
Book Description

A one-stop guide to the essentials of web development including popular frameworks such as jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, and Node.js

About This Book

  • Understand the essential elements of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including how and when to use them
  • Walk through three of the best and most popular web development frameworks ? jQuery, Bootstrap, and AngularJS
  • References for any function you will need in your day-to-day web development

Who This Book Is For

This book is perfect for beginners but more advanced web developers will also benefit. Laid out so you can refer to as much or as little as you need to, with this book you can exhaustively explore essential concepts for modern web developers.

What You Will Learn

  • Explore detailed explanations of all the major HTML elements and attributes, illustrated with examples
  • Take a deep dive into CSS properties and functions and master their usage
  • Find clear, concise descriptions of JavaScript syntax and expressions
  • Recognize various JavaScript design patterns and learn the basics of JavaScript object-orientated programming
  • Implement the latest ECMAScript 6 for client-side scripting in your web applications
  • Discover new ways to develop your website's front end quickly and easily using Bootstrap
  • Write JavaScript extensibly using jQuery-JavaScript's feature-rich library
  • Delve into the key Node.js modules used in JavaScript server-side programming
  • Access AngularJS 's important modules, controllers, directives, and services quickly

In Detail

This comprehensive reference guide takes you through each topic in web development and highlights the most popular and important elements of each area.

Starting with HTML, you will learn key elements and attributes and how they relate to each other. Next, you will explore CSS pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, followed by CSS properties and functions. This will introduce you to many powerful and new selectors. You will then move on to JavaScript. This section will not just introduce functions, but will provide you with an entire reference for the language and paradigms. You will discover more about three of the most popular frameworks today - Bootstrap, which builds on CSS, jQuery which builds on JavaScript, and AngularJS, which also builds on JavaScript. Finally, you will take a walk-through Node.js, which is a server-side framework that allows you to write programs in JavaScript.

Style and approach

This book is an easy-to-follow, comprehensive reference guide. Each topic, function, or element is listed methodically along with parameters, return values, and descriptions. Examples are also included to help you put the concepts to use quickly in the real world.

Table of Contents

  1. Web Developer's Reference Guide
    1. Table of Contents
    2. Web Developer's Reference Guide
    3. Credits
    4. About the Authors
    5. About the Reviewers
    6. www.PacktPub.com
      1. eBooks, discount offers, and more
        1. Why subscribe?
    7. Preface
      1. What this book covers
      2. What you need for this book
      3. Who this book is for
      4. Conventions
      5. Reader feedback
      6. Customer support
        1. Downloading the example code
        2. Errata
        3. Piracy
        4. Questions
    8. 1. HTML Elements
      1. DOCTYPE
        1. Attributes
        2. Description
      2. html
        1. Attributes
        2. Description
      3. Document metadata
        1. head
          1. Description
          2. title
            1. Description
          3. link
            1. Attributes
            2. Description
            3. See also
          4. meta
            1. Attributes
            2. Description
            3. See also
          5. style
            1. Attributes
            2. Description
            3. See also
          6. base
            1. Attributes
            2. Description
            3. See also
          7. script
            1. Attributes
            2. Description
          8. noscript
            1. Description
      4. Semantic content sections
        1. body
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        2. section
          1. Description
        3. nav
          1. Description
          2. article
          3. Description
        4. Headings
          1. Description
          2. See also
        5. header
          1. Description
          2. See also
        6. footer
          1. Description
        7. address
          1. Description
        8. aside
          1. Description
        9. p
          1. Description
      5. Content sections
        1. hr
          1. Description
        2. pre
          1. Description
        3. blockquote
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        4. ol
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        5. ul
          1. Description
          2. See also
        6. li
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        7. dl
          1. Description
          2. See also
        8. dt
          1. Description
          2. See also
        9. dd
          1. Description
          2. See also
        10. figure
          1. Description
          2. See also
        11. figcaption
          1. Description
          2. See also
        12. div
          1. Description
          2. main
          3. Description
      6. Inline elements
        1. a
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        2. abbr
          1. Description
        3. bdo
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        4. br
          1. Description
        5. cite
          1. Description
        6. code
          1. Description
        7. dfn
          1. Description
        8. em
          1. Description
        9. kbd
          1. Description
        10. mark
          1. Description
        11. q
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        12. s
          1. Description
        13. samp
          1. Description
        14. small
          1. Description
        15. span
          1. Description
        16. strong
          1. Description
        17. sub
          1. Description
        18. sup
          1. Description
        19. time
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        20. var
          1. Description
        21. wbr
          1. Description
      7. Embedded content
        1. img
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. iframe
          4. Attributes
          5. Description
        2. embed
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        3. object
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        4. param
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        5. video
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        6. audio
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        7. source
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        8. track
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
      8. Tables
        1. table
          1. Description
        2. caption
          1. Description
        3. colgroup
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        4. tbody
          1. Description
        5. thead
          1. Description
        6. tfoot
          1. Description
        7. tr
          1. Description
        8. td
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        9. th
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
      9. Forms
        1. Form
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        2. fieldset
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        3. legend
          1. Description
          2. See also
        4. label
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        5. input
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        6. button
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        7. select
