
Book Description

Leverage the power of various Google Cloud AI Services by building a smart web application using MEAN Stack

About This Book
  • Start working with the Google Cloud Platform and the AI services it offers
  • Build smart web applications by combining the power of Google Cloud AI services and the MEAN stack
  • Build a web-based dashboard of smart applications that perform language processing, translation, and computer vision on the cloud
Who This Book Is For

This book is ideal for data professionals and web developers who want to use the power of Google Cloud AI services in their projects, without the going through the pain of mastering machine learning for images, videos and text. Some familiarity with the Google Cloud Platform will be helpful.

What You Will Learn
  • Understand Google Cloud Platform and its Cloud AI services
  • Explore the Google ML Services
  • Work with an Angular 5 MEAN stack application
  • Integrate Vision API, Video Intelligence API for computer vision
  • Be ready for conversational experiences with the Speech Recognition API, Cloud Language Process and Cloud Translation API services
  • Build a smart web application that uses the power of Google Cloud AI services to make apps smarter
In Detail

Cognitive services are the new way of adding intelligence to applications and services. Now we can use Artificial Intelligence as a service that can be consumed by any application or other service, to add smartness and make the end result more practical and useful.

Google Cloud AI enables you to consume Artificial Intelligence within your applications, from a REST API. Text, video and speech analysis are among the powerful machine learning features that can be used. This book is the easiest way to get started with the Google Cloud AI services suite and open up the world of smarter applications.

This book will help you build a Smart Exchange, a forum application that will let you upload videos, images and perform text to speech conversions and translation services. You will use the power of Google Cloud AI Services to make our simple forum application smart by validating the images, videos, and text provided by users to Google Cloud AI Services and make sure the content which is uploaded follows the forum standards, without a human curator involvement.

You will learn how to work with the Vision API, Video Intelligence API, Speech Recognition API, Cloud Language Process, and Cloud Translation API services to make your application smarter.

By the end of this book, you will have a strong understanding of working with Google Cloud AI Services, and be well on the way to building smarter applications.

