
The pricing for this service is as follows:



Label detection

Free till 1,000 minutes and $0.10/minute till 100,000 minutes

Shot detection

Free till 1,000 minutes and $0.05/minute till 100,000 minutes, or free with label detection


You can read more about pricing here:

Now that we have the basics of the Video Intelligence API and understand the pricing model, let's get started with hands-on exploration.

Before we get started, we need to set up the required authentication and authorization. In the next section, we are going to look at that.

When working with any Google Cloud AI service, we need to have either an API key or a service account key set up. Before we set up the API key or a service account, we need to have a Google Cloud project. If you already have a project, you can skip that section. Please refer to Setting up an authentication section from Chapter 2Setting Up a Smart Forum App.


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