
Book Description

Apple has made it easy to get started developing for iOS out of the box. To access the true power of iOS, however, you need to go beyond these simple tools and APIs. Experienced app developer Shawn Welch teaches you how to tap into the true potential of iOS by incorporating some of the most powerful technologies it has to offer.

Using Core Data and iCloud, you'll learn how to store information locally and sync seamlessly across multiple devices and platforms. Leverage iOS 5's new Twitter APIs, which provide painless Twitter and OAuth support using the new Accounts framework. Use Location Services to incorporate new iOS 5 features, such as reverse geolocation lookup and region notifications. Incorporate rich media into  your apps using Graphics, Animation, Audio, Video, and post-processing photo filters and analysis through Core Image. Finally, explore Newsstand, which lets you create your own periodical content and push new content to devices, even when the app is not running.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Dedication Page
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Contents
  6. Welcome to iOS 5 Core Frameworks
  7. 1. iOS Frameworks
  8. Part I: Your Data and the Cloud
    1. 2. Core Data
    2. 3. iCloud
  9. Part II: Location and Account Services
    1. 4. Core Location and Map Kit
    2. 5. System Accounts and Native Twitter APIs
  10. Part III: Graphics, Images, and Animation
    1. 6. Core Graphics
    2. 7. Core Image
    3. 8. Core Animation
  11. Part IV: Multimedia: Audio and Video
    1. 9. Core Audio
    2. 10. AV Foundation
  12. Part V: iOS 5 Newsstand Apps
    1. 11. Newsstand Kit
  13. Index