

27e Région, La (case study), 58–61
Abductive thinking, 56, 70
Accuracy, 225–226
Activities, business, 141, 155, 189–192, 290, 295
Activities, human, 24, 136, 206, 280, 323, 327–331, 356, 364, 380
Actors (aspect), 138–145
managing relationships, 140, 145
roles of, 140, 144
Adams, Douglas, 322
Adaptive Path, 46
Adaptive systems, 29, 267, 312, 315
Advertising, 22, 35, 38, 46, 100, 147, 167, 260–263, 339–340, 374
AEG (case study), 32–35
Agile approach, 77, 321, 384, 438–439
Agility, designing for, 23–24, 28
Alignment Diagram, 323
Amazon, 435
Anatomy (in Enterprise Design), 134–181, 389, 391, 406
Anthropology, 45, 60, 202, 349
Architecture (approach), 363–364
Architecture (aspect), 104–113
human side, 112
structures in, 108–109
Architecture, IT Network, 108, 116, 318
Arnault, Bernard, 423
Artifacts, designing, 136, 163, 283, 350, 371, 443
Asimov, Isaac, 319
Atherton, Mike, 232–233
Audiovisual media, 343
Automotive industry, 167
Aviation industry, 135, 216, 240–247, 289


Balanced Scorecard, 63
Banking industry, 279, 282, 376–381
Bates, Marcia, 273
BBC, 232
BBVA (case study), 376–381
Bean, Sally, 215
human/social, 45, 47, 204, 208–209, 281–287, 313, 335, 364, 441
organizational/ brand, 96, 99–100, 103, 116, 119, 131, 161, 287, 319, 322
system’s, 37, 42, 66, 212–217, 219–220, 278, 281–287, 343
Behrens, Peter, 33–35
Beyer, Hugh, 207
Big Picture (in Enterprise Design), 90–133, 388, 409
Blakeley, Bob, 142
Bogaards, Peter, 425
Boland, Richard, 74
Borja de Mozota, Brigitte, 374
Brand Experience, 119
Branding (approach), 99–100
Branding, as a platform, 102
Brown, Tim, 51, 52, 187
Browsing, 273
Brunner, Robert, 85
Buchanan, Richard, 66, 67, 68, 308
Business (aspect), 186–197
context, 188
designing, 197
modeling, 192
Business Architecture (approach), 295–296
Business Design (approach), 194–195
Business Intelligence, 22, 26, 275, 297, 327
Business Model Canvas, 194
Business Platforms (design theme), 435–436
Business, disciplines related to, 40–42
Buxton, Bill, 72


Camillus, John C., 48
Capabilities, Business, 24, 110, 248, 293
Categories, 226, 267, 270, 335
Championing, 438
Chan, Adrian, 259
Change Management, 99, 301–302, 307, 373, 385, 404, 409
Characteristics, human, 47, 118, 145, 202–203, 206, 243, 392
Clark, Mike, 295
Classification System, 267, 272, 275, 329, 396
Cloud, 29, 82, 155, 311, 327, 381
Cluetrain Manifesto, The, 253
Co-Creation, 55, 175, 208, 209, 231, 301, 309, 426, 442
Cognition, 47, 208
Cognitive Science, 45, 281
Collopy, Fred, 74
Communication (aspect), 252–263
designing conversations, 259
modeling, 255–259
modes, 255
Communication Design (approach), 260–261
Communication modes, 258
Communication, model of, 257
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 258
Conceptual aspects, see Design Space
Conceptual model, 70–71, 183, 185, 208, 223–226, 230, 390, 292, 398, 400
Connection point (touchpoint), 151
Connections, designing for, 21, 339, 381, 431
Connectors, 48–52, 53, 75, 441
Construction, 43, 220, 364, 405
Content (aspect), 164–173
as an asset, 166–167
designing with, 171
levels of usage, 168
quality, 173
Content Management System, 165
Content Strategy (approach), 169–170
Context, for design work, 47, 120, 163, 203, 214, 360–361
Contextual Inquiry, 206
Continuum, 377
Conversations, designing, 259
Conversations, in the enterprise, 24, 28, 95, 96, 102, 166–167, 250, 253–254
Cooper, Alan, 207, 279
Corporate Headquarters, 68, 364, 359
Courage, 438
Critical Incident (touch- point), 151
Cross-channel, 361, 368, 370
Cross-cutting concerns, 50, 249–251, 324
Cultural production, 77
Culture, in design work, 49, 74–75, 83, 437–438
Culture, organizational, 96–97, 99, 120–121, 123, 130, 172, 301–303, 308, 327
Customer Experience, 21, 119, 133, 147, 287, 435
Customer Experience (design theme), 431–432
Customer Intimacy (strategy), 424–425
Customer service, 91, 99, 119, 322, 431
Cyborgs, 349