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        8. optgroup
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        9. option
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
          3. See also
        10. textarea
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
      10. Drawing elements
        1. canvas
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
        2. svg
          1. Attributes
          2. Description
    9. 2. HTML Attributes
      1. Global attributes
        1. accesskey
          1. Description
        2. class
          1. Description
        3. contenteditable
          1. Description
        4. data-*
          1. Description
        5. dir
          1. Description
        6. draggable
          1. Description
          2. hidden
          3. Description
        7. id
          1. Description
        8. lang
          1. Description
        9. spellcheck
          1. Description
        10. style
          1. Description
        11. tabindex
          1. Description
        12. title
          1. Description
      2. Miscellaneous
        1. accept
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        2. accept-charset
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        3. action
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        4. alt
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        5. async
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        6. autocomplete
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        7. autofocus
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        8. autoplay
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        9. autosave
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        10. cite
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        11. cols
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        12. colspan
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        13. datetime
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        14. disabled
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        15. download
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        16. content
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        17. controls
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        18. for
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        19. form
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        20. formaction
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        21. height
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        22. href
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        23. hreflang
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        24. label
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        25. list
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        26. loop
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        27. max
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        28. maxlength
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        29. media
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        30. method
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        31. min
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        32. multiple
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        33. name
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        34. novalidate
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        35. pattern
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        36. placeholder
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        37. poster
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        38. readonly
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        39. rel
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        40. required
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        41. reversed
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        42. rows
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        43. rowspan
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        44. scope
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        45. selected
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        46. size
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        47. src
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        48. start
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        49. step
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        50. type
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        51. value
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        52. width
          1. Elements
          2. Description
        53. wrap
          1. Elements
          2. Description
    10. 3. CSS Concepts and Applications
      1. Basic selectors
        1. The simple selector
        2. The type selectors
          1. Description
        3. The universal selector
          1. Description
        4. The attribute selectors
          1. Description
        5. The class selectors
          1. Description
        6. The ID selectors
          1. Description
      2. Combinators
        1. Descendant combinator
          1. Description
        2. The child combinator
          1. Description
        3. The adjacent sibling combinator
          1. Description
        4. The general sibling combinator
          1. Description
        5. The selector specificity
      3. Pseudo-classes
        1. The link pseudo-classes
          1. :link
            1. Description
          2. :visited
            1. Description
        2. User action pseudo-classes
          1. :active
            1. Description
          2. :focus
            1. Description
          3. :hover
            1. Description
        3. The structural selectors
        4. :first-child
          1. Description
        5. :first-of-type
          1. Description
        6. :last-child
          1. Description
        7. :last-of-type
          1. Description
        8. :nth-child()
          1. Description
        9. :nth-last-child
          1. Description
          2. See also
        10. :nth-last-of-type and :nth-of-type
          1. Description
          2. See also
        11. :only-child
          1. Description
        12. :only-of-type
          1. Description
      4. Validation
        1. :checked
          1. Description
        2. :default
          1. Description
        3. :disabled and :enabled
          1. Description
        4. :empty
          1. Description
        5. :in-range and :out-of-range
          1. Description
        6. :invalid and :valid
          1. Description
        7. :not or negation
          1. Description
        8. :optional and :required
          1. Description
        9. :lang()
          1. Description
      5. Pseudo-elements
        1. ::before and ::after
          1. Description
          2. See also
        2. ::first-letter
          1. Description
        3. ::first-line
          1. Description
        4. ::selection
          1. Description
      6. Generated content
        1. content
          1. Parameters
          2. Description
        2. Quotation marks
          1. Parameters
          2. Description
    11. 4. CSS Properties – Part 1
      1. Animation
        1. Base markup and CSS
          1. animation-name
            1. Description
          2. animation-duration
            1. Description
          3. animation-iteration-count
            1. Description
          4. animation-direction
            1. Description
          5. animation-delay
            1. Description
          6. animation-fill-mode
            1. Description
          7. animation-play-state
            1. Description
          8. animation-timing-function
            1. ease
            2. ease-in
            3. ease-out
