
Book Description


Spring Integration in Action is a hands-on guide to Spring-based messaging and integration. After addressing the core messaging patterns, such as those used in transformation and routing, the book turns to the adapters that enable integration with external systems. Readers will explore real-world enterprise integration scenarios using JMS, Web Services, file systems, and email. They will also learn about Spring Integration's support for working with XML. The book concludes with a practical guide to advanced topics such as concurrency, performance, system-management, and monitoring.

About the Technology

Spring Integration extends the Spring Framework to support the patterns described in Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf’s Enterprise Integration Patterns. Like the Spring Framework itself, it focuses on developer productivity, making it easier to build, test, and maintain enterprise integration solutions.

About the Book

Spring Integration in Action is an introduction and guide to enterprise integration and messaging using the Spring Integration framework. The book starts off by reviewing core messaging patterns, such as those used in transformation and routing. It then drills down into real-world enterprise integration scenarios using JMS, Web Services, filesystems, email, and more. You’ll find an emphasis on testing, along with practical coverage of topics like concurrency, scheduling, system management, and monitoring.

This book is accessible to developers who know Java. Experience with Spring and EIP is helpful but not assumed.

What's Inside

  • - Realistic examples

  • - Expert advice from Spring Integration creators

  • - Detailed coverage of Spring Integration 2 features

About the Authors

Mark Fisher is the Spring Integration founder and project lead. Jonas Partner, Marius Bogoevici, and Iwein Fuld have all been project committers and are recognized experts on Spring and Spring Integration.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Brief Table of Contents
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Foreword
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. About This Book
  8. Author Online
  9. About the Authors
  10. About the Cover Illustration
  11. Part 1. Background
  12. Chapter 1. Introduction to Spring Integration
  13. Chapter 2. Enterprise integration fundamentals
  14. Part 2. Messaging
  15. Chapter 3. Messages and channels
  16. Chapter 4. Message Endpoints
  17. Chapter 5. Getting down to business
  18. Chapter 6. Go beyond sequential processing: routing and filtering
  19. Chapter 7. Splitting and aggregating messages
  20. Part 3. Integrating systems
  21. Chapter 8. Handling messages with XML payloads
  22. Chapter 9. Spring Integration and the Java Message Service
  23. Chapter 10. Email-based integration
  24. Chapter 11. Filesystem integration
  25. Chapter 12. Spring Integration and web services
  26. Chapter 13. Chatting and tweeting
  27. Part 4. Advanced topics
  28. Chapter 14. Monitoring and management
  29. Chapter 15. Managing scheduling and concurrency
  30. Chapter 16. Batch applications and enterprise integration
  31. Chapter 17. Scaling messaging applications with OSGi
  32. Chapter 18. Testing
  33. Index
  34. List of Figures
  35. List of Tables
  36. List of Listings