
Book Description

Python Essential Reference is the definitive reference guide to the Python programming language — the one authoritative handbook that reliably untangles and explains both the core Python language and the most essential parts of the Python library.

Designed for the professional programmer, the book is concise, to the point, and highly accessible. It also includes detailed information on the Python library and many advanced subjects that is not available in either the official Python documentation or any other single reference source.

Thoroughly updated to reflect the significant new programming language features and library modules that have been introduced in Python 2.6 and Python 3, the fourth edition of Python Essential Reference is the definitive guide for programmers who need to modernize existing Python code or who are planning an eventual migration to Python 3. Programmers starting a new Python project will find detailed coverage of contemporary Python programming idioms.

This fourth edition of Python Essential Reference features numerous improvements, additions, and updates:

  • Coverage of new language features, libraries, and modules

  • Practical coverage of Python's more advanced features including generators, coroutines, closures, metaclasses, and decorators

  • Expanded coverage of library modules related to concurrent programming including threads, subprocesses, and the new multiprocessing module

  • Up-to-the-minute coverage of how to use Python 2.6’s forward compatibility mode to evaluate code for Python 3 compatibility

  • Improved organization for even faster answers and better usability

  • Updates to reflect modern Python programming style and idioms

  • Updated and improved example code

  • Deep coverage of low-level system and networking library modules — including options not covered in the standard documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Contents at a Glance
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Developer’s Library: Essential References for Programming Professionals
  6. About the Author
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. We Want to Hear from You!
  9. Introduction
  10. I. The Python Language
    1. 1. A Tutorial Introduction
    2. 2. Lexical Conventions and Syntax
    3. 3. Types and Objects
    4. 4. Operators and Expressions
    5. 5. Program Structure and Control Flow
    6. 6. Functions and Functional Programming
    7. 7. Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
    8. 8. Modules, Packages, and Distribution
    9. 9. Input and Output
    10. 10. Execution Environment
    11. 11. Testing, Debugging, Profiling, and Tuning
  11. II. The Python Library
    1. 12. Built-In Functions
    2. 13. Python Runtime Services
    3. 14. Mathematics
    4. 15. Data Structures, Algorithms, and Code Simplification
    5. 16. String and Text Handling
    6. 17. Python Database Access
    7. 18. File and Directory Handling
    8. 19. Operating System Services
    9. 20. Threads and Concurrency
    10. 21. Network Programming and Sockets
    11. 22. Internet Application Programming
    12. 23. Web Programming
    13. 24. Internet Data Handling and Encoding
    14. 25. Miscellaneous Library Modules
  12. III. Extending and Embedding
    1. 26. Extending and Embedding Python
    2. Appendix:. Python 3
  13. Index