
I owe thanks to several friends and colleagues who have helped me with various drafts of this book. They gave their time generously to reading, correcting, and commenting on different versions, and alerting me to omissions and new material. Their comments have been influential throughout.

I am happy to thank:

Roy Schulte of Gartner Corp.

John Bates of Progress Software

Leendert Weinhofen of the Norwegian State University

Scott Fingerhut of Informatica, Inc.

Opher Etzion of IBM Research Lab, Haifa, and chairman of the Event Processing Technical Society

They have helped me greatly. Of course, any remaining errors or flaws are entirely of my own making.

I must also thank the Event Processing Technical Society (EPTS) for permission to include the EPTS Glossary of Event Processing Terminology (version 2.0) as an appendix. In an embryonic technology such as CEP, there is a lot of fuzzy undefined talk, especially at trade shows and meetings and in brochures for event processing products. I hope that including the Glossary will contribute to improving our terminology and discussions, putting all of us on the same page, so to speak.

There is a saying that “books are never published, they are abandoned.” That is certainly the case with this one. I could have gone on improving it and adding more detail to it for another year. But I may not live that long! There comes a time to abandon a book to the publisher. So, having told you that, I do hope you’ll find this little book useful.

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