
Book Description

Don't fall behind—Coach your business toward success!

Business Coaching & Mentoring For Dummies explores effective coaching strategies that guide you in coaching and mentoring your colleagues. With insight into key coaching concepts and an impressive range of tools, this easy-to-use resource helps you transform your team—and yourself in the process! Written from the perspective of a business coach, this comprehensive book explores the practical coaching skill set, tools, and techniques that will help you along your way, and explains how to identify who to coach, what to coach, how to coach, and when to coach. Whether you have experience in a coaching and mentoring role or you're new to the coaching game, this is a valuable must-have resource.

The right approach to business coaching can take your company from good to great—it can also improve employee satisfaction, employee loyalty, team morale, and your bottom line. The trick is to approach business coaching in a way that is effective and flexible, ensuring that you achieve results while meeting the unique needs of your team. This comprehensive text will help you:

  • Understand the foundational concepts of business coaching and mentoring
  • Discover how proper coaching and mentoring methods can help get a business on the right track
  • Identify and leverage tools to develop your business leadership mindset
  • Create a successful personal and business identity with the support and guidance of a coach

Business Coaching & Mentoring For Dummies is an essential resource for business owners, business leaders, coaches, and mentors who want to take their skills to the next level.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
    1. Cover
    2. Introduction
      1. About This Book
      2. Foolish Assumptions
      3. Icons Used in This Book
      4. Beyond the Book
      5. Where to Go from Here
    3. Part I: Getting Started with Business Coaching and Mentoring
      1. Chapter 1: Navigating the World of Coaching and Mentoring
        1. Spotlighting the Business Benefits of Coaching and Mentoring
        2. Defining Coaching and Mentoring
        3. Distinguishing Business Coaching from Other Types of Coaching
        4. Equipping Yourself to Help Other People in the Business Context
        5. Being on the Other Side as Coachee or Mentee
        6. Understanding Professional Requirements
      2. Chapter 2: Presenting a Compelling Case for Coaching and Mentoring
        1. Taking the Role of Educator
        2. Valuing Third-Party Observation in Business
        3. Identifying the Client’s Return on Investment
        4. Stretching the Budget
        5. Adding Value by Training Leaders in Coaching and Mentoring Skills
      3. Chapter 3: Assessing Clients’ Needs before Coaching
        1. Creating Programs to Deliver Coaching and Mentoring in Organisations
        2. Coaching Wannabe Business Owners and Start-ups
        3. Helping the Family-Owned Business Survive and Thrive
        4. Developing Intrapreneurs within Organisations
        5. Working with the Socially Oriented Business
      4. Chapter 4: Developing the Skills and Knowledge Base of a Coach and Mentor
        1. Coaching and Mentoring Are Not One and the Same
        2. Coaching and Mentoring Skills
        3. Structuring a Client Session
        4. Using Models in Coaching and Mentoring
        5. Working in Particular Circumstances
    4. Part II: Coaching and Mentoring to Get a Business on the Right Track
      1. Chapter 5: Coaching Clients through Their Blind Spots
        1. Pre-framing the Coaching Conversation
        2. Breaking Down Common Barriers
        3. Dealing with Roles and Perceptions that Contribute to Blindness
        4. Diffusing Dramas that Impede Clear Vision
        5. Shining a Light on Incongruency
      2. Chapter 6: Telling a Compelling Story in Business
        1. Understanding the Value of the Business Story
        2. Helping the Client Create the Basic Story
        3. Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
        4. Giving Feedback on the Business Story
      3. Chapter 7: Mentoring to Assess Business without Rose-tinted Spectacles
        1. Testing the Foundations of the Business
        2. Applying Strategic Thinking
        3. Making the Complicated Simple
        4. Determining Where the Best Mentoring Work Begins and Ends
        5. Developing Trust and Honest Appraisal through Feedback
        6. Learning from the Spectacular Success of Others
        7. Mentoring Inside a Small Organisation
      4. Chapter 8: Developing Vision, Mission and Values Using Simple Coaching Methods
        1. Aligning Who You Are with the Business You’re In
        2. Revealing What’s Really Important
        3. Helping a Business Create Operating Values
        4. Designing an Inspiring Vision with the Logical Levels Model
        5. Communicating the Vision
        6. Examples of Mission and Vision Statements
      5. Chapter 9: Coaching to Transform Visions into Workable Plans
