Chapter 1. HTML Elements

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a language that annotates text. Annotation of text is done using elements. Using the following p element, as an example, we will see how to use HTML:

<p>This is an example</p>

HTML elements also have attributes that will modify how they are rendered or interpreted. Attributes are added inside of the starting tag. Here is the class attribute in a div element:

<div class="example">This is an example</div>

There have been multiple specifications of HTML so far, but we will just look at the most commonly used and important elements of HTML5. HTML5 is the latest official specification, so we will be as future-proof as possible at the time of writing this book. You will want to follow the specifications of HTML as closely as possible. Most browsers are very forgiving and will render your HTML, but when you go beyond the specifications, you can and will run into strange rendering issues.


All HTML elements will have global attributes. The attributes listed for each element in the sections that follow are the attributes beyond the global attributes.


The DOCTYPE element defines the document type of the file, as follows:

<!DOCTYPE documentType>


The documentType attribute that you can see in the preceding code lets the browser know the type of document you will use.


HTML5 has a simple document type declaration, <!DOCTYPE html>. This lets the browser know that the document is HTML5. The previous versions of HTML needed a formal definition of the version being used, but HTML5 has removed this for simplicity.

Most browsers will enforce strict adherence to the document type declared and try and figure out what it is based on looking at the document. This can lead to rendering issues, so it is recommended that you do follow the standards.

Here is an HTML5 declaration:

<!DOCTYPE html>
..................Content has been hidden....................

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