
The power of CSS is mind-boggling; not only can we do amazing animations just with CSS, but CSS can also handle three-dimensional designs.

Let's check out the properties that allows us to do so.


The perspective CSS property defines the distance between the screen and the user in the Z axis, and it looks like this:

perspective: 300px;


Keep in mind that the perspective property is applied to the parent element in order to enable a 3D canvas or space in which its child elements will move.

This property accepts a keyword value, normal, and a length value.


No perspective is defined on the parent element.

Length value

This is when we use one of the following units: px, em, in, mm, cm, vw, and so on.

The lower the value, the closer the elements will move in the Z axis. Thus, the perspective is more pronounced. With higher values, the perspective effect is less intense.


/*Enable perspective for child elements by applying it on the parent container*/
.parent-container { perspective: 300px; }
/*Child element will move in a 3D plane*/
.parent-container .element { transform: rotateX(170deg); }


The perspective-origin CSS property defines the origin of the X and Y axis of an element in a 3D space, and it looks like this:

Perspective-origin: 24% center;


This is what is known as the vanishing point used by the perspective property. The perspective-origin property supports a combination of three types of value: a length value, a percentage value, and five keyword values in both X and Y axes.

Length value

This is when we use one of the following units: px, em, in, mm, cm, vw, and so on.

Percentage value

This is when we use percentages like 50%, 85%, and so on.

Keyword values

The five keyword values are top, right, bottom, left, and center.


Adding to the prior CSS from the perspective example:

/*Enable perspective for child elements by applying it on the parent container*/
/*The origin of the perspective X and Y-axis*/
.parent-container {
  perspective: 300px;
  perspective-origin: 24% center;
/*Child element will move in a 3D plane*/
.parent-container .element { transform: rotateX(170deg); }


The backface-visibility CSS property defines whether the rear face of an element that's facing the viewer is visible or not, and it looks like this:

backface-visibility: hidden;


The backface-visibility property supports two self-explanatory keyword values: visible and hidden.


And finalizing the prior example from the perspective-origin example:
/*Enable perspective for child elements by applying it on the parent container*/
/*The origin of the perspective X and Y-axis*/
.parent-container {
  perspective: 300px;
  perspective-origin: 24% center;
/*Child element will move in a 3D plane*/
/*The backside of the element will not be visible*/
.parent-container .element {
  transform: rotateX(170deg);
  backface-visibility: hidden;
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