
Book Description

Many organizations struggle with the dynamics and the complexity of today's social ecosystems that connect everyone and everything, everywhere and all the time. Facing challenges at the intersection of business models, technical developments, and human needs, modern enterprises must overcome the siloed thinking and isolated efforts of the past, and instead address their relationships to people holistically. In Intersection, Milan Guenther introduces a Strategic Design approach that aligns the overarching efforts of Branding, Enterprise Architecture, and Experience Design, and sets them on a common course to shape tomorrow’s enterprises.

This book gives designers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders a model and a comprehensive vocabulary for tackling such deep-rooted challenges. The Enterprise Design framework cuts through the complexity of Strategic Design work, showing how to navigate key aspects and bridge diverging viewpoints. In 9 case studies, the author looks at the way companies like SAP, BBVA, IKEA, and Jeppesen (a Boeing Company) apply design thinking and practice to shape their enterprises. Moving from strategy to conceptual design and concrete results, Intersection shows what is relevant at which point, and what expertise to involve.

  • Teaches how to align business strategy with Brand Identity, Customer Experience, and Enterprise Architecture initiatives as part of a consolidated enterprise-wide design practice to achieve stakeholder value
  • Provides a framework for designing systems, products and services as the building blocks of a consistent and coherent experience for all stakeholders in the wider enterprise, joining strategic considerations with the delivery of tangible outcomes
  • Explains how to make results such as websites, apps, objects, platforms, or environments part of a larger system that orchestrates enterprise touchpoints with people

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Front-matter
  5. Copyright
  6. Introduction
    1. Why Did We Call this Book Intersection?
    2. The Story Behind this Book
    3. Design, Strategy, and The Enterprise
    4. Who Intersection is For
    5. How Intersection is Structured
    6. How To Use Intersection
  7. Part 1: Thoughts on Enterprise Design
    1. Introduction
    2. 1. The Relationship Challenge
      1. Example
      2. Designing Enterprises
      3. Humanizing Technology
      4. Modular and Co-Created Systems
      5. Open and Interconnected Systems
      6. Ubiquitous and Mobile Systems
      7. Intelligent and Adaptive Systems
      8. Case Study _ AEG
      9. Design Challenges
      10. The Role of Technology
    3. 2. Blurring Boundaries
      1. Disruptive Change
      2. Relationship Complexity
      3. Business Relevance
      4. Example
      5. Innovating Across Domains and Disciplines
      6. Example
      7. Example
      8. Connecting the Dots
      9. Diversity
      10. Ownership
      11. Respect
      12. Integration
      13. Socio-Economic Innovation
      14. Techno-Economic Innovation
      15. Socio-Technical Innovation
      16. Enterprise Innovation
      17. Case Study _ La 27e Région
      18. Design Residencies
      19. Getting There
    4. 3. The Design-Minded Enterprise
      1. About Strategic Design
      2. Example
      3. The Design Of Signs
      4. The Design Of Objects
      5. The Design Of Interaction
      6. The Design Of Systems
      7. The Design Competency
      8. Example
      9. Holistic Understanding
      10. Systemic Modeling
      11. Enterprise Vision
      12. Design in The Enterprise
      13. Case Study _ Apple
      14. Designing An End-To-End System
      15. Design as a Culture
      16. Design As An Organization
  8. Part 2: The Enterprise Design Framework
    1. Introduction
      1. Framework Overview
      2. En-Ter-Prise (Plural Enterprises)
    2. 4. Big Picture
      1. Example
      2. #1 Identity
      3. Example
      4. #2 Architecture
      5. Example
      6. Example
      7. #3 Experience
      8. Example
      9. Example
      10. Example
      11. Designing With Big Picture Aspects
      12. Case Study _ Ikea
      13. Identity
      14. Architecture
      15. Experience
    3. 5. Anatomy
      1. Example
      2. #4 Actors
      3. Example
      4. #5 Touchpoints
      5. Example
      6. #6 Services
      7. Example
      8. #7 Content
      9. Example
      10. Designing with relationship elements
      11. Case Study _ Vda
      12. Actors
      13. Touchpoints
      14. Services
      15. Content
    4. 6. Frames
      1. #8 Business
      2. Example
      3. #9 People
      4. Example
      5. #10 Function
      6. Example
      7. #11 Structure
      8. Example
      9. Example
      10. Designing with Frames
      11. Case Study _ Jeppesen
      12. Business
      13. People
      14. Function
      15. Structure
    5. 7. Design Space
      1. #12 Communication
      2. Example
      3. Communication In The Enterprise
      4. #13 Information
      5. Example
      6. Information In The Enterprise
      7. #14 Interaction
      8. Example
      9. Interaction In The Enterprise
      10. Example
      11. #15 Operation
      12. Example
      13. Operation In The Enterprise
      14. #16 Organization
      15. Organization In The Enterprise
      16. Example
      17. #17 Technology
      18. Technology In The Enterprise
      19. Designing The Enterprise As A System
      20. Example
      21. Case Study_ Sap
      22. Communication
      23. Information
      24. Interaction
      25. Operations
      26. Organization
      27. Technology
    6. 8. Rendering
      1. #18 Signs
      2. Example
      3. Signs In The Enterprise
      4. Example
      5. #19 Things
      6. Example
      7. Things In The Enterprise
      8. #20 Places
      9. Example
      10. Places in the Enterprise
      11. Rendering The Enterprise Across Channels
      12. Example
      13. Case Study _ Bbva
      14. Signs
      15. Things
      16. Places
  9. Part 3: Enterprise Design Approach
    1. Introduction
    2. 9. Design Process
      1. Prepare
      2. Big Picture
      3. Anatomy
      4. Discover
      5. Anatomy
      6. Frames
      7. Define
      8. Frames
      9. Design Space
      10. Ideate
      11. Design Space
      12. Rendering
      13. Validate
      14. Rendering
      15. Frames
      16. Implement
      17. Rendering
      18. Anatomy
      19. Deliver
      20. Rendering
      21. Big Picture
      22. Case Study_Instagram
      23. 1 Prepare
      24. 2 Discover
      25. 3 Define
      26. 4 Ideate
      27. 5 Validate
      28. 6 Implement
      29. 7 Deliver
    3. 10. Design Program
      1. Strategy
      2. Themes
      3. Practice
      4. Framework
  10. Outlook
    1. The Enterprise as A Program
    2. The Social Enterprise
    3. Enterprise — The Next Generation
  11. Index
  12. References
  13. Image Credits
  14. The Team
  15. Acknowledgements