            4. ease-in-out
            5. linear
            6. cubic-bezier()
              1. Parameters
              2. Description
            7. steps()
              1. Parameters
              2. Description
          9. animation
            1. Description
        2. Final CSS code
          1. Longhand style
          2. Shorthand style
      2. Background
        1. background-attachment
          1. Description
        2. background-blend-mode
          1. Description
        3. background-clip
          1. Description
            1. inherit
            2. border-box
            3. padding-box
            4. content-box
        4. background-color
          1. Description
        5. background-image
          1. Description
            1. Linear
            2. Radial
        6. background-origin
          1. Description
          2. background-position
            1. Description
            2. Predefined keywords
            3. Percentages
            4. Length
          3. background-repeat
            1. Description
          4. background-size
            1. Description
            2. Length value
            3. Percentage value
            4. auto
            5. contain
            6. cover
          5. background
      3. Box model
        1. width
          1. Description
            1. Length value
            2. Percentage value
            3. auto
            4. max-content
            5. min-content
            6. fit-content
        2. height
          1. Description
            1. Length value
            2. Percentage value
            3. inherit
        3. padding
          1. Description
        4. margin
          1. Description
          2. Collapsing margins
        5. border
          1. border-width
          2. border-style
          3. border-color
        6. box-sizing
          1. Description
            1. content-box
            2. border-box
        7. max-height
          1. Description
            1. Length value
            2. Percentage value
        8. max-width
          1. Description
            1. Length value
            2. Percentage value
        9. min-height
          1. Description
            1. Length value
            2. Percentage value
        10. min-width
          1. Description
            1. Length value
            2. Percentage value
        11. object-fit
          1. Description
            1. contain
            2. cover
            3. fill
            4. none
            5. scale-down
        12. object-position
          1. Description
      4. Border radius
        1. border-radius
          1. Description
            1. Length value
            2. Percentage value
      5. Unit
        1. Relative length units
          1. Description
            1. ex
            2. ch
            3. em
            4. rem
            5. The % sign
        2. Viewport-relative length units
          1. Description
            1. vh
            2. vw
            3. vmin
            4. vmax
        3. Absolute length units
          1. Description
            1. cm
            2. mm
            3. in
            4. pc
            5. pt
            6. px
        4. Angle data types
          1. Description
            1. deg
            2. grad
            3. rad
            4. turn
        5. Resolution units
          1. Description
            1. dpi
            2. dpcm
            3. dppx
        6. Duration units
          1. Description
            1. ms
            2. s
        7. Column
          1. column-count
            1. Description
          2. column-fill
            1. Description
          3. column-gap
            1. Description
          4. column-rule
            1. Description
          5. column-rule-color
          6. column-rule-style
          7. column-rule-width
          8. column-span
          9. column-width
          10. columns
      6. Flexible box (flexbox)
        1. flex-grow
          1. Description
        2. flex-shrink
          1. Description
        3. flex-basis
          1. Description
        4. flex-direction
          1. Description
            1. row
            2. row-reverse
            3. column
            4. column-reverse
        5. flex-wrap
          1. Description
            1. nowrap
            2. wrap
            3. wrap-reverse
        6. flex-flow
          1. Description
        7. align-content
          1. Description
            1. flex-start
            2. flex-end
            3. center
            4. space-around
            5. space-between
            6. stretch
        8. align-items
          1. Description
            1. flex-start
            2. flex-end
            3. center
            4. baseline
            5. stretch
        9. align-self
          1. Description
            1. flex-start
            2. flex-end
            3. center
            4. baseline
            5. stretch
        10. order
          1. Description
        11. justify-content
          1. Description
            1. flex-start
            2. flex-end
            3. center
            4. space-between
            5. space-around
        12. flex
      7. Summary
    12. 5. CSS Properties – Part 2
      1. Fonts
        1. font-family
          1. Description
            1. Family name
            2. Generic family names
        2. font-feature-settings
          1. Description
        3. font-size
          1. Description
            1. Absolute keywords/size
            2. Relative size keywords
            3. Length
            4. Percentage
        4. font-size-adjust
          1. Description
        5. font-stretch
          1. Description
        6. font-style
          1. Description
        7. font-variant
          1. Description
        8. font-variant-ligatures
          1. Description
        9. font-weight
          1. Description
            1. Numeric values
            2. Keyword values
        10. font
          1. Description
      2. Transform
        1. transform
          1. Description
            1. scale()
            2. skew()
              1. skewX() and skewY()
            3. translate()
              1. translateX() and translateY()
            4. rotate()
            5. matrix()
            6. perspective()
        2. transform-origin
          1. Description
        3. transform-style
          1. Description
        4. Transition
          1. transition
            1. Description
          2. transition-delay
            1. Description
          3. transition-duration
            1. Description
          4. transition-property
            1. Description
          5. transition-timing-function
      3. Positioning
        1. position
          1. Description
            1. static
            2. absolute
            3. relative
            4. fixed
            5. sticky
        2. top
          1. Description
        3. bottom
          1. Description
        4. left
          1. Description
        5. right
          1. Description
        6. vertical-align
          1. Description
      4. Text
        1. color
          1. Description
        2. text-align
          1. Description
        3. text-decoration
          1. Description
        4. text-decoration-line
          1. Description
        5. text-decoration-color
          1. Description
        6. text-decoration-style
          1. Description
        7. text-indent
          1. Description
        8. text-overflow
          1. Description
            1. clip
            2. ellipsis
        9. text-rendering
          1. Description
            1. auto
            2. optimizeSpeed
            3. optimizeLegibility
            4. geometricPrecision
        10. text-shadow
          1. Description
        11. text-transform
          1. Description
        12. text-underline-position
          1. Description
            1. auto
            2. left
            3. right
            4. under
        13. direction
          1. Description
      5. Tables
        1. table-layout