Dashboard, 26, 122
Data, 168, 315
Data / Information / Knowledge / Wisdom hierarchy, 168
Data Model, see Domain Model
Databases, 166, 329
Daumal, Sylvie, 271
Define (process phase), 393–396
Deliver (process phase), 407–409
Design as a craft, 334–336
Design as a resource, 72, 437
Design attitude, 75, 77
Design competency, 67–71
Design Council, 412
Design framework, 443–445
Design guidelines, 445
Design library, 446
Design Management (approach), 373–374
Design patterns, 446
Design principles, 197, 238–239, 444
Design process, organizing the, 384–386, 410–413
Design Space (in Enterprise Design), 248–333, 395, 398
Design team, 49, 440–441
Design themes, 238, 430–436
Design Thinking, 53, 87, 236, 327
Design, traditional disciplines, 337, 371–372, 445
Designer’s model, 227
Design-Led Innovation (approach), 76–77
Desirability, 385, 403
Development, software, 83, 219, 220, 230–232, 418
Dialogues, 148, 253, 281, 287
Differentiation, 190, 374
Digital media, 19, 147, 265, 318, 365
Digital shift, 40
Digital systems, paradigms, 29
Digital Workplace (design theme), 433–434
Digitization, 24, 29, 36, 43, 177, 242, 277, 311, 335, 350, 449
Dinner, French Classification System, 267
Discover (process phase), 390–392
Dobiéy, Dirk, 332
Domain, 223
Domain Model, 223
Domain-Driven Design (approach), 230–231
Double Diamond, model, 412
Draper, Stephan, 227


eBay, 435
Economics, 21
Editorial calendar, 170
Efficiency, 20, 41, 46, 63, 190, 209, 251, 332, 380
Emotion, 46–47, 51, 55, 208, 339, 361
Empathy, 46, 47, 54, 60, 69, 70, 119, 200, 209, 392, 425
Employee Experience, 199, 122
Encounters (touchpoints), 147–148
Engagement, 201
Engineering, disciplines related to, 42–44
a business view on the, 189
as a bazaar, 263
as a contextual universe, 152
as a dialogue, 288
as a microcosm, 135
as a process, 298
as a service delivery system, 157
as a social space, 202
as a structure, 228
as an information space, 276
design space, 248–251, 321–324
designing 20ff frames/framing, 182–185, 234–238
functions in, 216–218
identities in, 101
in design work, 13, 78
relationship elements, 134–137, 174
rendering the, 334–337, 368–371
social, 450
universal qualities, 90–93, 125–126
USS, 451
Enterprise Architecture (approach), 110–111
Enterprise Architecture, typical scope, 111
Enterprise Content Management, 165
Enterprise Design framework, 86–89
Enterprise ecosystem, 78, 89, 409, 435
Enterprise evidencing, 368
Enterprise place-making, 362
Enterprise rhetoric, 346
Entities, 112, 142–143, 185, 223–224, 249, 269
Entrepreneur, 14, 40–41, 45, 194–195, 197, 442
business, 21, 23, 41, 144, 156
physical, 35, 136, 152, 160, 164, 335, 359, 362–363, 400
social, 20, 78, 203, 250
virtual, 29, 100, 135, 381, 400
Episodes (of touchpoints), 148
Ergonomics, 209, 281, 351, 353
Ethnography, 47, 59, 69, 202, 207, 391
Evans, Eric, 229
Evernden, Elaine, 265
Evernden, Roger, 265
Evidencing, 163, 368, 371
Experience (aspect), 114–125, 368–371
shaping, 116–117
strategy, 123
Experience Design (approach), 118–119
Experience scaffolding, 70
Experimentation, 59, 78–79, 371, 418–419, 438
Exploration, 70, 236, 390


Face, for the enterprise, 87
Facebook, 12, 27, 103, 255, 335, 415–421
Feasibility, 51, 56, 70–71, 219, 227, 313, 401, 403, 438
Features, 21, 41, 116, 218, 211, 416
Finance, 40, 101, 194
Fjord, 377
Food domain model, 232
Food industry, 157
Four Orders of Design framework, 66
Fractal systems, 174, 182
Frames (in Enterprise Design), 182–185, 234–247, 392, 394, 403
Framing, 71, 183–185, 237, 249
Frederick, Matthew, 385
Freeman, Edward, 140
Function (aspect), 210–221
designing with, 218
Furniture industry, 128–133


Gall, Nick, 53
Game Design, 369
Garrett, Jesse James, 267
Gay, S. Kirsten, 332
Gehry & Associates, 74
Gentleman, David, 410
Gerstner, Karl, 449
business, 140, 189, 191, 218, 235, 290, 297, 304, 439
human, 20, 69, 121, 203, 207, 214–217, 235, 281, 283, 444
Google, 265, 349
Governance, content, 170
Governance, design process, 440
Graves, Tom, 112, 160
Groupthink, 52, 85, 438