        1. Creating a Plan Fit for Purpose
        2. Resourcing the Plan
        3. Actioning and Reviewing the Plan
    5. Part III: Tools to Develop the Business Leader’s Mind-set
      1. Chapter 10: Managing the Inner World of Thoughts and Emotions
        1. Understanding How Humans Think
        2. Choosing the Most Appropriate State in the Moment
        3. Changing Internal Self-Talk
        4. Making Mind Pictures That Matter
        5. Changing the Internal World by External Means
      2. Chapter 11: Helping Leaders Recognise ‘I Did It My Way’ Isn’t the Best Epitaph
        1. Recognising that Inflexibility Sometimes Leads to Extinction
        2. Being Willing to Ask for Help When Out of Your Depth
        3. Deploying the Right Thinking to the Right Problem
        4. Developing Alternative Perspectives
      3. Chapter 12: Mentoring for Personal Success and Empowering Leadership
        1. Being a Great Leadership Mentor
        2. Challenging the Delusions of What It Means to Be Successful
        3. Exploring the True Nature of Success
        4. Dealing with the ‘I Should’ or ‘I Ought to’ Traps of Success
        5. Identifying the Common Qualities of Great Leaders
        6. Allowing Others to Lead While You Follow
    6. Part IV: Creating a Successful Business Identity with the Support of a Coach
      1. Chapter 13: Developing the Brand of You
        1. Enter Personal Branding
        2. Defining How Brands Work When They Work Well
        3. Building a Brand on Purpose
        4. Looking in the Mirror of Self-Critique
        5. Presenting Yourself with Style and Substance
        6. Recognising When Incongruence Strikes
        7. Valuing What You Have to Offer
        8. Promoting Yourself with Shameless Humility
        9. Lighting Up the Room When You Walk In, Not When You Walk Out
        10. Leaving a Legacy Footprint
        11. Remembering that You Have No Sell-By Date
      2. Chapter 14: Developing Relationships at All Levels
        1. Establishing a Successful Relationship with Yourself
        2. Establishing the Baseline
        3. Working on Yourself
        4. Maintaining Client Relationships
        5. Managing Stakeholder and Sponsor Relationships
        6. Building Synergistic Collaboration
        7. Networking Is a Deposit in the Karmic Bank
        8. Building Trust and Rebuilding Broken Trust
        9. Having the Courage to Let Go
      3. Chapter 15: Coaching to Help Business Engage, Inform and Influence
        1. Understanding the Importance of Effective Communication
        2. Communicating Quicker Than the Speed of Conscious Thought
        3. Understanding Why People Say Yes
        4. If You Have the Need to Influence, You Get to Do All the Work
        5. Navigating the Political Landscape
        6. Ethically Influencing and Persuading for Results
        7. It Takes Two to Influence
        8. If You Aren’t Getting the Desired Results, Change Your Communication
    7. Part V: The Part of Tens
      1. Chapter 16: Ten or So Online Resources to Boost Coaching and Mentoring Effectiveness
        1. Resourcing You Online
        2. Business Reading Lists
        3. iTunes University
        4. YouTube
        5. Podcasts
        6. Blogs
        7. Ted Talks
        8. Twitter
        9. Facebook
      2. Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Overcome Objections and Change Opinions
        1. Preventing Objections
        2. Butting Out the Buts and Adding in the Ands
        3. Appreciating a Different Point of View
        4. Softening the Questions
        5. Reframing the Conversation
        6. Understanding the Intention
        7. Realising the Consequences
        8. Making Objections Personal
        9. Remembering a Story
        10. Provoking a Response
      3. Chapter 18: Ten Tips for Leaders Who Coach or Mentor People in Business
        1. Develop Talent in Those You Lead
        2. Sell More than Tell
        3. Name the Elephant before Eating It
        4. Get Good at Asking Questions
        5. Speak in Specifics and Minding Your Language
        6. Recognise the Value of Slowing Down or Shutting Up
        7. Appreciate Differences to Be a Difference Maker
        8. Create the Optimum Conditions to Coach at a Distance
        9. Support Your People during Change
        10. Educate Yourself about the Business
      4. Chapter 19: Ten Questions to Keep a Business on Track
        1. What Would We Create If Anything Was Possible?
        2. Why Are We Doing This?
        3. What Would Richard Branson Do Now?
        4. What Is a Better Way?
        5. Are We Still the Right People to Be Doing This?
        6. Are We Busy Being Busy?
        7. What Can We Do to Optimise or Streamline?
        8. Are We Going in the Right Direction?
        9. What Do We Need to Stop Doing?
        10. Are We All Still on the Same Page?
    8. About the Authors
    9. Cheat Sheet
    10. Advertisement Page
    11. Connect with Dummies
    12. End User License Agreement