          1. Description
        2. border-collapse
          1. Description
        3. border-spacing
          1. Description
        4. empty-cells
          1. Description
        5. caption-side
          1. Description
      6. Words and paragraphs
        1. hyphens
          1. Description
            1. Unicode characters to suggest line break opportunities
        2. word-break
          1. Description
            1. normal
            2. break-all
            3. keep-all
        3. word-spacing
          1. Description
            1. normal
            2. Length value
            3. Percentage value
        4. word-wrap
          1. Description
        5. line-height
          1. Description
        6. orphans
          1. Description
          1. Description
            1. none
            2. [string string +] value
        8. widows
          1. Description
        9. writing-mode
          1. Description
            1. horizontal-tb
            2. vertical-rl
            3. vertical-lr
        10. letter-spacing
          1. Description
        11. white-space
          1. Description
            1. normal
            2. nowrap
            3. pre
            4. pre-wrap
            5. pre-line
        12. tab-size
          1. Description
      7. Paging
        1. page-break-after
          1. Description
        2. page-break-before
          1. Description
        3. page-break-inside
          1. Description
    13. 6. CSS Properties – Part 3
      1. Page box
        1. bleed
          1. Description
        2. marks
          1. Description
      2. List
        1. list-style
          1. Description
        2. list-style-type
          1. Description
        3. list-style-position
          1. Description
            1. inside
            2. outside
        4. list-style-image
          1. Description
      3. Counter
        1. counter-reset
          1. Description
            1. name
            2. number
        2. counter-increment
          1. Description
            1. name
            2. number
      4. Drop shadows
        1. box-shadow
          1. Description
            1. Length values
            2. Color value
            3. inset
      5. Display and visibility
        1. all
          1. Description
        2. clear
          1. Description
        3. display
          1. Description
            1. Table-related values
        4. opacity
          1. Description
        5. filter
          1. Description
            1. blur()
            2. brightness()
            3. contrast()
            4. drop-shadow()
            5. grayscale()
            6. hue-rotate()
            7. invert()
            8. opacity()
            9. saturate()
            10. sepia()
            11. url()
        6. overflow
          1. Description
        7. overflow-x
          1. Description
        8. overflow-y
          1. Description
        9. visibility
          1. Description
        10. z-index
          1. Description
      6. Masking and clipping
        1. mask
          1. Description
        2. mask-clip
          1. Description
        3. mask-composite
          1. Description
        4. mask-image
          1. Description
        5. mask-mode
          1. Description
            1. Alpha masks
            2. Luminance masks
        6. mask-origin
          1. Description
        7. mask-position
          1. Description
        8. mask-repeat
          1. Description
        9. mask-size
          1. Description
        10. mask-type
        11. mask-border
          1. Description
        12. mask-border-source
        13. mask-border-mode
        14. mask-border-slice
          1. Description
            1. fill
        15. mask-border-width
          1. Description
            1. auto
        16. mask-border-outset
          1. Description
        17. mask-border-repeat
          1. Description
            1. repeat
            2. round
            3. stretch
            4. space
        18. clip-path
          1. Description
            1. url()
            2. circle()
            3. ellipse()
            4. inset()
            5. polygon()
            6. none
      7. Image rendering and orientation
        1. image-orientation
          1. Description
        2. image-rendering
          1. Description
      8. User interface
        1. cursor
          1. Description
            1. A URL (or URI)
            2. X and Y coordinates
            3. 32 keyword values
        2. pointer-events
          1. Description
            1. none
            2. auto
        3. outline
          1. Description
      9. 3-Dimensional
        1. perspective
          1. Description
            1. normal
            2. Length value
        2. perspective-origin
          1. Description
            1. Length value
            2. Percentage value
            3. Keyword values
        3. backface-visibility
          1. Description
      10. Summary
    14. 7. CSS Functions
      1. Filter
        1. brightness()
          1. Description
        2. contrast()
          1. Description
        3. grayscale()
          1. Description
        4. invert()
          1. Description
        5. hue-rotate()
          1. Description
        6. blur()
          1. Description
        7. saturate()
          1. Description
        8. sepia()
          1. Description
        9. Transforms
        10. matrix()
          1. Description
        11. matrix3d()
          1. Description
        12. rotate()
          1. Description
        13. rotate3d()
          1. Description
        14. rotateX()
          1. Description
        15. rotateY()
          1. Description
        16. rotateZ()
          1. Description
        17. scale()
          1. Description
        18. scale3d()
          1. Description
        19. scaleX()
          1. Description
        20. scaleY()
          1. Description
        21. scaleZ()
          1. Description
        22. skew()
          1. Description
        23. skewX()
          1. Description
        24. skewY()
          1. Description
        25. steps()
          1. Description
        26. translate()
          1. Description
        27. translate3d()
          1. Description
        28. translateX()
          1. Description
        29. translateY()
          1. Description
        30. translateZ()
          1. Description
      2. Colors
        1. hsl() and hsla()
          1. Description
        2. rgb() and rgba()
          1. Description
      3. Gradients
        1. linear-gradient()
          1. Description
            1. Direction
            2. Color stops
        2. radial-gradient()
          1. Description
            1. Position
            2. Sizing
        3. repeating-linear-gradient()
          1. Description
        4. repeating-radial-gradient()
          1. Description
      4. Values
        1. attr()
          1. Description
        2. Responsive Table
        3. calc()
          1. Description
        4. url()
          1. Description
        5. cubic-bezier()
          1. Description
      5. Miscellaneous
        1. drop-shadow()
          1. Description
        2. element()
          1. Description
        3. image()
          1. Description
        4. opacity()
          1. Description
        5. perspective()
          1. Description
        6. rect()
          1. Description
      6. At-rules
        1. @charset
          1. Description
        2. @document()
          1. Description
        3. @font-face
          1. Description
            1. WOFF/WOFF2
            2. EOT
            3. OTF and TTF
            4. SVG
            5. font-family
            6. src
            7. font-variant
            8. font-stretch
            9. font-weight
            10. unicode-range
          2. Google fonts
        4. @import
          1. Description
        5. @keyframes
          1. Description
        6. @media
          1. Description
            1. Media types
        7. @namespace
