation
        2. Panning the view
        3. Zooming the view
        4. Orthographic versus perspective view
        5. Wireframe and solid view
      7. Transforming the object
      8. Controlling transformations
        1. Controlling the view
        2. Axis locking
        3. Precise transformation
        4. Origin manipulation
      9. Duplicating objects
      10. Object selection
        1. Shift select
        2. Border select
        3. Circle select
      11. The Edit mode
        1. Parts of objects
      12. Incremental saving
      13. Blender to real life
      14. Exporting an STL
      15. Summary
    10. 3. Measuring Basics
      1. Measuring with a ruler
      2. Measuring with calipers
        1. Manual or Vernier calipers
        2. Digital calipers
      3. Grid paper trace method
        1. Suitable objects
        2. Object preparation
      4. Importing the image into Blender
        1. Increasing reference pictures
      5. 3D scanning
      6. Summary
    11. 4. An SD Card Holder Ring
      1. Taking measurements
      2. Modeling the ring
        1. Modeling the finger
        2. Putting the ring on the floor
        3. Finishing the ring
      3. Making a test print
        1. Resizing the test ring
      4. Adding an SD card holder
        1. Organizing by layers
        2. Creating a virtual SD card
      5. Putting it all together
      6. Extra credit
      7. Summary
    12. Index