Halvorson, Kristina, 165
Hatch, Mary Jo, 101
Healthcare industry, 231, 289
Hinchcliffe, Dion, 28
Holtzblatt, Karen, 207
Human Computer Interaction, 281, 283
Human condition, 45, 243
Human Factors, 46, 243, 245
Human qualities, 120
Human Resources, 287, 306, 331
Human-Centered Design (approach), 206–207, 209
Humanities, 45
Hybrid Thinking, 51, 236
Hybrid Thinking (approach), 53–55


Ideate (process phase), 397–400
in the enterprise, 101–102
types of, 98
Identity (aspect), 94–103
as platforms, 102–103
expressing, 95–96
Identity Management, see Role Management
IDEO, 194
IKEA (case study), 128–133
Implement (process phase), 404–406
Implementer’s model, 227
Industrial Design (approach), 352–353
Information (aspect), 264–275
as DNA, 275
flow, 270
modeling, 267
organizing, 268, 270
retrieval, 273
Information Architecture (approach), 271–272
Information Management, 26, 164, 169, 327
Information Systems (approach), 25–26
Innovation, areas of, 51
Innovation, cross- domain, 39
Innovation, enterprise, 52
Innovation, in relationships, 36
Innovation, IT-driven, 27
Inspiration, in design, 347
Instagram (case study), 414–421
Institute for the Future, The, 365
Integrative Thinking, 52, 53
Intelligent Systems, 29, 312
Interaction (aspect), 27B-287
modeling, 278, 280–281
Interaction Design (approach), 283–284
Interactive media, 160, 343
Interior Design, 365
Intranet, 102, 347, 381
Investor Relations, 21
IT, role of, 27
Iteration, 230–231, 284, 357, 384-386
Ive, Jonathan, 84


Jeppesen (case study), 24G-247
Jobs, Steve, 78, 82, 211
Journey Mapping, 147, 323


Kahn, Paul, 323
Kalbach, James, 321, 323
Kamprad, Ingvar, 129
Kim, W. Chan, 194
Knowledge Management, 165, 327
Kolko, Jon, 42, 70
Krieger, Mike, 415, 418, 418, 419


Lasswell, Harold Dwight, 257
Laundry Lists, 215
Legal, 23, 40
Leganza, Gene, 275
Levitt, Theodore, 161
Library Science, 271
Linguistics, 45, 223, 271
livelwork, 371
Logical layer, 315
Logistics industry, 106, 241
Logo design, 35, 64, 344
Löwgren, Jonas, 283
LVMH, 423


Maeda, John, 316
Manchipp, Simon, 102
Market, 192
Marketing, 41, 46, 65, 68, 101, 147, 202, 211, 291, 431
Marsh, Nick, 356, 357
Martin, Roger, 53
Materials, 353
Mauborgne, Renée, 194
Meaning, 56, 76, 168, 117, 257, 271
Meaningfulness, 51, 56, 401
Media Design (approach), 342–343
Mental Models, 47, 223, 323
Metadata, 270
Michelin, Nicolas, 12
Microsoft, 85
Mobile Systems, 29, 337
Modular Systems, 29, 174, 446, 449
Mok, Clement, 311
Moments of truth (touchpoints), 151
Monitoring, 273
Morville, Peter, 271
Motivation, 208
Music industry, 19


Neumeier, Marty, 101
New Product, the, 356
Newman, Damien, 411
Norman, Don, 204, 208, 227


Object Model, see Domain Model
Objectives, see Goals
OECD, 23
Oil Industry, 96, 116, 124
Olins, Wally, 99
Operating Model, 197, 289–291, 429
Operation (aspect), 288–299
designing work, 294
modeling, 290–293
perspectives, 297
Operational Excellence (strategy), 289, 428–429
Organization (aspect), 300–309
modeling, 302–303
Organizational Design (approach), 306–308
Organizational Development, 45, 301
Osterwalder, Alexander, 41, 194
Owners’ model, 227


Patnaik, Dev, 56
People (aspect), 198–209
designing for, 209
People, disciplines related to, 45–47
Perception, 47, 209
Persistence layer, 315
Personalization, 142
Personas, 208, 294
Petersen, Donald E., 372
Phones, 27–29, 82, 113, 255, 265, 279, 349, 351, 418
Physical reality, 335, 265
Pictures, as media, 343
Pigneur, Yves, 41, 194
Place-making, 59, 361–365, 381
Places (aspect), 358–367
Policy, 190
Potts, Chris, 298
Prepare (process phase), 387–389
Presentation layer, 315
Problems, Underdeter- mined, 63, 182
Problems, Undetermined, 63–64
Problems, Wicked, see Wicked Problems
Processes, 109, 214, 290, 293
Product Design, 66
Product Development, 189, 202, 350, 437
Product Leadership (strategy), 426–427
Project for Public Spaces, The, 362
Prototyping, 61, 71, 74, 163, 195, 284, 357, 402–403, 405, 426
Psychology, 45, 46, 281
Public Relations, 38, 44, 253
Public transport, 91, 116, 309
Purpose, 213