          1. Description
        8. @page
          1. Description
        9. @supports
          1. Description
            1. The not operator
            2. The and operator
            3. The or operator
      7. Global CSS keyword values
        1. auto
        2. inherit
        3. initial
        4. none
        5. normal
        6. unset
        7. revert
      8. Summary
    15. 8. JavaScript Implementations, Syntax Basics, and Variable Types
      1. History of JavaScript
        1. Evolution of JavaScript
      2. JavaScript implementations
        1. Core JavaScript (ECMAScript)
        2. Document object model (DOM)
        3. Browser object model (BOM)
        4. Client-side JavaScript
          1. Adding JavaScript into a web page
        5. Loading external JavaScript files
          1. Writing our first program in JavaScript
            1. Prerequisites
            2. How to do it
        6. Server-side JavaScript
          1. Server side
          2. Client side
          3. Scripting with Rhino
            1. Description
          4. Node.js
            1. Description
      3. The language syntax
        1. Language
        2. Type
      4. The character set
        1. Case sensitivity
          1. Description
        2. Whitespaces and line breaks
          1. Description
        3. The Unicode escape sequence
          1. Description
        4. Normalization
        5. Identifiers
        6. Reserved keywords
          1. Protected reserved words
          2. New reserved words
          3. Future reserved words
          1. Multiple-line comments
          2. One-line comments
          3. The HTML comment opening sequence
        8. Literals
          1. Object literals
            1. Description
          2. Array literals
            1. Description
          3. Boolean literals
          4. Integers
            1. Description
          5. Floating point literals
            1. Description
          6. String literals
            1. Description
        9. Statements
          1. Conditional statements
          2. The loop statement
          3. Object manipulation statements
          4. Exception handling statements
        10. Optional semicolon
      5. Data type
        1. The typeof operator
          1. Description
        2. The undefined type
          1. Description
        3. The null type
          1. Description
        4. The number type
          1. Description
        5. The Boolean type
          1. Description
        6. The string type
          1. Description
        7. The object type
          1. Description
      6. Variable, scope, and memory
        1. Variable declaration
        2. The variable scope
          1. Local scope variables
            1. Description
          2. Global scope variables
            1. Description
        3. Primitive and reference values
          1. Primitive type values
            1. Description
          2. Reference type values
            1. Description
        4. The execution context and scope
          1. The global code
          2. The function code
          3. The eval code
        5. Garbage collection
          1. Objects
          2. Arrays
          3. Functions
    16. 9. JavaScript Expressions, Operators, Statements, and Arrays
      1. Expressions
        1. Primary expressions
        2. Object initializer
        3. The function definition expression
          1. The function declaration
          2. The function expression
        4. The property access expression
          1. The bracket notation
          2. The dot notation
        5. The invocation expression
          1. Invocation target
          2. The optional argument list
        6. The object creation expression
        7. Evaluation expression
      2. Operators
        1. Overview
          1. Binary operator
          2. Unary operator
          3. Ternary operator
        2. Arithmetic operators
          1. The + operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          2. The - operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          3. The * operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          4. The / operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          5. The % operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          6. The ++ Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          7. The -- Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
        3. Logical operators
          1. The && Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          2. The || Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          3. The ! Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
        4. Assignment operators
          1. The = operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          2. The += operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          3. The -= operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          4. The *= Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          5. The /= Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          6. The %= Operator
            1. Parameters
            2. Returns
            3. Description
        5. Exponentiation assignment (**=)
        6. Relational operators
          1. The < operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          2. The <= Operator
            1. Returns
              1. Parameter
            2. Description
          3. The > Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          4. The >= Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          5. The != Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          6. The == Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          7. The === Operator
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
      3. Statements
        1. Expression statements
        2. Compound empty statements
        3. Declaration statements
          1. function
          2. var
        4. Conditional statements
          1. If statements
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          2. Else if statements
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          3. Switch statement
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
        5. Loops
          1. For loop
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          2. While loop
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          3. Do while loop
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          4. For in loop
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
        6. Jumps and labeled statements
          1. Break statement
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          2. Continue statement
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          3. Return statement
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          4. Throw statement
            1. Syntax
            2. Example
          5. Try catch finally statement
            1. Syntax
      4. Arrays
        1. Array types
        2. Array type object
        3. Creating arrays
          1. Array initializer
          2. Array constructor
        4. Reading and writing array elements
        5. Multidimensional arrays in JavaScript
        6. Properties in an array
          1. Length
            1. Returns
            2. Description
          2. Constructor
          3. Prototype
        7. Array methods
