
Book Description

Distribute compelling, device-neutral applications throughout your mobile computing environment using the expert instruction contained in this Oracle Press guide. PeopleSoft PeopleTools: Mobile Applications Development fully explains the latest programming methods and features detailed examples and ready-to-use code samples. Find out how to configure your workstation, start building PeopleSoft mobile applications, incorporate REST and Web services, use Oracle and third-party development utilities, and build high-performance hybrid applications. Performance tuning, troubleshooting, and security are covered in this comprehensive resource.

  • Work with the PeopleSoft Mobile Application Platform and Fluid Application Designer
  • Customize layout and appearance using collection items and CSS
  • Create and deploy HTML5-based mobile applications
  • Connect HTML5 programs to PeopleSoft through REST services
  • Design mobile user interfaces with jQuery Mobile and AngularJS
  • Construct Android-specific native applications using Eclipse and ADT
  • Use Apache Cordova to assemble applications from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components
  • Develop hybrid applications from the Oracle Mobile Application Framework

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents at a Glance
  6. Contents
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Introduction
  9. PART I PeopleSoft Mobile Tools
    1. 1 Configuring your Development Workstation
      1. Mobile Application Types
        1. HTML5 Web Applications
        2. Native Applications
        3. Hybrid Applications
      2. HTML5 Defined
      3. Development Tools
        1. Browsers
        2. Text Editors
        3. Debuggers and Browser Tools
        4. Integrated Development Environments
        5. Web Server
        6. Installing Emulators
      4. Conclusion
    2. 2 PeopleTools Mobile Design (Fluid)
      1. About PeopleTools Fluid Pages
        1. Responsive and Adaptive Design
        2. CSS3 Layout
        3. HTML5 Runtime Controls
        4. Fluid Mode Setup
        5. Skillset
      2. My First Fluid Page
        1. The Fluid Page’s Data Model
        2. Constructing a Fluid Page
        3. Fluid Search Pages
        4. Fluid Page Navigation
        5. Optimizing the Component for Fluid
        6. Fluid Grids
        7. HTML5 Data-Entry Fields
        8. Adding Transaction Buttons
      3. Fluid Design Patterns
        1. A New Paradigm
      4. Grouplets
      5. Conclusion
    3. 3 Building Applications with the Mobile Application Platform
      1. Hello MAP
        1. Creating a Document
        2. Configuring a Layout
      2. The Role of jQuery
      3. A PeopleTools Cross-Pillar Mobile Process Monitor
        1. Data Model
        2. Layout
        3. Initialization
        4. Final Layout Adjustments
        5. Multipage Layouts
      4. Conclusion
  10. PART II Building Mobile Applications with HTML5
    1. 4 Creating a Data Model
      1. Scenario
      2. The Data Model
        1. SQL Definitions
      3. Documents
        1. Defining the Search Parameters Document
        2. Defining the Search Results Document
        3. Defining the Details Input Document
        4. Defining the Details Document
        5. Updating Your Own Profile
        6. Demo Data
      4. Conclusion
    2. 5 Prototyping the HTML5 “View” Layer with jQuery Mobile
      1. Wireframes
      2. Prototyping with jQuery Mobile
        1. Creating the Netbeans Source Project
        2. Creating the Search Page
        3. Mocking up the Results Page
        4. Coding the Details Page
        5. Implementing the Responsive Panel
        6. The Profile Update Page
        7. A “Safe” URL
      3. Conclusion
    3. 6 Constructing the HTML View Without jQuery
      1. Preparing the Project
        1. The NetBeans/Manual Approach
        2. The Automated Way
      2. Introduction to AngularJS
        1. My First AngularJS Page
        2. Scope
        3. Dependency Injection
      3. Learning from Angular-seed
        1. Comparing Index Files
        2. Resolving Dependencies
        3. Routes
        4. Partials
        5. Controllers
      4. Building with AngularJS
        1. Creating the Search Page
        2. The Results Page
        3. The Details Page
        4. The Profile Page
        5. Adding a Header
        6. Implementing a Navigation Sidebar
        7. Custom Results Directive
      5. Animation
        1. Animating with CSS3 Transitions
        2. Using animate.css
        3. Animating with the GreenSock Animation Platform
      6. Conclusion
    4. 7 iScript-based Controllers
      1. What is an iScript?
      2. jQuery Mobile with iScripts
        1. The Search iScript
        2. The Details iScript
        3. Profile Page
        4. Integrating These iScripts with jQuery Mobile
        5. Handling Authentication
      3. AngularJS with iScripts
        1. The Search iScript
        2. The Details iScript
        3. Integrating Our iScripts with AngularJS
      4. Extra Credit
      5. Conclusion
    5. 8 REST Controllers
      1. What is REST?
      2. Building REST Service Operations
      3. jQuery Mobile with the RESTListeningConnector
        1. Creating Message Definitions
        2. The REST Service Container
        3. Creating Service Operations
        4. Preparing the jQuery Mobile Application
      4. Configuring a Reverse Proxy
        1. Configuring Apache httpd
        2. Testing the Reverse Proxied jQuery Mobile Application
      5. AngularJS with the RESTListeningConnector
        1. Creating Message Definitions
        2. REST Service Operations
        3. Reverse Proxying the AngularJS Prototype
      6. Conclusion
  11. PART III Constructing Native Applications
    1. 9 Native Apps for Best Results
      1. Introduction to Part III
        1. Chapter 9
        2. Chapter 10
        3. Chapter 11
        4. A word about iOS
      2. Building a Mobile Android Personnel Directory
        1. Why Native?
        2. Introduction to Android Development
        3. Networking with Android
        4. Building a Native Directory
        5. Deploy and Test the Android Application
      3. Conclusion
    2. 10 Power-Using Cordova
      1. About the Apache Cordova Platform
      2. Installing the Apache Cordova Platform
      3. Creating a NetBeans Cordova Project
      4. Running a Cordova Project from NetBeans
      5. From Website to On-device
        1. Copying Source Files
        2. Connecting the Emulator to Your PeopleSoft Instance
      6. Implement Authentication
        1. Implementing Native Features
        2. Updating the ProfileCtrl Controller
        3. Updating the Profile Partial
      7. Conclusion
    3. 11 Building Mobile Applications with Oracle Mobile Application Framework
      1. Up and Running with JDeveloper 12c
      2. Creating an MAF Project
        1. The Client-Side Data Model
        2. User Interface
      3. Conclusion
  12. Index