Referents, 167, 223
Reichenstein, Oliver, 102
Relationship challenges, 18–19, 56–57
Relationship lifespan, 148
Relevance, 225–226
Remote interaction, 258
Rendering (in Enterprise Design), 334–382, 400, 402, 405, 408
Requirements Documentation, 220
Requirements Engineering (approach), 219–220
Requirements, eliciting and modeling, 212–215
in the enterprise, 21, 42, 61, 68
Residency, 60
Resilience, 54
Resmini, Andrea, 136, 137
Resources, Business, 192, 293, 361
Rhetoric, in the enterprise, 346
Rittel, Horst, 38
Robots, 46, 319
Roddenberry, Gene, 451
Role Management (approach), 142–143
Roles, 142, 305
Rosati, Luca, 136, 137
Roscam-Abbing, Erik, 150, 159, 361
Rosenfeld, Louis, 271


Saffron Brand Consultants, 377
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 449
SAP (case study), 326–333
Scenarios, 163, 183, 195, 207–208, 312, 364, 394, 403, 423
Schiefele, Jens, 243
Schmid, Helmut, 445
Schneider, Jakob, 149, 199
Schultz, Majken, 101
Science Fiction, 451
Sculley, John, 84
Searching, 273, 329
Self-Service, 158, 379
Serendipity, 77
Service Blueprinting, 150
Service Design (approach), 162–163
Service-Oriented Architecture, 155
Services (aspect), 154–163
as benefit generators, 156
designing with, 160
qualities of, 158–159
Shanks, Michael, 349
Sharp, Alec, 306
Shedroff, Nathan, 118
Shostack, Lynn, 150, 371
Sidekick, 356
Signs (aspect), 338–347
designing with, 339
Simon, Herbert A., 25
Sketching, 397, 398–399
Sociology, 45
Soft skills, 52
Solution Architecture, 318
Somebody Else’s Problem, 322
Squiggle, The, 411
Stakeholder, 139–140, 220
Star Trek, 451
Startup, 101, 416, 442
Stickdorn, Marc, 149, 199
Storytelling, 194, 343, 398
Strategic Design, 63, 73, 237, 423
Strategy, 12, 76, 191, 423–429
Structure (aspect), 222–233
designing with, 226
modeling, 233
Structures, types of, 108–109
Style guide, see Design Guidelines
Sullivan, Louis, 211
Sustainability, 364
Synthesis, 56, 70, 77, 184, 234, 248, 272, 295
Systemic Design, 54, 73, 82
Systems Engineering, 26, 219
Systems Thinking, 53, 87, 223, 236
Systrom, Kevin, 412, 41B, 419, 421


Talent Management, 21
Team culture, 49, 251
Technology (aspect), 310–320
approaches to, 315
designing with, 313
layers, 315
design and, 30, 353
humanizing, 24
Technology Design (approach), 317–318
Technology Management, 26
TED, 51, 450
Text, as medium, 343
Themes, see Design Themes
Things (aspect), 348–357
Three Laws of Robotics, 319
Tools, 277
Touchpoint Orchestration (approach), 150–151
Touchpoint, redundant, 151
Touchpoints (aspect), 146–153
designing with, 149
mapping, 147
Transformation, 20–24, 37, 125, 184, 249, 307, 385, 440
Treacy, Michael, 423


Ubiquitous Ecologies, 136
Ubiquitous Language, 230
Ubiquitous systems, 29
Usability, 46, 207–209, 402–403
Use Case, 220
Usefulness, 117, 201
User Experience, 12, 119, 327, 352, 415
User Interface, 282, 283, 317, 318
User-Centered Design, 139, 207
User-generated content, 271
Users’ model, 227
Utopia, 451


Validate (process phase), 401–403
Validation, 70, 168, 208, 401–404
Value, designing for, 21, 191
Velib’, 309
Verband der Agenturen (case study), 176–181
Viability, 51, 70, 195, 227, 385, 403
Villoch, Ignacio, 378
Vincent, Stéphane, 61
Virtual reality, 365
visualcosmos, 177


Webber, Melvin, 38
Webdesign, 189, 371
Website, 144, 167, 189, 271
Wicked mess, 69, 182
Wicked problems, 38
Wiersema, Fred, 423
Wroblewski, Luke, 370
Wurman, Richard Saul, 271


Young, Indi, 323


Zachman, John A., 110
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