          1. concat()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          2. every()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          3. foreach()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          4. join()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          5. pop()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          6. push()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          7. indexOf()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          8. lastIndexOf()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          9. reverse()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          10. shift()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          11. unshift()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          12. slice()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          13. splice()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          14. sort()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          15. toString()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
        8. ECMA5 Array methods
          1. array.prototype.map()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          2. array.prototype.filter()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          3. array.prototype.reduce()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          4. array.prototype.forEach()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          5. array.prototype.indexOf()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          6. array.prototype.lastIndexOf()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          7. array.prototype.every()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameter
            3. Description
          8. array.prototype.some()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
          9. array.prototype.reduceRight()
            1. Returns
            2. Parameters
            3. Description
            4. 10. JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming
              1. Polymorphism
                1. Encapsulation
                2. Inheritance
                3. Abstraction
              2. Objects
                1. Creating objects
                  1. Object literals
                  2. The new keyword
                  3. The object.create() method
                2. Design patterns
                  1. Constructor pattern
                    1. Description
                      1. Simple constructors
                      2. Prototype constructors
                      3. Module pattern
                    2. Description
                      1. Object literal notation
                      2. The module pattern
                  2. The revealing module pattern
                    1. Description
                  3. The singleton pattern
                    1. Description
                  4. The observer pattern
                    1. Description
                  5. The mediator pattern
                    1. Description
                  6. The prototype pattern
                    1. Description
                  7. Command pattern
                    1. Description
                  8. The facade pattern
                    1. Description
                  9. The factory pattern
                    1. Description
                  10. The mixin pattern
                    1. Description
                3. Property getter and setter
                  1. Description
                4. Deleting properties
                  1. Description
                5. Testing properties
                  1. Description
                6. Enumerating properties
                  1. Description
                7. Property attributes
                  1. Description
                  2. Object attributes
                8. Serializing objects
                  1. Description
                9. Objects methods
                  1. Description
              3. Functions and methods
                1. Invoking functions
                2. Defining functions
                3. Function arguments and parameters
                4. Parameters and return values
                5. Functions as namespace
                6. Closure
                7. Function properties
                8. Methods
                9. Function constructor
              4. Classes and modules
                1. Classes and prototypes
                2. Constructors
                3. Defining a class
                  1. Using a function
                  2. Using object literals
                4. Classes in the ECMA5 script
                5. Modules
              5. Inheritance
                1. Prototype chaining
                  1. Description
                2. Constructor stealing
                  1. Description
                3. Combination inheritance
                  1. Description
                4. Prototypal inheritance
                  1. Description
                5. Parasitic inheritance
                  1. Description
                6. Parasitic combination inheritance
                  1. Description
                7. Subclasses
              6. Built-in objects
                1. Global objects
                  1. Description
                2. Date object
                  1. getTime()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  2. getMilliseconds()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  3. getMinutes()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  4. getHours()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  5. getDate()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  6. getDay()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  7. getMonth()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  8. getFullYear()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  9. Set date methods
                3. Math object
                  1. min()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  2. max()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  3. random()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  4. round()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  5. ceil()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  6. floor()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                4. The RegExp object
                  1. Parameters
                  2. Returns
                  3. Description
                    1. Defining a regular expression
                    2. RegExp constructor
                    3. Literal syntax
                5. String object
                  1. Match(pattern)
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  2. Replace(pattern)
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  3. Split(pattern)
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  4. search(pattern)
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                6. Array objects
                  1. .Pop()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  2. .Push()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  3. .ToString()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  4. .ValueOf()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  5. .Join()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  6. .Splice()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  7. .sort()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  8. .reverse()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  9. .slice()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                  10. .concat()
                    1. Parameters
                    2. Returns
                    3. Description
                    4. 11. Extending JavaScript and ECMAScript 6
                      1. Compatibility and goals
                      2. JavaScript subset and extensions
                        1. JavaScript subsets
                          1. Secure subsets
                            1. ADsafe
                            2. Dojox
                            3. Caja
                            4. FBJS
                            5. Microsoft's web sandbox
                        2. JavaScript extensions
                        3. Const
                        4. Let
                        5. Destructuring assignment
                        6. For each
                        7. Iterator
                        8. Generators
                        9. Array