Style and approach

We follow a project-based approach where we build a public forum application ifor uploading images or videos, posting and translating text messages. We incrementally add features by integrating each API as we go.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright and Credits
    1. Google Cloud AI Services Quick Start Guide
  3. Dedication
  4. Packt Upsell
    1. Why subscribe?
    2. PacktPub.com
  5. Contributors
    1. About the author
    2. About the reviewer
    3. Packt is searching for authors like you
  6. Preface
    1. Who this book is for
    2. What this book covers
    3. To get the most out of this book
      1. Download the example code files
      2. Download the color images
      3. Code in Action
      4. Conventions used
    4. Get in touch
      1. Reviews
  7. Introducing Google Cloud AI Services
    1. Google Cloud Platform
      1. Compute
      2. Big data
      3. Identity and security
      4. Internet of Things (IoT)
      5. Storage and databases
      6. Data transfer
      7. API platform and ecosystem
      8. Management tools
      9. Networking
      10. Cloud AI
      11. Developer tools
    2. Cognition on cloud
      1. Clients
      2. Data types
      3. Cognitive services
      4. Why Cognition on Cloud?
        1. How do machines achieve intelligence?
        2. Cognitive accuracy and machine learning
    3. Google Cloud AI
      1. Cloud AutoML Alpha
      2. Cloud TPU Beta
      3. Cloud Machine Learning Engine
      4. Cloud Job Discovery Private Beta
      5. Dialogflow Enterprise Edition Beta
      6. Cloud Natural Language
      7. Cloud Speech API
      8. Cloud Translation API
      9. Cloud Vision API
      10. Cloud Video Intelligence
    4. Summary
  8. Setting Up a Smart Forum App
    1. Technical requirements
    2. SmartExchange architecture
      1. SmartExchange demo
      2. Architecture overview
        1. Database design
        2. APIs 
    3. Setting up the project
      1. Installing Git
      2. Installing Node.js
      3. Installing MongoDB (optional)
      4. Angular CLI
      5. Yarn (optional)
      6. Heroku Toolbelt (optional)
      7. Text editors  (optional)
      8. Setting up mLab
        1. Test connection
        2. Robo 3T connection (optional)
    4. Setting up an authentication 
      1. Creating the project
      2. Setting up API key
      3. Setting up service account key
    5. Setting up code
      1. Downloading base code 
      2. App folder structure
      3. Server code walk-through
        1. Express and Mongoose
        2. Routes
        3. Security
        4. Mongoose models
        5. Controllers
      4. Client code walk-through
        1. Routing
        2. Authentication
        3. Services
        4. Components
      5. Running the app
    6. Deploying to Heroku
    7. Summary
  9. Cloud Vision API
    1. Cloud Vision API
      1. Pricing
    2. Enabling the API
    3. Setting up a REST client
      1. Setting up cURL
      2. Setting up Postman
    4. Exploring the Vision API
      1. Face detection
        1. Request structure
        2. Constructing the request
        3. Analyzing the response
      2. Label detection
        1. Request structure
        2. Constructing the request
        3. Analyzing the response
      3. Safe search detection
        1. Request structure
        2. Constructing the request
        3. Analyzing the response
        4. API reference
    5. Integrating Cloud Vision API with SmartExchange
      1. Solution design
      2. Setting up Cloudinary
        1. Pricing
        2. API reference
        3. Signing up with Cloudinary
        4. Managing the API key
      3. Setting up the server code
        1. Installing dependencies
        2. Defining routes
        3. Updating the message model
        4. Defining the controller
      4. Setting up the client code
        1. Setting up the ng-bootstrap
        2. Modifying the view thread component
        3. Setting up the upload image modal component
        4. Completing the view thread component
        5. Creating  the Vision API service
        6. Managing the helpers
      5. Testing the app
    6. Deploying to Heroku
    7. Summary
  10. Video Intelligence API
    1. Video Intelligence API
      1. Pricing
    2. Enabling API
    3. Exploring Video Intelligence API
      1. Label detection
        1. Label detection – request structure
        2. Label detection – constructing the request
        3. Label detection – analyze response
        4. Operation status – request structure
        5. Operation status – constructing the request
        6. Operation status – analyze response
        7. API reference
    4. Integrating Video Intelligence API with SmartExchange
      1. Solution design
      2. Get a copy of code from Chapter 3
      3. Setting up server code
        1. Installing dependencies
        2. Defining routes
        3. Updating the message model
        4. Updating the controller
      4. Setting up client code
        1. Setting up recordrtc
        2. Modifying the view thread component
        3. Setting up the upload video modal component
        4. Completing the view thread component
        5. Creating the video API service
      5. Testing the app
    5. Deploying to Heroku
    6. Summary
  11. Cloud Speech API
    1. Cloud Speech API
      1. Pricing
    2. Enabling the API
    3. Exploring the Cloud Speech API
      1. Synchronous speech recognition
      2. Asynchronous speech recognition
      3. Streaming speech recognition
      4. Audio to text using synchronous speech recognition
        1. Request structure
        2. Constructing the request
        3. Analyse response
        4. API reference
    4. Integrating Cloud Speech API with SmartExchange
      1. Solution design
      2. Setting up the server code
        1. Installing dependencies
        2. Defining routes
        3. Updating the message model
        4. Updating the controller
      3. Setting up the client code
        1. Modifying the view thread component
        2. Setting up the upload audio modal component
        3. Completing the view thread component
        4. Creating the audio API service
      4. Testing the app
    5. Deploying to Heroku
    6. Summary
  12. Cloud Natural Language
    1. Cloud Natural Language API
      1. Pricing
    2. Enabling the API
    3. Exploring the Cloud Natural Language API
      1. Sentiment analysis
        1. Request structure
        2. Constructing the request
        3. Analyse response
      2. Entity analysis
        1. Request structure
        2. Constructing the request
        3. Analyse response
        4. API reference
    4. Integrating the Natural Language API with SmartExchange
      1. Solution design
      2. Setting up the server code
        1. Installing dependencies
        2. Defining routes
        3. Updating the message model
        4. Updating the controller
      3. Setting up the client code
        1. Updating the POST API URL
        2. Updating the view thread component
      4. Testing the app
    5. Deploying to Heroku
    6. Summary
  13. Cloud Translation
    1. Cloud Translation API
      1. Pricing
    2. Enabling API
    3. Exploring Cloud Translation API
      1. Discovering supporting languages
        1. Request structure
        2. Constructing the request
        3. Analysing response
      2. Text translation
        1. Request structure
        2. Constructing the request
        3. Analyse response
    4. Integrating Translate API with SmartExchange
      1. Solution design
      2. Setting up the server code
        1. Installing dependencies
        2. Defining routes
        3. Updating the message model
        4. Updating the controller
      3. Setting up the client code
        1. Modifying the view thread component
        2. Setting up the translate message modal component
        3. Creating the Audio API service
      4. Testing the app
    5. Deploying to Heroku
    6. Summary
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