
Book Description

Find out how Events Processing (EP) works and how it can work for you

Business Event Processing: An Introduction and Strategy Guide thoroughly describes what EP is, how to use it, and how it relates to other popular information technology architectures such as Service Oriented Architecture.

  • Explains how sense and response architectures are being applied with tremendous results to businesses throughout the world and shows businesses how they can get started implementing EP

  • Shows how to choose business event processing technology to suit your specific business needs and how to keep costs of adopting it down

  • Provides practical guidance on how EP is best integrated into an overall IT strategy and how its architectural styles differ from more conventional approaches

  • This book reveals how to make the most advantageous use of event processing technology to develop real time actionable management information from the events flowing through your company's networks or resulting from your business activities. It explains to managers and executives what it means for a business enterprise to be event-driven, what business event processing technology is, and how to use it.

    Table of Contents

    1. Cover
    2. Contents
    3. Title
    4. Copyright
    5. Preface
    6. Acknowledgments
    7. Chapter 1: Event Processing and the Survival of the Modern Enterprise
      1. Four Basic Questions about Events
      2. What Are Events and Which Ones Are Important?
      3. Why Invest in Event Processing?
      4. Know How Well You’re Doing
      5. Use All Event Sources
      6. Detect When What You Need to Know Happens
      7. Event Processing in Use
      8. The Human Element and Other Sources of Errors
      9. Extract What You Want to Know
      10. Getting Started
    8. Chapter 2: Sixty Years of Event Processing
      1. Event Driven Simulation
      2. Networks
      3. Active Databases
      4. Middleware
      5. The Enterprise Service Bus
      6. Chaos in the Marketing of Information Systems
      7. Service Oriented Architecture
      8. Event Driven Architecture
      9. Summary: Event Processing, 1950–2010
    9. Chapter 3: First Concepts in Event Processing
      1. New Technology Begets New Problems
      2. What Is an Event?
      3. Event Clouds
      4. Levels of Events and Event Analysis
      5. Remark on Standards for Business Events
      6. Event Streams
      7. Processing the Event Cloud
      8. Complex Event Processing and Systems That Use It
      9. Discussion: Immutability of Events
      10. Summary
    10. Chapter 4: The Rise of Commercial Event Processing
      1. The Dawn of Complex Event Processing (CEP)
      2. Four Stages of CEP
      3. Simple CEP (1999–2007)
      4. CEP versus Custom Coding
      5. Creeping CEP (2004–2012)
      6. Business Activity Monitoring
      7. Awareness and Education in Event Processing
      8. Languages for Event Processing
      9. Dashboards and Human-Computer Interfaces
      10. Human-Computer Interfaces
      11. CEP Becomes a Recognized Information Technology (2009–2020)
      12. Event Processing Standards
      13. Ubiquitous CEP
    11. Chapter 5: Markets and Emerging Markets for CEP
      1. Market Areas
      2. Financial Systems, Operations, and Services
      3. Fraud Detection
      4. Transportation
      5. Security and Command and Control
      6. Command and Control for Security
      7. Health Care
      8. Energy
      9. Summary
    12. Chapter 6: Patterns of Events
      1. Events and Event Objects
      2. Overloading Two Meanings
      3. Patterns and Pattern Matching
      4. Single Event Patterns
      5. Processing Patterns by Machine
      6. Patterns of Multiple Events Using Operators
      7. Event Patterns and State
      8. Event Patterns and Time
      9. Causality between Events
      10. Repetitive and Unbounded Behavior
      11. Requirements for an Event Pattern Language
      12. Correctness and Other Questions
    13. Chapter 7: Making Sense of Chaos in Real Time: Part 1
      1. Event Type Spaces
      2. Restricting the Types of Event Inputs May Not Be an Option
      3. The Expanding Input Principle: Always Plan for New Types of Event Inputs and Event Outputs
      4. Architecting Event Processing Strategies
      5. Gross Filters
      6. Prioritization: Split Streaming, Topics, Sentiments, and Other Attributes
      7. Complex Filtering and Prioritization Using Event Patterns
      8. Summary
    14. Chapter 8: Making Sense of Chaos in Real Time: Part 2
      1. Abstract Events and Views
      2. Levels of Abstraction and Views
      3. Organizing Views
      4. Computing Abstractions by Event Pattern Maps
      5. Computable Event Hierarchies
      6. Flexibility of Hierarchy Definitions
      7. Drill Down and Event Analysis
      8. Summary: Dealing with Information Overload
    15. Chapter 9: The Future of Event Processing
      1. Taking Stock
      2. The Evolution of Holistic Event Processing Systems
      3. Crossing Boundaries
      4. The Beginnings of Holistic Event Processing Systems
      5. Future Air Travel Management Systems
      6. Monitoring Human Activities
      7. Pandemic Watch Systems
      8. Monitoring the Consequences
      9. Solving Gridlock in the Metropolis
      10. Monitoring Your Personal Information Footprint
      11. Summary: The Future of Complex Event Processing
    16. Appendix: Glossary of Terminology: The Event Processing Technical Society: (EPTS) Glossary of Terms—Version 2.0
    17. Alphabetical List of Glossary Terms
    18. Glossary of Terms
    19. Glossary According to Lexicographic Order (definitions only)
    20. About the Author
    21. Index