                        10. Generator expression
                      3. Scoped variables and constants
                      4. Shorthand functions
                      5. Multiple catch clauses
                        1. The try clause
                        2. The catch clause
                        3. The finally clause
                      6. E4X – ECMAScript for XML
                      7. ECMAScript 6 features
                        1. Arrow functions
                        2. Classes
                        3. Enhanced object literals
                          1. Property initializer shorthand
                          2. Method initializer shorthand
                        4. Template strings
                          1. Basics
                          2. Multiline strings
                        5. Destructuring assignment
                          1. Array destructuring
                          2. Object destructuring
                        6. Extended parameter handling
                          1. Default parameter
                          2. Rest parameter
                          3. Spread operator
                        7. Bindings
                        8. Iterators and the for...of operator
                        9. Generators
                        10. Better Unicode support
                        11. Modules
                        12. Module loaders
                          1. Loader methods
                        13. Collections
                          1. Sets
                          2. Maps
                            1. Map.prototype.clear()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            2. Map.prototype.delete()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            3. Map.prototype.entries()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            4. Map.prototype.forEach()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            5. Map.prototype.get()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            6. Map.prototype.has()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            7. Map.prototype.keys()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            8. Map.prototype.set()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            9. Map.prototype.values()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                          3. WeakMap
                            1. WeakMap.prototype.clear()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameters
                              3. Description
                            2. WeakMap.prototype.delete()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameters
                              3. Description
                            3. WeakMap.prototype.get()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameters
                              3. Description
                            4. WeakMap.prototype.has()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameters
                              3. Description
                            5. WeakMap.prototype.set()
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameters
                              3. Description
                          4. Weakset
                            1. WeakSet.prototype.add(someValue)
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            2. WeakSet.prototype.delete(someValue)
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                            3. WeakSet.prototype.has(someValue)
                              1. Returns
                              2. Parameter
                              3. Description
                        14. Proxies
                        15. Symbols
                        16. Subclassable built-ins
                        17. Promises
                          1. Promise.All()
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          2. Promise.prototype.catch()
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          3. Promise.resolve(value)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                              1. Using the then method
                              2. Chaining
                          4. Promise.reject(value)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          5. Promise.race(value)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                        18. Core math library APIs
                        19. Binary and octal literals
                        20. Reflect API
                          1. Reflect.get(target, prop, [receiver])
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          2. Reflect.set(target, prop, value, [receiver])
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          3. Reflect.has(target, prop)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          4. Reflect.apply(target, receiver, args)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          5. Reflect.construct(target, args)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          6. Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          7. Reflect.defineProperty(target, prop, desc)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          8. Reflect.getPrototypeOf(target)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          9. Reflect.setPrototypeOf(target, newProto)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          10. Reflect.deleteProperty(target, prop)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          11. Reflect.enumerate(target)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          12. Reflect.preventExtensions(target)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          13. Reflect.isExtensible(target)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                          14. Reflect.ownKeys(target)
                            1. Returns
                            2. Parameter
                            3. Description
                        21. Tail calls
                          1. Example
                    5. 12. Server-side JavaScript – NodeJS
                      1. File and process management
                        1. Modules
                          1. require()
                            1. Return value
                            2. Description
                          2. module.exports
                            1. Return value
                            2. Description
                        2. The OS module
                          1. hostname()
                            1. Description
                          2. cpus()
                            1. Description
                          3. networkInterfaces()
                            1. Description
                        3. The process module
                          1. stdout
                            1. Description
                          2. stderr
                            1. Description
                          3. stdin
                            1. Description
                          4. argv
                            1. Description
                          5. Signal events
                            1. Description
                          6. process.env
                            1. Description
                          7. kill
                            1. Description
                          8. pid
                            1. Description
                          9. cwd
                        4. File functions
                          1. __filename
                            1. Description
                          2. __dirname
                            1. Description
                          3. The file module
                          4. stat
                            1. Description
                          5. open
                            1. Description
                          6. read
                            1. Description
                          7. readFile
                            1. Description
                          8. close
                            1. Description
                          9. write
                            1. Description
                          10. writeFile
                            1. Description
                          11. appendFile
                            1. Description
                        5. The path module
                          1. normalize
                            1. Description
                          2. join
                            1. Description
                          3. resolve
                            1. Description
                          4. relative
                            1. Description
                          5. dirname
                          6. basename
                            1. Description
                          7. extname
                        6. REPL
                          1. node
                            1. Description
                        7. Handling errors
                          1. Types of errors
                          2. Error design patterns
                      2. Utilities
                        1. Events
                          1. EventEmitter
                            1. Description
                          2. on
                            1. Description
                          3. once
                          4. removeListener
                            1. Description
                          5. removeAllListeners
                            1. Description
                          6. setMaxListeners
                          7. emit
                        2. Crypto
                          1. createHash
                            1. Description
                          2. The hash object
                            1. Description
                          3. pbkdf2
                            1. Return Type
                            2. Description
                          4. randomBytes
                            1. Return type
                            2. Description
                          5. pseudoRandomBytes
                            1. Return Type
                            2. Description
                        3. Buffer
                          1. Buffer creation
                            1. Return value
                            2. Description
                          2. index
                            1. Return Value
                            2. Description
                          3. toString
                            1. Return Value
                            2. Description
                          4. toJSON
                            1. Return Value
                            2. Description
                          5. isBuffer
                            1. Return Value
                            2. Description
                          6. write
                            1. Return value
                            2. Description
                          7. byteLength
                            1. Return value
                            2. Description
                          8. readUInt
                            1. Return Value
                            2. Description
                          9. writeUInt
                            1. Description
                        4. Console
                          1. log
                            1. Description
                          2. dir
                            1. Description
                          3. time and timeEnd
                            1. Description
                          4. trace
                            1. Description
                        5. npm (Node Package Manager)
                          1. init
                            1. Description
                          2. package.json
                            1. Description
                          3. install
                            1. Description
                          4. update
                            1. Description
                          5. shrinkwrap
                            1. Description
                          6. run
                            1. Description
                        6. Stream
                          1. Readable
                            1. read
                              1. Return value
                              2. Description
                            2. setEncoding
                              1. Description
                            3. resume and pause
                              1. Description
                            4. pipe
                              1. Return Value
                              2. Description
                          2. writable
                            1. write
                              1. Return value
                              2. Description
                              3. Description
                              4. The net module
                                1. createServer
                                  1. Return value
                                  2. Description
                                2. net.Server
                                  1. listen
                                    1. Description
                                  2. close
                                    1. Description
                                  3. address
                                    1. Description
                                  4. getConnections
                                    1. Return Value
                                    2. Description
                                  5. connect
                                    1. Return value
                                    2. Description
                                  6. net.Socket
                                    1. connect
                                      1. Description
                                    2. write
                                      1. Description
                                    3. end
                                      1. Description
                                      2. The HTTP module
                                        1. createServer
                                          1. Return Value
                                          2. Description
                                        2. http.Server
                                          1. listen
                                            1. Description
                                          2. close
                                            1. Description
                                          3. Events
                                            1. request
                                              1. Description
                                            2. close
                                            3. upgrade
                                              1. Description
                                        3. IncomingMessage
                                          1. headers
                                            1. Description
                                          2. method
                                            1. Description
                                          3. url
                                            1. Description
                                          4. data
                                            1. Description
                                        4. ServerResponse
                                          1. writeHead
                                            1. Description
                                          2. statusCode
                                            1. Description
                                          3. setHeader
                                            1. Description
                                          4. write
                                            1. Description
                                          5. end